
Ye Shenyue just put his hand on the guild leader's thigh, but his imposing manner startled the guild leader.

Migo Shizuku's brows twitched slightly.

"I can understand that you are provocative? Or to use a more appropriate word, it is called taking advantage!"

The president's face remained calm, but he was surprised in his heart. When did this guy actually have this kind of lust... The guild president didn't doubt that he had a lust for sex, but this kind of courage... In Aihua Xue Under the elder sister's control, how could such a man be pushed back obediently?

In fact, the president underestimated Ye Shenyue too much. He said that if he didn't break out in silence, he would perish in silence. He was bullied to the point of being bullied.

This time, the president bullied him twice, bullied him three times, and made him think of Miss Yuko. If even the president could bully him, wouldn't he be called by Miss Yuko all his life?

Holding the idea of ​​losing the bottom line, Ye Shenyue finally had the idea of ​​​​resisting, saying that the fire of a single star can start a prairie prairie, and he Kazuo immediately thought of a very important point.

Yes, President Shizuku may have brought him here on purpose to play with him, but she seems to have forgotten a little.

Now she is getting close to him. If she told Aihua... well... she might be able to excuse the blame and put the blame on him, but she forgot one thing, that is Ye Shenyue's identity.

Although Aihua is a possessive and powerful woman, she is his girlfriend.

As a girlfriend, Aihua is still very responsible. She has a bad personality, but she still believes in him. Otherwise, she would not go on a date with him hand in hand after knowing that he was hooking up with him, even though the next three minutes But the warm feeling of the two together will not fade.Aihua still enjoys time with him.

Therefore, Aihua will also consider trade-offs.

By then, he was not alone.


Since the president dares to do this, he is still afraid of a ball!

But is it a knife both horizontally and vertically?

Ye Shenyue was someone who had died three times before, and her courage suddenly soared.

"I'm just doing as the locals do... If you don't believe me, look around..."

Ye Shenyue faced the president's accusations without hesitation, which surprised the president again and again, and this guy's courage really grew.


She already knew what kind of scene was around, she just brought him here, and she chose the back row here, as long as it wasn't too much, no matter what she did, ordinary people wouldn't see it.

And this kind of hidden place happens to be a favorite place for couples.Since "Cut...I really don't know what you suddenly figured out..."

The president's uncomfortable voice sounded, and Ye Shenyue instantly felt that it was worth it. The president really wanted to play with him.


Migo Shizuku suddenly grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand, and then stretched out to his...

Yes, in a dark evening, he will grow off~ light, but at that time he was just anxious about XX, but he didn't have any other thoughts to look at and play with, because the president at that time would wake up at any time. come over.So he just vented his desire.

And the excitement now... is actually ten times more exciting than that at that time!

Ye Shenyue's expression was stunned, the president didn't know what he was thinking about, otherwise he would have to break his hand instead of grabbing his hand.

"Sure enough, it's still a little chick...just a little test and it's revealed!"

The chairman's hand was released at once, and then he even took away Ye Shenyue's hand, and the rosy mouth unceremoniously gave him a definition.

...Little...Little chick?

Ye Shenyue didn't know whether to give her a white eye or a black eye when she heard such a name.

If he is still a chick, then what happened last night can be ignored?

Sure enough, the uninformed are the happiest.

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that last night's things were done flawlessly.

"What? Angry?"

The president looked at him for a long time without saying a word, neither watching a movie nor watching her, so he moved him gently.

Ye Shenyue was expressionless.

He has decided to ignore the president.


"Move over a little."

However, the president suddenly grabbed his arm, and he didn't care that he pulled over like this along the way.

It's just that he was pulled over by the president, but he entered a soft embrace.

President this guy actually hugged him!

Do you really think he's a kid?

(Here, the president was in harmony, and he took the initiative to kiss Ye Shenyue.) The president looks very domineering and sophisticated, but when it comes to real confrontation, he looks very clumsy.

Like it was the first time.

No, it should be the first time.

How could this stupid move be the second time?

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