Hearing the melodious voice in her ears, she also felt a healing feeling in her heart, and Ye Shenyue suddenly had an idea.Since Yu's magic power can strongly interfere with facts, what would happen if he, who had endured all the magic power at this time, said something that would invalidate the Queen's curse on Chris's becoming a middle-aged uncle. ?

Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue quickly poked the smiling Ariel.

"Ara...Does Ye Ye want to harass others while he and Lucais-sama are going up to sing? Right now it happens that only the two of us are together~~" Yuu, who was standing on the upper steps with his mind in his mind Moving away, Ariel looked at Ye Shenyue's mouth with a beautiful arc.It was still the same soft and charming tone that Ye Shenyue said was itching in her heart.

It's just that now is not the time to make a mistake, didn't you see the current Yuu constantly shooting his eyes in this direction even when he was standing on the stage?

Is it clear that there are any improper actions to monitor him?

Ye Shenyue hasn't been so stupid as to throw herself into the net. Of course, if she wants to do something small, she must do it when the moon is dark and the wind is high, and when there is no one under the moon, doing it now is simply looking for a draw.

Taking out Yu's small notebook, Ye Shenyue wrote down her thoughts, but he thought it was feasible, but saw Ariel shaking her head slightly.

"Although the magic power of Lord Lucais is very strong, and the ability of words can also change the world, to lift the curse on Chris, what is required is definitely not a slight "curse disappears", because the Queen's The power is great...the same existence as Lucius-sama."

Of course, Ariel also suggested that if Ye Shenyue can say "the curse disappears" more than a dozen times... that's okay, as long as he can endure the incomparably severe continuous headache that comes after the words are spoken. .

It hurts a dozen times in a row, and forget it.

Ye Shenyue flinched. This kind of pain is something that only non-humans can endure. Does he have to suffer more than a dozen times in a row?Or according to the plot, let Haruna absorb magic from Yu.

This is the safest way. The only thing I can't help is Haruna-chan, the magic power that I finally accumulated has to disappear.

"Miaozi? ... Miaozi? Are you all right?"

Listening to Yuu's deeply rooted songs, which seemed to be able to cleanse people's hearts, Mihara found that Taeko, who was standing beside her, seemed to faint again, and Taeko was talking about "lolicon" again.

Mihara tried her best to look into the distance, and really found out what made her friend faint again. She only saw the front, and right in front, there was a familiar figure.

And that familiar figure was actually wearing a woman's armor, and beside him, there was a little girl standing pretty, and the little girl with silver hair and two ponytails looked at the boy with a smile.

Isn't that the guy who accidentally snatched her chubby kiss, and just gave Taeko artificial respiration just before!

It's just that he hasn't seen him for a while, and his interest has actually shifted from lolicon to women's clothing. Huh... No, it should be both.

Who is that little girl?never seen...

The capable Mihara thought deeply.

Chapter 0066 Night

Soon, after Yu's successful singing, the otaku who was excited by Haruna's bad song and the other swimmers who were miserable smiled contentedly.This is a truly soothing song.

"Forget it...even if I lose this time..."

Silas, who had lost to Haruna before, let out a long sigh. Facing Yu's performance, she had nothing to say.But "I won't lose again next time!"

The scene will continue to be said.

But at this time, Ye Shenyue was being held back by the bald producer.

"Mr. Aikawa...that girl is...she is a rough stone, definitely a rough stone! It will definitely shine...please give me her contact number..."

Didn't you say that Haruna was like this before?Why did you change the superior?Where did the producer's perseverance go?

Ye Shenyue complained in her heart.He suddenly wondered if he should give Silas another producer.

It's just that after seeing Ariel sauce who seems to be waiting for him in the background, Ye Shenyue quickly prevaricates the producer, trying to get away quickly, of course, the premise is that You will not join the entertainment industry.

This is the basis for cooperation with the producer. If the other party does not agree, the investment will be withdrawn immediately.

Compared with the cunning and cunning producer who focuses on profit, Ye Shenyue is still a little immature, but he seized the profit and dispelled the producer's idea with profit. The development prospect, the producer can completely ignore Ye Shenyue's investment and go all out to pursue the best, but now it is different, he has seen the money in Ye Shenyue's card, he is definitely a big investor, and he is a top producer. I went to beg my grandma to hold my feet and find a few.

Therefore, after weighing it again and again, the producer agreed with tears, but just when he wanted to continue to ask another girl whose popularity soared with her bad song, he found that Yashenyue had disappeared...

"Ariel-chan...Did you stay here on purpose to wait for me?"

Ye Shenyue looked around and saw that there was no danger, and there was no other MiShaov she knew well before she ran to the lovely and charming teacher.The current big teacher is still wearing that cute light white suspender skirt that looks like a primary school student. Maybe he is afraid to walk and put on a pure white coat. Instead of adding any old-fashionedness, it adds countless points. cuteness index.

"If Ye Ye thinks it's...that's it..."

In fact, this time Ariel is not all waiting for Yagami, she is very optimistic about a bad song by her student Haruna-chan. Although this time it almost made the rest of the guests who are not otaku go crazy, but overall the performance is still very good. of.

As a good teacher, it is also necessary to give praise to good students in a timely manner.

So, just now, she just went to praise Haruna-chan before waiting for Ye Shenyue here.

"Uh... Can I not use the name Ye Ye..."

The big teacher always likes to tease him!

Even though she hasn't found the lost memory yet, Yagami still feels sensitively that her former relationship with Ariel must have been passive and molested.Such as the current sentence, "If he thinks it is..."

To be so ambiguous, to say that there is nothing is the same as having it.

There is also this name called "Yeye", which is too embarrassing, that is, there are wood you who call girls!

"If it's not called Ye Ye, how about calling it Yueyue?"

Ariel blinked her beautiful eyes at Ye Shenyue, as if she had come up with a very constructive and commendable method.

"Uh...forget it..."

Ye Shenyue was depressed and called him Yueyue... It might as well be Ye Ye...

"Hee hee... It's the same as the original performance~~ It's really cute~~ If you are a little bit tougher, maybe people will call you Ye Shenyue... Hee hee..."

The big teacher smiled charmingly, and continued to say without waiting for Ye Shenyue to post, "Okay... It's been a long time since I came out today, it's time to go back... Oh, yes, finally, I would like to advise Ye Ye, Chris has been monitoring Yeye's life all the time, and according to the current speed of Yeye's harem, it should... um... should soon reappear in front of Ye Ye with her true face."

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