The broken bits of the teacup in Chu Yuan's hand also disappeared, and she was completely crushed by her, "It's still just a girl! What position did you give me!"


Ye Shenyue was still a little confused, but she just relied on the effect of the "Soul of the Wolf" given by Miss Yuko, and in some ways, "That...Chu Yuan...I'm definitely not saying that you are not a virgin...Actually, I know The... er..."

Ye Shenyue wanted to continue talking, but Chu Yuan covered her mouth all of a sudden, "Now it's time for class... If you don't leave, you'll be late!"

Attend class?

Ye Shenyue looked at the clock hanging on the wall, it was really almost 8 o'clock!

Really late.

uh... not right...

"Chu Yuan... what about the... kiss...?"

Ye Shenyue turned around and found that Chu Yuan had helped him pack up the scattered books and put them in his schoolbag, looking like he was ready.

"That...this kind of shameful thing...this kind of shameful can you let someone do it in front of Nimf!"

"Then...that is to say, when there are two people..."

"Not even when there are two of say such things in front of others!"

Chu Yuan blushed and grabbed Ye Shenyue's collar at once.

ps: There is another update in the early morning.

Chapter 0234 The president meets the president again, the black-bellied president (first)


Putting her head on the side of the book, Ye Shenyue was desperate.After being treated like a high school student, Yashinyuki looked at the scenery outside and thought to herself that she would have to bring Nimf over next time.

This guy is an electronic fighting robot, this kind of boring class is definitely a torture for her... just to get revenge on her!

Ye Shenyue is not a person who pays attention to money, but he can't let go of the guy who pits him.

However, the purpose is now clear. According to Nimf, he has to let all four girls kiss him, um... Chu Yuan is one, she is one and the president is also one.

So...the last one is Icarus!

An artificial angel who obeys the master's words?

Ye Shenyue is already thinking about whether she should "Hey... over there... is my class not good! Is there anything outside the window that is more interesting than my class?"

A piece of chalk that was half-written was thrown over, and Ye Shenyue flashed it subconsciously. This is his body's automatic response. Human's reaction power has increased to a certain level. Some actions do not need to be thought through in the head.

For example, now... but it pissed off the math teacher who was over [-] years old.

" seems...there really is...that side..."

Ye Shenyue stood up and pointed to the sloping roof opposite the window.

"Where... someone wants to commit suicide by jumping off a building..."

"Jump...jump off the building to commit suicide|?"

The teacher was speechless at first glance, indeed... It seems that watching people commit suicide is really more interesting than boring math class...

"Jingle Bell……"

Just at this time, the bell rang, and the math teacher left angrily.

"That's... Form-defending senior!"

Chu Yuan, who knew nothing about mathematics and wanted to leave the get out of class immediately, finally came to life, and came to Yeshenyue's desk and picked up the telescope on the desk.

Her eyesight was not as good as Ye Shenyue's, but she could only see a figure on the roof, but she couldn't see who was above.

However, when he picked up the binoculars, he saw a boy with short silver hair and transparent flat glasses who was about to jump down.

That was the senior she was familiar with, Eishiro Morigata.

Seems to know a lot, but is always eager to discover new worlds.

"Let's hurry over there...but...this telescope...why is it here..."

Chu Yuan is a good girl, but she is still very worried about whether the senior she knows will commit suicide.

Just put the telescope in your hand, "there is a line on it... peeping...peeping...necessary!"

A black fog visible to the naked eye erupted on Chu Yuan's body.

"This...what is this!"

The high hand knife was raised.

"Uh... this must be Nimf... Nimf... Nimf's plan! Look... she's here to interfere with me, so she ruins my image..."

What Ye Shenyue said was not at all loud, even though she was telling the truth, but the girls around... The girls ran all over the place, as soon as his sight came, he immediately sounded "hate" "I was seen by Satyr Wolf, it's over. I'm going to be doing weird things."

The voice of the discussion of such and such girls.

It's definitely not a welcoming atmosphere!

Because of the big characters of Satyr Wolf Soul behind him, all the girls looked at him with colored eyes.

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