Chris is coming soon?

Ye Shenyue was silent. If she met Chris, would she find her lost memories?

Gaia's little loli said to let him get his memory back, but if he really got it back, will all the current things and everything with You and the others disappear?

For some reason, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a little more melancholy.

"This unruly ass!"

Silas, who was beaten by the new Haruna-chan and Yu-chan in succession, was depressed, but saw that the butt he had fallen in love with actually went to be with the new MiShaov again, Silas wanted to go there, but suddenly stopped again. .

"Silas Buddy, what's the matter?"

As a vampire ninja, the requirements for observation are very high, so Sera saw the wrong expression on Sylas's face at a glance, and asked with concern.

"'s okay...let's go..."

Silas shook his head and involuntarily pulled Sierra, who was still a little confused, away.

Just secretly sent a text message...

"Where's the idiot? It's obvious that Chunnai-chan said it so dazzlingly just now... I don't know if he saw Chunna-chan's performance..."

At the entrance of the swimming pool, Xiaochunna-chan's little head was shaking around, but she didn't find Ye Shenyue's figure.There was even depression in her words, she finally got so dazzling, and when it was over, that idiot Abu disappeared.

"Are you right... Necromancer... Now even Ye Zinu doesn't know where to go..."

However, Yu didn't say anything, because she had already got enough, and she didn't need to continue to say yes, when she was singing on stage, she kissed Ye Shenyue, maybe it was a spur of the moment, maybe she heard Haruna's teacher say The matter of Chris made her heart faintly depressed, but that was definitely a physical movement, and when she woke up, she realized that she had already kissed.

After a song, looking at the people under the stage, the people who were soothed, and the corners of his mouth raised, You felt that she had been rewarded.When the armor was transmitted back, the endless magic power returned to the body.

But at this time, when she was wearing the armor, she was kissed on the forehead, and it was the same person who was kissed by that person.

In that instant, she knew she had the best and most satisfying praise.

Enough is enough, everything is enough.

Ps: Back to school, so there is less time for coding, but there will be no less time for one update every day.

Chapter 0067

this is?After a chaotic day, Ye Shenyue returned to her bed a little tired.The things at the swimming pool during the day were really charming, and there was more than one thing that made him excited. First, Silas really took the hairpin he gave, and then unexpectedly kissed Taeko.Finally, I heard Yuu's voice.

Yuu's voice is really gentle.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but hug the quilt tightly, but at this time, she saw the phone flicker.

Reaching out to open the phone, he found a whole row of information, all of which were exactly the same. Opening one of them made Ye Shenyue's heart beat a little faster.

"Come to my house at 8 o'clock tonight. If you don't come... I will directly castrate you when we meet tomorrow!"

Looking at the sender's name, Silas Bardi, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a sense of confusion.How did Silas suddenly want him to come to her house?

Looked at the time, 8:59!A whole hour has passed!Silas should not have gone crazy now!

"Beep beep..."

Another message came.

"It's actually late... If you don't come tonight, you'll be waiting tomorrow... Anyway, I just want my ass! The last 10 minutes!"


What do you mean as long as a fart?But if she really doesn't go now, maybe... maybe Silas can really do it. She seems to only look at her butt and not people. If she really lacks something very important... ...For her, it really doesn't seem to matter.

go?Still not going?

If you go, you will be punished for being late. If you don't go...that is about to face the "threat" that exists all the time, destroying human nature, Ye Shenyue surrendered very spinelessly, but went to see Silas , I can't let Yu and the others know, from Yu's kiss in the swimming pool, Yagami knew very well, it seems that Xiaoyou is also jealous, and as for Sera or Haruna who have been blackened, they are more vinegar jars , if you let them know that they are going to "tryst" with other women, wouldn't the whole family be blackened?


Now, none of them have been successfully attacked. How can he be punished by heaven like Brother Cheng, who has stepped on several boats?

Lightly opened the window and climbed onto the crossbar of the window, Ye Shenyue instantly exerted her ability to control her limbs to the extreme, and jumped down lightly, yes, now he is floating, just pulled the curtain just to block Holding the light emitted by Mistertin's transformation, once he transforms, all his strength and agility can reach an unimaginable height.

Only in this way can I jump from the window on the second floor to the outside of the road without making a noise and avoid Sera, who has been acting after a lot of trouble. If Sera knows, Haruna and Yu will naturally know, and then the three of them start to blacken. journey of.


With a small voice that couldn't be quieter, Ye Shenyue successfully landed on the ground. It was successful, without attracting anyone's attention. Ye Shenyue secretly sighed in relief, and then ran quickly, targeting Silas's residence.

"Oh...I'm you want to apologize by being naked?"

Just rushed to the apartment where Silas was temporarily staying, picked up a small stone and threw it at the window. Hearing the sound, Silas opened the window and saw the naked Yagami, but there was no expression on his face.However, Yagami, who is also very sensitive to her buttocks, saw it, and it seemed that Silas's eyes gradually shifted to his own buttocks!

It's really ass love!

"Uh... this is also a last resort."

Yagami was panting. Who told Silas to come over in 10 minutes?

10 minutes is just ridiculous. Silas's apartment is half an hour away from his cabin if he uses a car, but she actually wants him 10 minutes. At this time, can't he run wild?And Mistertin was forgotten by him in the room. When the time was up, the transformation was released, and he naturally turned into a naked body.

Fortunately, there are no familiar people along the way now, otherwise, it must be ashamed and ashamed now.

It's just that the truth is really as smooth as Yagami Yue thought?

The route he runs with all his strength is not an ordinary road, but a roof, because the roads are divided according to the location of the residential area, and a road may be around a house. Yagami chose to jump from the roof, from roof to roof, and finally reach Silas's apartment.

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