So... Miss Yuko's request for the president to kiss him willingly has been fulfilled.

He didn't say he wanted her to fall in love with him.



The president's eyes lit up slightly, "Could it be that you want to run around the town naked for 10 laps if you lose?"


As expected of the president, Ye Shenyue's forehead was sweating coldly, secretly saying that this guy's character is really bad, but he is bound to win, because he knows the plot!

I have the plot in my hands!

"Okay, if it's me who loses it's up to you, but...if it's me who wins...then..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the president.

"Then you will be transformed into a wolf? Ah... Actually, you are already a wolf now."

The president brought the black iron fan out of nowhere and said with his eyes closed slightly.

And her eyes were looking at Ye Shenyue from top to bottom and then from bottom to top.

As if watching something interesting.

interesting stuff?

Ye Shenyue turned her head subconsciously, only to find that the short bath towel wrapped around her waist fell to the ground at some point.

In other words, he is now completely naked!

Naked again!

Ye Shenyue hurriedly covered the key positions, "It's not what you think... If I win, just kiss me on the side of the face... After all, you are a shape-defending senior, even if I am a bird. Beasts don't bully friends' wives, and...I'm not a beast either~"..."I...I'm from Shouxing-kun?"

The president's voice was slightly low.But then he laughed, "Okay... You actually want to take away the president's kiss in this way... You are really courageous... Aren't you afraid that Shou Xing-kun will chase you?"

"...The arrow has to be sent on the string. I also have difficulties. I think the shape-defending senior will forgive... and it's just a profile... It's not a kiss at all! President... Don't make it more complicated! "

Ye Shenyue was silent for a while, and he suddenly felt that the president seemed to have become even more terrifying, and there seemed to be a terrifying brilliance behind him, which seemed to be even more terrifying than Chu Yuan's blackening!It's like talking about her pain all at once.

"We bet that in 10 minutes an angel with pure white wings will come! If she comes in 10 minutes then I win, if not...then you win."

"Angel? It looks funny, but..."

The president seemed to be interested, "But how do I know that it was an angel and not the person you arranged in advance?"


When asked by the president, I was really speechless.

"But... the president is a kind and righteous one... Since Ye Jun is so eager to get the president's kiss, the president can only sacrifice his life to accompany the pervert... Okay..."

"start the timer!"

The president's hand touched his chest and immediately took out a stopwatch.

Press down hard.

So fast!

And Ye Shenyue looked up, and was a little worried, because the angel above was still falling rapidly, but...the speed...why...the sudden slowdown?Can it really come in 10 minutes?

Time passed in a minute and a second.

Chapter 0240 When the Angel Comes (One More)

The clock is ticking.

Ye Shenyue has never felt that time has passed so long. He raised his head, and the angel continued to fall, but the speed was slowing down for some unknown reason, and it seemed that something was still swaying.

Ye Shenyue's heart was a little anxious, because he roughly calculated the speed of the angel's descent at the beginning, but this angel... I don't know why it suddenly changed!She... didn't fall down well... but... what was she doing!

"5 minutes...6 minutes...8 minutes..."

, the president is continuing to time.And... it seems... in a good mood.

"What's the matter? You're sweating profusely. Could it be're already scared?"

The guild leader said with a slight smile, covering his face with one hand, "The guild leader is not the kind of person who doesn't say anything... Since you are afraid... Then just admit defeat... The guild leader will be more accommodating, no. I'll take the camera and follow me~~" "..."

Ye Shenyue kept silent, or in other words, she didn't want her to go to a more terrifying place, and she actually wanted to chase him and take a camera behind her!

President... President's Heart...

Ye Shenyue was already messy in the wind.

It is indeed messy in the wind, and there is finally movement above!

A huge wind came straight down from above, and it also carried fragments of various machines.


Ye Shenyue shouted excitedly, and he saw the figure that fell quickly because of speeding.That's blue... eh... blue?

Isn't Icarus supposed to be... pink?

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