Because, at this time, Yu didn't write, and his slender hands were holding the death sickle that could write and kill.The azure blue eyes like the sea are fluctuating.Silently read a sentence.With his powerful magic, he interfered with the facts.


The speed has become twice as fast as before!

Ps: The number of words in this chapter is very pitiful... The author also knows it, and I will finish it tomorrow.

Chapter 0070 The Battle of the Night God Moon (Part [-])

" keep running..."

Silas turned his head, his eyes widened for half a minute, and the corners of his mouth gradually turned into a beautiful arc. This disobedient ass actually wanted to escape from her hands. Is she so useless?Even cooked duck can make it fly?


Surprisingly, Ye Shenyue looked dejectedly at the closed window at this time, and sighed in her heart, as long as she was a little quicker, she would be able to escape.

Only this time, looking at the successful smile on the corner of Silas's mouth, for some reason, Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly rose with an aura of resignation, and she stood up abruptly.

"Are you ready to be obedient?"

Faced with Ye Shenyue's sudden change of attitude, it seemed that the other party's personality had become tougher, and Silas was a little stunned, but she still reacted immediately, and said with a smile with a curved corner of her mouth.This resolute look is a bit like the person by the river who made her heart sway for a moment.

In fact, the reason why Silas wanted to train Yagami was not because he saw Yagami, and he hooked up with a new girl. If it's Melshtrom, it's nothing. , She was powerless to her, but the girl with the beautiful silver double ponytail was different, Silas clearly felt the pressure from her.

That's no ordinary pressure, not just pressure from the body and mind.

That girl is strong!As a strong man, even if he didn't deliberately show the aura of a strong man, he could still feel it as a sensitive vampire ninja.Feeling the power that shocked her too, that power is probably more powerful than that of the Night King.

And, that's not the point!

The point is, after her observation, when the unchaste ass is standing with that girl... that's the disadvantage!That is to say, he is being led by the nose!

The man she fancy must not be led by the nose of other women!

This was the reason Silas was really angry, and that's why he was ready to train.

But at this time, he was still shaking like an M, why did he suddenly get tough again?

"Be obedient? forgot...who are you to me?"

She secretly gave herself some kind of hypnosis, Ye Shenyue opened her hands and stretched out her arms, showing a bright and upright appearance. Of course, she had to ignore his current naked appearance.

If this pattern ran out, it would definitely embarrass some shy and cute little girls.

"Of course it's your girlfriend."

For some reason, Silas suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. Was it because the other party suddenly became stubborn, or did he remember the kind of thing that made people blush and heartbeat by the river?

"So...then what's the matter with you holding the whip now! This is definitely not what a qualified girlfriend should do!"

Ye Shenyue was secretly happy in her heart, but she was actually relieved, because under the crisis of whether or not to become a "Shaking M", he finally reached a clear state in his heart, that is to seize the weakness of Silas!

Silas is a fart love, that's right, but her queen's personality is also extreme, she can be very strong, like now, but also can make her behave very tenderly.

That's what it was like that day by the river!

At that time, Silas could definitely do whatever she wanted.But why is Silas' character so strange?Most of the time, the domineering and resolute character prevails, but when will the gentle and lovely Silas be brought back?

This was the answer that Ye Shenyue had to find in an instant. She deeply recalled what happened at that time. Silas was also very domineering at that time, but when he took the initiative to push her, her state changed. !

In other words, at that time she became shy and gentle.

To take advantage of her?

Absolutely not!

If you want to conquer her, you have to be more domineering than her!

At that time, Ye Shenyue pushed her forcefully, and what she showed was domineering!

And now, if you want her to let go of the troubling whip, all she needs is a more domineering spirit than she is at the moment!That is the spirit of a man!

As a senior otaku, Yagami originally had pure admiration for Yu and the others, and took advantage of it when she had the chance, but now, when facing Silas, Yagami found that it was completely unworkable. .

Because Silas is too hard to surrender!

Therefore, he can only be forced to make a trick!

"I... unqualified?"

Silas seemed to be taken aback.

"In my have always been the most qualified...really the most qualified..."

This time, instead of Silas moving towards Yagami, Yagami moved towards Silas.Moving step by step, Silas actually became a little stunned and motionless.

But this is exactly what Ye Shenyue meant.Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and directly pressed Silas' slender, warm palm. With a slight force, she threw the coquettish whip on the ground with a soft sound.

"Most suitable?"

At this moment, Silas was still stunned by the demagogic words Ye Shenyue had just said. When she recovered, she found that the whip in her hand had been thrown to the ground, and just as she was struggling, However, she found that she couldn't even struggle, because at this time Ye Shenyue's face was about to stick to hers.

This guy!Actually took the opportunity to come over!

Silas was stunned, but there was a beautiful pink on his beautiful face. Did he want to kiss her?

Ye Shenyue had never thought that his heart could beat so fast, this time, the frequency of his heart beat was even more intense than when he slept with You!

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