Sakurai family...Sakurai family...

This is the Sakurai family!

That is to say...

This is the world of things that fall from heaven!

I'm going!No wonder there is Nimf under the quilt!

No, how could Nimfu be in the quilt!

Even if there is a warmer, it should be Icarus anyway!

Ye Shenyue turned her head stiffly, and then looked at the little Loli who was supposed to be asleep and gently rubbed her eyes, and then the eyes opened little by little with time.

Not only did he see her, she also saw him, and he could see his own reflection in her azure blue eyes.

This is……

He saw that her eyes suddenly widened, and her thin lips were slowly opening, no, the speed of opening this was faster than the speed of opening her eyes!

It's too late!

Ye Shenyue rushed over at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint, but Nimuf still called out, "A pervert!"

As if seeing the most unbelievable panic, the loli shouted directly like this.

At the same time, after this sound, all kinds of restless voices suddenly came out.

"It seems that the Sakurai family's children are really helpless, and even such a small child is abducted home. Now, when did you make such a small child cry so miserably?"

"I think it's better to call the police first..."

"Indeed... hello... hello... this is... our place..."

The speed of the aunts is actually very fast, Nimfu just said a sentence and immediately started infinite associations, and some people called the police!Call the police!


And when the voices of the aunts fell, Ye Shenyue's actions were also done. He blocked the words of "pervert" that a certain loli was about to shout again.

What are you blocking it with?

Of course it is...

He is not that animal yet, he just covered Little Loli's mouth with his hand.

It's just that the little loli at this time actually showed him a sinister expression that didn't match her cute expression. Her mouth moved slightly, and then suddenly opened again.

Bitten like a puppy.

Bleeding, Ye Shenyue is bleeding.To be precise, it was bitten and bleeding.

Ps: There is another update in the early morning.For the unfinished task in the next chapter, please subscribe.

Chapter 0229 Unfinished Mission (One More)

"You are a dog!"

Yagami's strength is constantly recovering, but his pain threshold is not rising. Although he is a little sorry for Lisette, the moment he left the clever girl's world, he bit Lisette into the wound on his arm. cured.Stopped the blood.So the promise that he would have scars all his life can only be interrupted like this.However, as one of the few people who hurt him, Miss Lisette was also labeled in Yagami's heart, but this label was different from the bright label of a cute girl like Yu, hers was black. Label.

But that was only one of his few bleedings, and this time, he was bitten by this little loli and bleeds!

How can it be repaired!

At this moment, no matter how strong the fire of Lolita control was, Ye Shenyue made up her mind, raised her hand reluctantly and prepared to shake off the Lolita.

However, Nimfu seemed to be getting more aggressive with him, but he didn't let go of his mouth no matter what, and bit him firmly!

"Where is this blue goblin... It's obviously a blue piranha!"

Ye Shenyue swayed left and right while Nimf's teeth didn't even loosen, and finally said a little angrily.

"To actually call such a cute girl a piranha, you are so ungentlemanly, no wonder you can only be a pervert!"

However, a strange thing happened. When Nimf spoke, she opened her mouth, which immediately made Yagami Yue succeed.

Ye Shenyue shook her hand, and immediately used the power of luminosity, directly in front of Nimf, and immediately healed herself after the light flashed.

Nimuf, on the other hand, took a napkin from somewhere and slowly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

Then she sat down very ladylike.


Indeed, looking at it like this, she seems to be really ladylike. She is sitting with two small feet, and her lovely long blue hair is naturally falling, which is very cute.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Nimf, and I belong to the beta model. Of course, you can't call me Nimf. You should call me Nimf-sama. Do you understand? You bug!"

As Nimf spoke, she wiped her cute little mouth with her sleeve again, as if she had just bitten something that couldn't be bitten, or something that would be broken once bitten. not pregnant!"

Could it be...pregnant?

If he was still dumbfounded when he was suddenly thrown into this unscrupulous world, and now hearing the word "pregnancy" from this blue-haired, twin-tailed loli's little murmur, then Ye Shenyue was shocked and didn't know what to say.

At first, he thought that he was also a double ponytail loli... well... it seems that Aria, who is a few centimeters taller than this blue-haired goblin, said the words "kiss will get pregnant" The words that shocked the world, and now Nimf's words...

This... is really... so cute without culture!

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