It's just that the thin little hand grabbed Ye Shenyue's wrist all of a sudden, as if to support him.


Who is this fellow Yeshenyue?The use of power is more slippery than that of Aihua, and with the memory of a hundred years with Ariel, the super magician, how can he still not know what Aihua is doing?

Ai Hua is controlling her power and then searching for his pulse, whether his pulse is normal or not.

That is to say, she is exploring whether he is pretending to be sick!

To actually use this trick on her boyfriend, Ye Shenyue deeply felt hurt, but... Aihua is Aihua... He was indeed pretending to be sick.

After the shaved ice incident, Ye Shenyue got Aihua's "permission" and his "verbal token". He knew that he was about to leave this world, but he just looked at Aihua's exquisite figure... Sure enough, he suddenly became bold.

Although Aihua was directly caught by Alaya into Kempfa's world, it's just that her body is going to commit suicide anyway... So before committing suicide, it should be developed a little... It should be... It shouldn't be too much...

Ye Shenyue thought it was shameful to waste, so she carefully planned this time to pretend to be sick.

First, she lured Aihua to the door with an unusual text message, and then... took the opportunity... pushed her down.

This is a gratifying situation, but the premise is that Aihua is tricked into the house.

Then it's... pretending to be sick!

Ye Shenyue was sealed by the love flower in Kempfa's world, so now she has no power at all. It's really difficult to pretend to have a pulse, but this guy is absolutely unscrupulous to achieve his goals. Several ropes were tied in the covered area, which made the blood in this hand insufficient and looked particularly weak.

And Aihua just searched for it casually, so he didn't find it. He just felt that his pulse was indeed very weak. Could it be that... he was really sick?

"I'll help you... go to bed and rest first."

Aihua is still a girlfriend after all. Although she is a girlfriend who likes to bully people, she helped Fuye Shenyue and slowly walked him towards the direction of the room. It was not the first time that Aihua came here. Shenyue's room is very familiar.


Just when Ye Shenyue was about to put down Ye Shenyue, when Ye Shenyue's arm just touched the bed, the originally weak Ye Shenyue suddenly gained strength, and then directly grabbed Aihua's hand, and then 2.7 her. Pulled under him.

Aihua didn't guard against him in the first place, but this time he really succeeded.

"I didn't expect that your courage is getting bigger and bigger... Even pushing things like this can be done without changing your face..."

Who is Love Flower?

He soon saw Ye Shenyue's "wolf ambition" and said it immediately.

But the only person who answered her was Ye Shenyue's smile, "It's not just me..."

"'s my fault for saying that..."

Somehow, when Aika said those words again, a certain girl named World appeared in Yagami's mind, who slowly turned around and said, "It's my fault for saying that."

ps: The next chapter will return to Kemp's law and then go over it.

Chapter 0226 Return (Second)

"Aihua...I didn't expect you to agree..."

Ye Shenyue didn't expect that such an Aihua with a bad personality would not resist him. Everything was so logical. He planned for a long time and got the "fruit of victory". Now, Yashenyue is lying on his side. , while Aihua slipped on the part of his shoulder, listened to him and raised her head slightly.Then he fought back.

"Could it be that I'm the kind of stubborn person?"

Ye Shenyue was referring to the fact that he pretended to be sick and tricked her into the bed and pushed her, and Aihua was referring to this too.

It's just that Ye Shenyue asked that Aihua didn't resist when he was holding it down. She was the strongest in this world. Pushing him with her power sealed away... Pushing it aside is better than eating. Simple, but she didn't do it.

She actually acquiesced to his behavior, and even cooperated with him.

This kind of obedience is completely inconsistent with the demeanor of Aihuajiang, who has a bad personality, which is why Yashenyue only asks this question.

However, this question was asked 07 only after the fact, and it was enough to see how bad someone's conduct was.

"When your boyfriend is already pretending to be sick and thinking about having a relationship, if he rejects you again, won't you come up with more conspiracies?"

Aihua touched her forehead, "Wouldn't it be very troublesome then..."

She is a troublemaker and likes a simple way of life.

There's some truth to that.

Aihua paused, and then continued, "When I first learned that someone was pretending to be sick, and when I was so despicable and wanted to push it... I was shaken for a moment..."


Ye Shenyue's hand supporting her head didn't move, but the other hand was wandering around the girl's warm skin.

"Well... I'm thinking... Should I break up with you right away!"

"Split... break up?"

It can't be that serious...

Ye Shenyue was a little nervous, her hand on the girl's soft belly almost slipped down, how could Aihua be so ruthless?

He just lowered his head and touched those blue-purple eyes that seemed to be smiling, this guy was playing with him!

It's already at this point and still playing with him, it seems that this evil has gone to the root.

"But ah... I thought that if I broke up, I might be entangled by you... Wouldn't that be too troublesome... So... After thinking about it, I can only choose to swallow it."

Aihua hid in Ye Shenyue's chest and said, as if she made a big concession.

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