Chu Yuan's swordsmanship did not stop at all and even accelerated!

Seems to be fueling the fire!

"Wait! This guy is not human! Look at her wings, it's definitely not something humans have! She has a conspiracy...and a purpose!"

"Hey, Nimf, tell me quickly, or we'll be killed together!"

Yagami said while pulling on Nimf's collar.

The current Chu Yuan is broken, and she doesn't believe his words at all, so the only person she can believe is the current Nimuf.

And Nimf raised her head and looked at the knife above her. If nothing else happened, the knife might land on her head.

It also seems to be... painful.

Nimf is a good girl, although there are some shortcomings, but there is still a little bit of pain.

Biting her lip, Nimf's eyes closed slightly.

| "Okay...I'll help you once...I didn't expect that I would have to help you when I was going to destroy..."

Nimfu blinked and looked at Chu Yuan, "As he said, I'm not human and I still have a mission."

"Ren... task..."

Sure enough, it was a different person who spoke differently. Chu Yuan, a simple child, was immediately deceived by Nimuf.

Stopped immediately.

It's more a temporary truce than a stop.

Because there is no reason for the hand knife she released to stop, she split the ground three meters deep as usual.

It's just that Yagami and Nimf dodged aside.

"'s a mission..."

Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the black aura on Chu Yuan's body dissipate.

And Nimf was unhappy and explained, "The task is very simple, I am here to monitor this guy... to supervise him to complete the task..."

Nimf kept her mouth shut about what she was actually here to sabotage.

"Then... what kind of mission?"

Chu Yuan asked.

"The task... is to make the four girls like him..."

Nimf bit the cookie and said.

It's just that the words are deliberately slander.

Obviously just kissed him, and suddenly the difficulty turned into liking.

"Such a task..."

I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion, but a terrifying black shadow bloomed behind Chu Yuan.


The teacup was still crushed by her.

"But... you are also one of the people I want to attack..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the crushed teacup and said quickly, "And I don't want them to like it, just kiss me..."

"But...Chu Yuan, I really don't just want you to kiss me...Actually...I like you...that's why I let you do that kind of thing..."

"That...that kind of thing...that kind of thing is also me..."

" Yuan, in order to witness my feelings, kiss me..."

Ye Shenyue looked at Chu Yuan's sluggish expression and hurriedly added, just in time to justify what Chu Yuan had just done to complete the task...

After being kissed by Chu Yuan, there are only three people left...

Ye Shenyue was a little excited.

"Kiss... kiss..."

Chu Yuan's face suddenly turned red.

She remembered just now that Ye Shenyue seemed to have kissed her forcibly.

"Yes, as long as one click is enough... um... it should also be possible to kiss the face..."

Nimf only asked for a sincere kiss, so the other requests should not be too big.

Ye Shenyue was persuading, and seeing her childhood sweetheart still hesitated, she quickly added, "And we have already kissed just now...don't be shy...Chu Yuan, you must know that you are a good woman!"

nice woman.

good woman?

Chu Yuan's face turned from white to pink and then black again.

"It's not a woman yet, okay?"

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