"What do you mean? What do you mean? I just want to entertain you..."

The president smiled sweetly, "The president has always been lonely, lonely, lonely, always looking for a toy to play with |... I won't be afraid of breaking it no matter how I play... and now..."

"Sakurai-san, you're a very suitable candidate...don't even think about moving...you see if it's easier for you to struggle to loosen the chains of your limbs, or the bullets grow faster..."

The president's shock gun was already aimed at him, more precisely at his crotch.


This place cannot be attacked...

Yes, Yagami Yue can struggle to be free, but at this moment, the bullet that will grow will come.

There is already a faint sweat on the forehead, it seems...

Really kicked the iron plate.

Ye Shenyue looked at the president with a terrifying smile, and the sweat on her back became more and more.

But the president... at this moment, without any warning, he aimed at his crotch and pressed the trigger.

She pressed the trigger.

"Hey...this is different from what we said!"

Ye Shenyue, who was nailed to the target, let out a loud roar, and her whole body quickly struggled.

However, when he was struggling to break the entire target, the bullet that should have been shot did not come.

It was a wet feeling.

This is... a highly realistic water gun?

Water... water guns?

Ye Shenyue was stunned.

"Okay...let's play here first..."

"The president has recorded your fearful expression..."

Chairman Mikako looked at the stunned Yagami and said with a smile.

In other words, the president... is actually taking revenge, Ye Shenyue gave her a dismount, and she... also gave him a dismount.


Ye Shenyue looked at the wet crotch and thought, should he deal with this department first?

Chapter 0239 bet (two more)


The water temperature is very suitable, there is a feeling of being wrapped in warmth.

Yes, this is a hot spring and it is open-air. When you look up, you can see the starry sky. The small town is just that the air in the town is very fresh and there is no pollution in the big city, so when you look up here, you can see flashing of stars.

Ye Shenyue's entire body was immersed in the hot spring, her eyes widened when she raised her head, and her line of sight seemed to pass through the many obstacles to the top of the layers.

He has recovered almost half of his strength, although it is only half of his strength, but it is hard to say that he feels that he has almost recovered his strength in the dating world. If it is 100%, the power... should be no worse than Aihua. .

Then get the ability to "traverse time and space" from Yuko, then he will have no regrets.

However, what is in front of him is a heart-wrenching trial. He has to get Chu Yuan, Nimfu and the president... In the end, there is a girl who is not sure about the kiss, Chu Yuan is already angry, and it is difficult for her to return to her childhood sweetheart. , and Nimf... This guy was also taken away by Chu Yuan, and there is no chance to start, so only the president can start.

Mikako, a very sweet name and a very sweet appearance, but her personality is worse than the street.

That is……

Ye Shenyue raised her back against the edge of the hot spring with a look of astonishment on her face, because he saw that not only thousands of miles away, there was something shining with blue light rapidly falling down.

Are you saying... yes...


Ye Shenyue slapped his forehead and he remembered that the night when the defensive senior named "Suicide by Jumping from a Building" was actually experimenting with gliders, that was when Icarus fell!

That is to say...

Icarus is down!


Ye Shenyue stood up directly, and then called out, "President, President..."

"...Are you calling the president of me?"

The chairman was wearing a yukata, and after letting him go to wash and clean the suspicious water stains on his crotch, she changed the general outfit.

Hearing Ye Shenyue's voice, she walked over unhurriedly.

"I have an idea, I don't know if the president would dare to bet with me!"

Ye Shenyue thought for a while, the president and him were neither childhood sweethearts nor boyfriends and girlfriends, so it was really difficult for her to kiss him.

So...you have to settle for the next best thing.

If you bet with her, if she loses, then she will kiss him willingly, because she loses, the chairman should not be the kind of person who will default.

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