"Another world?"

Even as the most powerful existence, Aihua's magician is still relatively simple, and she doesn't know that Yagami is referring to other worlds.

Aihua only thought that it was just a small probability event that Ye Shenyue moved out, "Okay... Then if it is another world... Then I will forgive you..."

Then I will forgive you.

Just forgive you.

forgive you.

Aihua's words were very light, but Ye Shenyue completely accepted it, as if her whole body was full of vitality.


Ye Shenyue was almost excited to rush up and hug her, as long as he has these words...then he can... be able to return to Kemp's world unharmed!

Love the flower sauce...thank you so much for the shaved ice, although he doesn't like being shaved.

However, although Aihua has a bad personality, she will not forget what she said.

Ye Shenyue immediately became refreshed, he...soon, he was going to return to Kempfa's world...just before he left...

It seems...there is one more thing to do.

Ye Shenyue looked at Aihua's back and made up her mind.In an instant, the color courage surpassed the color center.

ps: The next two chapters return to the world of Kempfa, and soon enter the world of heaven.

Chapter 0225 pretending to be sick (one more)

"Aihua? Why do you still go out at night? Although the security in this area is good...but it's not safe for a girl to go out...Where to go...I'll take you there..."

Mr. Zhenguang didn't study well since he was a child, and his favorite thing was to fight. He often dragged Ye Shenyue to fight with the gangsters around him, so it was quite safe to have him as a bodyguard.


"no need……"

Aihua shook her head, "I asked Chengmei to play together...it's just an ordinary shopping...Do you think your sister is the kind of bad girl who fights with punks all day? Only that kind of person Will be held vengeance by the vengeful punks..."


Classmate Zhenguang was speechless by what she said, and in the end he could only say a few words, "Whatever you want..."

But, is my sister really going shopping?

This really broad classmate will not know.

Aihua walked out, it was not too late, but because of her outstanding appearance, she was still attracting bees and butterflies.

"Little sister... Are you waiting for your boyfriend? You don't have to wait for him... just let my brother come... um..."

A gangster just wanted to grab Aihua's arm, only to find that he somehow flew five meters away and hit the wall.

Is this... a girl who looks weak?

"It's a hassle to look pretty..."

Aihua looked at the gangster who was kicked by her thoughts in disgust, frowned slightly, and her mood suddenly improved, "Speaking of today is Valentine's Day... You can't be disturbed by such trivial matters..."

Yes, it is indeed a small thing.For the most powerful person in this world, it is really not a big deal to just settle a small gangster.

"Beep beep..."

However, when she arrived at the place she had reserved with Ye Shenyue, her phone rang all of a sudden.

That was a message from Ye Shenyue.

"Because of a sudden incident, today's appointment will be cancelled first. You don't have to come to see me."

Need not?

Aihua looked at the screen of her mobile phone, she suddenly smelled the taste of conspiracy, maybe this is the advantage of powerful strength, and she always felt something in her heart.

Could it be that guy Ye Shenyue?

Shouldn't it be Jinwu Zangjiao?

Aihua frowned slightly, then shook her head, Ye Shenyue should not have the courage to do that, she must have felt wrong.

Didn't you say don't let her go?Then she has to go to see what tricks he is up to!

"Dong dong dong..."

Although it is not possible to come here with her eyes closed, Aihuajiang doesn't know how many times she has come to Shenyue's house for the night, plus the idea of ​​"catching rape", she flashed from the alley and appeared at the door of the house. .

Whether Ye Shenyue should be happy that he actually used his power for such a thing, it seems that he occupies a large part of Aihua's heart.

It's a pity that when Aihua knocked on the door, her ears listened carefully, and there was really no sound like "No, hurry up and hide" in the room.

Only the sound of slow footsteps... Slowly?

It was indeed the sound of slowly coming over to open the door.

"Are you... sick?"

Aihua looked at Ye Shenyue, who was holding on with a tired but strong expression, and then looked at the towel on her forehead, and seemed to understand.

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