"you do not need to know……"

The chairman's hand holding Ye Shenyue's arm tightened slightly, and Ye Shenyue felt it immediately, and felt a beautiful touch from the back of his arm.

The president made such a move to let him take advantage of it... Is this for?

Ye Shenyue is not the kind of stupid person who can ask questions. Since the president does this and he won't lose a piece of meat, so...

Just accept it silently.

Ye Shenyue seemed to have found nothing, "How about we go there?"

Before he knew it, he and the president had come to the street, and then Ye Shenyue pointed at it. It was a coffee shop, a very romantic place, but it was also a place where two people could share a table and chat about some private things together.

This is a very suitable place to talk about the true identity of Shacangfeng.

"Take me to that?"

However, the president shook his head and seemed very dissatisfied.

"I really can't help you... How could such a place be suitable..."

The chairman showed a proud expression, and then took out a marked note from the small bag he was carrying.

"Let's go forward for one kilometer first, then walk two kilometers to the left after an hour, and finally walk one kilometer in the direction of Wang Dongbei."

The president took out the paper very quickly, and then read it out directly, with an irresistible tone, "If you don't agree, then I will tell Aihua-senpai that you stole me."

"And when I was with my senior, I often heard from her that she thought of a lot of tricks that could be put on her boyfriend, such as artificial shaved ice, the kind that would freeze blood..."

What is a threat?This is and is a clear threat!

Just wait for him to jump in!

Ye Shenyue stared at her and made an effort to recall how the senior senpai replied to the president.After being silent for about ten seconds, he finally gave up. Who told him to feel guilty?

However, he was also a little curious about the place the president thought was suitable for discussing secrets. He suddenly rejected his proposed coffee shop. Could there be a more suitable place?

Fits well, indeed.

It's dark all around, sitting in a dark corner, no one pays attention to this side, it's really suitable for whispering, because this is a place where you don't have to be afraid of leaking. √ Because.

Here is a movie theater!

"Do you want to eat?"

The chairman was holding a large bag of popcorn in his hand, and his eyes were staring at the Romeo and Juliet-like love story that was being shown in front of him. Seeing Yagami Yue lowered his head suddenly, he handed the popcorn in his hand. .

"President... This is not the same as what we said!"

Ye Shenyue ignored this seemingly delicious popcorn. He wasn't a foodie, how could he be bought off as easily as Tohka?

He just felt cheated!

"We agreed to discuss Feng's secret... For example, does she have two personalities or something..."

"A secret?"

However, the president's voice rose slightly, "I think... you seem to be mistaken!"

Very sharp lines.

"This time, I brought you on a date. Telling Feng's secret is just a sideline... oh no, it should be secondary..."

The chairman's eyes suddenly sharpened. "Don't you want me to tell Aihua-senpai that you are dating another girl just to find out a girl's secret? Tsk tsk tsk... This is so courageous..."


Ye Shenyue stared at her, yes, arguing with women is the most boring, because arguing with them will only lose!

It was only now that he knew why the president was the president.

This ruthlessness is really not ordinary.

He even gambled on himself. He was dating another girl. Isn't that what he was talking about?

If she talked to Aihua, wouldn't she also suffer?

Only 373 are.

Ye Shenyue looked at the serious expression she made, this woman might really be able to do it.

This is a woman who can kill eight hundred and kill three thousand enemies!

"I can't speak..."

The president looked at the constantly changing expression on Ye Shenyue's face.But he smiled softly, "Don't say I bullied you... Be nice, I'll tell you what you want to know after the date is over..."

The president gently squeezed Ye Shenyue's face.Her hands were soft and did not really exert any force, but Ye Shenyue felt the shame!

At this moment, he knew what kind of terrible watcher Aihua had found for him.It is said that those who are close to the vermillion are red and those who are close to the ink are black. Can this person be close to Aihuajiang or someone who is good and can be easily fooled?

Go cheating!

Well, since the president said this is a date, let's go on a date!

Ye Shenyue's lower limit exploded in an instant, and then one hand didn't have to learn to just follow the way other boyfriends did to the female partner beside him. The sound of the handkerchief landed on the president's elastic and delicate thighs that he couldn't put down.

Chapter 0205 President, you want to play with fire, right?On (two more)

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