"Hey...beautiful...are you waiting for someone?"

Ye Shenyue was definitely the kind of person who wouldn't die if she didn't die. Even though she was threatened by Aihua and coerced by the president, she had the audacity to photograph his beautiful woman who was facing her back.

Go straight to chat.

I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful woman around her home, Ye Shenyue's heart was bound by Aihua and the others for a while, "Of course she's waiting for someone... Obviously it's a date, but you make the girl wait for so long, how dare you It's really big..."

The girl with a big brown beret turned around at once, but what she showed was not the surprise, shyness or anger that Ye Shenyue had planned in her mind. Ye Shenyue secretly smiled.

This smile is very beautiful, but it is the rose with thorns!

Because this face gave Ye Shenyue a great shock, it didn't mean that she was not good-looking, she was good-looking and was a face that he was very familiar with.

This is... President!Sango Shizuku!

I finally figured out that the beauty that the two boys discussed before... the feeling is the president!

Indeed, the president at the moment is indeed very beautiful, indeed a beautiful girl, otherwise, he would not have been rated as one of the two beauties on campus by the "Beautiful Girl Research Association" of Jiyou.

It's just that the president wore a beret and hid the black long straight, no wonder he couldn't see it.

Ye Shenyue scolded herself in her heart, and was about to put on a smile and an excuse not to embarrass herself, but the president glanced at him and shook his head first.

"Hmph... Forget it... I didn't have much hope for you..."

The president shrugged, then put one hand over his head.

"what are you going to do?"

Ye Shenyue looked at her behavior strangely.

However, the president's actions did not stop because of his inquiry, but instead accelerated. Her slender fingers touched the large beret on her head and took off the beret.

Not to mention the three thousand blue silk, but the scene of the beautiful and supple black hair pouring down like a waterfall still shocked Ye Shenyue...

Very beautiful, the president is really beautiful.This black long straight head is the most important feature of the president, and it is also a point that fascinates him.He found that there seemed to be a faint plot in his heart, and he liked girls who were long and straight, just like the nobleman in kimono who was attached to the bright and pink cherry tree in the world of April. Like the women, they all have long, slender black hair.Very elegant.

"It's finally more comfortable..."

The president took off his hat, and then poked Ye Shenyue very unladylike, "Did you just recognize me as someone else? Also a beauty... Hey... This title can really be called out, if I'll report your frivolous behavior to senpai... Then... hehe..."

Maybe it was because of someone's "admitting mistakes", so the president was in a good mood and his eyes were wide open, but the words he said were so terrifying.

"Cough cough... That... Since we're all here... let's go to other places first... After all, discussing Feng's identity is a secret..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't take it anymore, and immediately changed the subject and suggested.

This president will really threaten him!only threaten him!

"Hehe...you can...but...before this, should you stretch out your arm?"

The president pointed to the surroundings and saw that there were couples all around, and all of them were girls holding their boyfriends' arms, so they seemed a little different.

Moreover, the president's appearance is also excellent, and the eyes that this attracts are really not ordinary.And Ye Shenyue also noticed that some boys were pinched by their girlfriends because they looked at the president.

It's just that they'll know what they can know?The president beside him is a guy who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!


Ye Shenyue stretched out her arm depressedly, and then the president's hand gently held it up.It has to be said that Ye Shenyue was reluctant to say 1.9 in her mouth, but her heart suddenly moved, and as soon as the president leaned over, the aura that made people's hormones secrete at overdrive floated over.

The chairman's little hands are really soft.

Ye Shenyue's gaze moved down slightly.

However, Yagami Yue, who was holding his arm, didn't know that when he was forced to make a "couple" by the president, a chestnut long and shoulder-length man with a round circle was just walking with a puppy. The cute girl with glasses covered her mouth all of a sudden.


With the surprised expressions on the other's faces, he just turned around and left.Very tearful feeling.

Why is this happening... Mingming... Yesterday I decided to try my best to compete once, but now...

They are already dating!

Somehow the classmate Hongyin lost the courage.The last time was Rang Aihua and this time it was the president, and she burst into tears again.

People with weak personalities are always bullied, and she naturally couldn't see the corners of the president's mouth curling up in front of her.

This is the expression of a successful conspiracy.

ps: This is two updates and one update, and there is another update in the early morning.

Chapter 0204 Date it, President (one more)

"what happened?"

Ye Shenyue felt a little surprised by the strange behavior of the president's steps, and then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

"It's nothing...just scaring a little female cat..."

His brows twitched slightly, and he spoke softly with a confident expression.

"Little female cat?"

Ye Shenyue's face is full of doubts, what is this president talking about?She always has something in her words, and he would never know that the president's action of taking off his hat is to show his true body, so that Hongyin recognizes her at first glance, and then guesses that the relationship between the two finally burst into tears.

If he knew it, he would definitely be speechless. He didn't expect that the president would really listen to Aihua's words and try to break up his new relationship, but she herself... seems to be deeply involved in it.

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