Ariel said with a smile, seeing that everyone's expressions seemed to be a little wrong, and quickly changed her words, "Let's show you his situation next."

I secretly cried in my heart, how did the gloomy aura just now come from?Haruna's magic power hasn't fully recovered yet. It's definitely not her, nor the vampire ninja's. Could it be with Lord Lucais?

Is it...

She was actually... jealous because of such a title?

Ariel was amused in her heart, this look is almost the same as Chris at the beginning.But at that time, Chris was angry and puffed out her cheeks, and this and Lucius-sama... However, they directly used a real attack.

Sure enough, even though she is already very strong, Yuu, who is the center of the world, is still hard to resist.

Seeing that the pressure on himself was suddenly relieved, the big teacher smiled charmingly, and with a little finger, a beautiful mirror appeared.

The mirror suddenly shone with a dazzling white light, and after the dazzling, what caught the eye was an unsightly scene.

I saw a naked teenager looking at the girl in tights who was pressing step by step in a panic.There was a smile on the girl's face, and she held a leather whip in her hand, as if... she was about to slap the boy!

With a flick of the whip, it has been drawn out!


With a light sound, the dazzling light flashed again. After the light flashed, the mirror returned to its original appearance, and it was pitch black.

"Ala... the power is out... I'm so sorry..."

Ariel put away the mirror a little embarrassed.

But at this time, the atmosphere in the field was a little weird.She seemed to see Haruna, Sera, and Yuu with black shadows behind them. Is it blackened?

"Lady Leaf, know where Silas lives!"

"Ah... yeah..."

"Let's go."

You quickly wrote, and then pressed down the pen in his hand heavily, and a beautiful death scythe with radiant brilliance appeared in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Abu actually took the initiative to go to Goua with someone... and chose Goua in the middle of the night...

Absolutely unforgivable!

Either male or female!

"Ah la la... It's really good to be seduced... Chris... You can't blame me... I can't get it, you can't get it either!"

Ariel stood by the window, watching Haruna and the others disappear quickly, and smiled meaningfully.

Chapter 0069 The Battle of the Night God Moon ([-])

All eyes returned to Yagami Yue's side. At this time, Yagami Yue watched Silas advance a little bit in panic.Watching the bright red leather whip in her hand keep dancing.

Ye Shenyue had a very bad premonition. As long as it slowed down for another second, if he didn't respond for a second and couldn't think of any tricks, Silas's "love" whip would definitely come down.

If you really get this whip.Then, he can no longer get rid of the shaking M area!

"It doesn't seem to be a good training, you really don't know how to be a sensible ass..."

Silas stopped and spoke in a serious tone, and continued to slap the whip on the ground.

Do you want to shake M?

Do or not?

Absolutely not!

Ye Shenyue closed her eyes abruptly, making Silas a little surprised. Could it be that he acquiesced and was obedient?

It's now!

Ye Shenyue suddenly let go, "Crack!"

Silas, who was unstoppable and had no defense, was hit to the ground by Ye Shenyue's impact, but at this time, Ye Shenyue suddenly got up, and without any shame, ran directly to the window that was still wide open. go.

"Beautiful curves...hey...don't even try to escape! Someone!"

Silas was knocked to the ground by Ye Shenyue, and her favorite arc was still recalled in her mind, but she watched the window that Ye Shenyue wanted to come up to to escape, and immediately woke up and shouted.

As if responding to Silas, just when Yashenyue was about to hit the window, two young girls stood at the window with their hands outstretched, blocking Yashenyue's way, but the faces of the two girls were full. Some ruddy, although he has undergone intense training in the ninja village, but he has not experienced this training first.

Their ninja village was originally more women than men, and they lived in the dark world all the time, and there were not many boys in contact with them.

It's weird not to blush!

"Close the window! You guys stay outside first!"

As the Zhili boss Silas, he saw the ruddy faces of his subordinates at a glance. Just when Yashenyue was about to rush forward regardless of the two girls, Silas actually ordered the window to be closed, so that Yashenyue would follow The attack was like it was all hitting the marshmallow.

" run again..."

Silas held the whip with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and flashed in front of Ye Shenyue with a flash, the distance between his face and Ye Shenyue's face was only centimeters.

In the distance, Haruna and Yu, who were being led away by Sera, were constantly urging Sera.

"Come on, Ye Zinu... I feel it, Abu must be ravaged by your boss..."

"Chunna, there's nothing you can do if you want me to go faster. I really want to go faster, but this speed is already the limit... I can't go any faster... Huh..."

Sera's speed was very fast, and she had reached the limit that her body could bear, but at this time, she actually discovered that the bottleneck that should have existed for a long time has actually broken through!Speed, can be faster!

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