These are... the underworld!

Still have guns in hand.

If an ordinary person saw such a posture, they would probably pee their pants, but...

The chairman seems to have made a mistake.He knew her details but she didn't know his.

At that moment, Ye Shenyue felt that she was about to be killed by the president, but now... it's just the disarming of these people... he's not afraid at all.

There was no fear on Ye Shenyue's face being stared at by hundreds of people at the same time, and by hundreds of burly men staring at Ye Shenyue.

Look at them and speak directly.

And when he said that, it made his eyes widen. "I don't do it, please respect yourself."

Don't engage in basic... please respect yourself...

Please behave.

Ye Shenyue's voice echoed.

The president looked at the calm Ye Shenyue in surprise. At this moment, he was completely different from the pitiful naked one before.

"You... boy!"

The president can be silent, but his subordinates will not be silent. A black-faced subordinate can't help it anymore.Immediately he pulled out two pistols.

"I'm only telling the truth... Could it be that this world can't even tell the truth? As soon as I came in, you were staring at me with eager eyes... I really can't stand it..."

Get off the horse... Who wouldn't!

Having escaped the naked man's title and the police uncle's threat of "I think, you have to go to the bureau with us to file a case", Ye Shenyue is no longer afraid. When the president brought him into %%'s house, it was a failure .

"If that's the case... then let's duel!"

His subordinates immediately turned black.

However, it was also under the guidance of the chairman.

The president is already re-acquainting with this classmate who bears the title of "Sexy Wolf".

"Bang bang bang!"

Bullets erupted from the twin guns, and each bullet was aimed at an unimportant part of Yagami. This subordinate is one of the elites in the gang, and the shooting is still very strong, so the president said After saving the opponent's life, he chose the parts and positions of the limbs.

And what about Ye Shenyue?

He squeezed his palm. He didn't have a pistol in his hand because he didn't need it, although he also played with guns in Aria's world.But playing guns with ordinary people is still too bullying, and this time, he is going to come down!

"Bang bang bang!"

His feet didn't move at all, but in front of everyone, Yashin Yue grabbed the dozens of bullets that were shot and threw them on the ground.


Even with a grip strength of 400kg, the president thought she couldn't catch the bullet.

It's just that the guild leader is the guild leader in the end, and he didn't show a distressed expression when his trick of dismounting failed.

"Okay... Let's get to know each other again. You can stay at our May Tian Geng's house today."

"Before your house is restored..."

The president invited, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was a deeply hidden and terrible smile.

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly felt abnormal.Especially when he was being entertained by the president Haosheng.

Could it be that……

Ye Shenyue looked at the big fat fish that was half eaten.

something wrong.It's just that my eyes are blurred...

eight pm.

"This is...where...where?"

Ye Shenyue was groggy, and her head seemed to be heavy.

"This is the secret base of the president..."

However, Ye Shenyue's self-talk was answered by someone.This is with a charming tone.

This is the president!

Ye Shenyue woke up suddenly.

President, he seems to have eaten the fish in question and passed out!

Could it be that……

Ye Shenyue looked at her hands and feet, her hands and feet were tied in a large font, and her whole body was immobilized.

In front of him is the president with the shock gun.That's a real gun.

"What do you mean, President?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the president who was holding the assault gun, and a terrible flashed in his heart.

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