Ye Shenyue is also considered a very receptive person, or in other words, he never knew that he would not die if he did not die, and his head was rumbling.

Nimf is a loli, no doubt about it.

Poor breasts, double ponytails and a little bit of arrogance are really cute things.

Especially in the eyes of lolicons.

"I'm sorry to tell you that our bodies have fused together, and in eight months, our child will be born."

Ye Shenyue also sat down, then reached out and patted Nimuf's small shoulder as if helplessly telling the other party, God knows how much conscience he has to hold back to say this kind of ignorant conscience is completely deceiving Loli. verbal.

And this loli seems to be really good at deceiving.


Miss Nimuf jumped up, "Is it really contaminated by the blood of the satyr?"

Very panicked.But when Ye Shenyue was snickering in her heart, the petite body suddenly sat down, "You really think I'm an idiot like Astrea! Hmph... It seems that the master's words are true, but I can't believe what a pervert like you said, no, it should be that you shouldn't even listen to it."

Nimuf raised her head high, "But if you obediently agree to be my slave, then I might tell you some secrets."

This is a little loli with two ponytails. Her panicked expression disappeared instantly, and she really pretended to act.

Now she talks and then sits down all of a sudden, it seems that sitting is more comfortable than standing...

And Ye Shenyue doesn't care whether she is sitting or standing, what really makes Ye Shenyue care about is her IQ... er... not that, after all, Nimf in the original book is still very clear-headed, so It was so easy to be deceived by him.

It's a bit of a pity in my heart, but the words "being a slave" by Little Loli once again aroused the pain in Ye Shenyue's heart, or it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a scar.

In the world on April [-], Yuko was treated as a wage earner.In the world of Kempfa, he was bullied by Aihua and the president, and he finally raised his eyebrows a little in the world of Peerless Garden.And now it's thrown back into Kempfah's world.

In the end, even the weakest blue-haired little loli can bully him?

Dragons have reverse scales, not to mention Ye Shenyue?

Being bullied and playing with applause again and again, Ye Shenyue couldn't stand it for a long time.

Yagami clenched her fist, and Nimf saw it.

However, she was confident that this guy should not have the guts, but in her gradually shrinking pupils, Ye Shenyue's figure was growing little by little.

"You beast!"

The little tail behind Nimfu Xiaodian immediately flickered, but her speed was still slow in the end, and she was finally caught by Ye Shenyue. To be precise, Ye Shenyue grabbed her wings. can't fly.

It was so pitiful that Ye Shenyue grabbed her wings and hung her up.

"Say everything you know! Otherwise I'll show you what a real pregnancy is! Or maybe your pair of wings...don't want it!"

Ye Shenyue deliberately showed a vicious expression, as if she was going to do something terrible in an instant.Maybe it's because he really has a talent for playing bad guys or maybe he's an evil guy himself, and it really frightens Nimf.

Some say weakly.

Nimf is definitely the kind of guy who can wink and is a little precocious and arrogant.

So after being severely threatened, she really surrendered, her two little hands grabbed back, as if to protect her wings.Without the wings...that would be ugly.

Well, Nimf's idea is still very girly.

It's just that the news she said was not very girly, "You have to wear the soul of a shady wolf to pursue a successful president... well... it seems that it's called Mikako... let her kiss you willingly... well... also There are those who pursue me, and there are △ that kind of idiot... Of course, I will not agree to kiss you... By a pervert like you... uh..."

"What! How can such a task be accomplished!"

Ye Shenyue only heard from Miss Nimuf that he had to let the black-bellied president kiss him!

This is simply an astonishing catastrophe.

Everyone knows that the world that descends from the sky is a world without discipline, but the most unscrupulous or the biggest Boss is not the Lord of the Sky nor Tomoki Sakurai but... the President!

This woman who digs her heart out is black!Want her to kiss him?Is this possible?And still willingly.

Ye Shenyue released Nimf in a panic.

Nimf exhaled softly.

"I don't know if your mission is complete or not, but now..."

Nimf's little wings flapped, "Now you have to go to the door first."


At the moment there are two men in blue police uniforms standing at the door.This is the police, thanks to Nimf's scream and the kind aunts really called the police when they got excited.

"If you don't want me to say something wrong...I know what to do."

Ye Shenyue glanced at Nimuf, who raised her head proudly and said.Where is the pitiful blue goblin from the original book?

This is obviously a little devil.

And the most terrible thing is that Lord Nimfu has stood up straight, ready to open the door, "Uncle policeman, this is the person."

ps: Since it was said in the comments that the plot was copied, then the world that fell from the sky will collapse a little more... For example, Icarus does not appear, anyway, the protagonist is Lolicon, just joking.

Chapter 0230

"Why should a good young man take such a road of no return..."

Two middle-aged uncles wearing blue coats representing justice... oh no, it should be the two policemen who are talking with a straight face.

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