
The president actually ran over and raised his head, but almost as soon as she raised her head, a huge piece of machinery fell from the sky and fell directly from above.

The debris looks small at the heights, but somehow it just fell down in an instant and became huge, which is not something that can be avoided casually!


Ye Shenyue was thinking about the tangled question of why it was blue, but seeing the huge pieces of machinery falling apart and just above the president who raised his face, he couldn't ignore it, right?

Immediately rushed towards the guild leader, hugged the guild leader who was completely unable to react at a speed that was completely invisible to the naked eye and ran quickly to the right.

And almost as he was barely able to reach the corridor, the voice rang out.


The huge sound almost shook the ground, as if it was about to explode and all kinds of dust were flying.

"What... what's the matter!"

The people at Wu Astrea's house panicked, and the earthquake just now almost collapsed the inherited mansion, which is said to be able to withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8.

So they ran quickly.

And here.The smoke and dust flew away and the debris stayed in place.

The whole yard has been destroyed.Broken machinery is everywhere.


The president finally woke up, "I just..."

She just remembered that she was going to be smashed, and then froze.In the end, she found out that she was hugged by Ye Shenyue.

"It's okay just now... the angel is here..."

After confirming that she was not injured, Yashin Yue put her down, and then ran towards the center buried by the debris of the machine.

The president looked at his figure, bit his lip secretly, and walked up.She saw Ye Shenyue squatting and grabbing a huge piece of debris, as if to move it away.

"So many things... if you have to dig... um..."

The president originally wanted to say that if he wanted to dig, then she would let the next person do it, but she didn't finish her words, because it was no longer necessary, she saw that Ye Shenyue had already made it look heavy and it would take more than ten years. Fragments of machinery that can only be overturned by individual efforts tossed aside, tossed aside?

What a force it must be.

"What are you doing?"

The president didn't mention the help, but changed the subject... "I'm looking for that angel. It shouldn't be wrong that her heartbeat is in this direction."

A rare smile appeared on Ye Shenyue's face, but this smile was a bit dark.

What he seemed to see just now was blue... blue equipment, that was... Astrea?

What about his Icarus Icarus?

How could it be that natural foodie and an idiot!


it's here?

President Ye Shenyue didn't know the entanglement in Ye Shenyue's heart. She looked forward and moved her ears.

Buried so deep in a place like this... He actually used the sound of his heartbeat to find someone!

This... is this possible?

The president didn't move, he held the fan and watched Ye Shenyue continue to "dig" and "found it!"

After a while, the president heard Ye Shenyue's voice, and then she also walked forward on the path "opened up" by Ye Shenyue with brute force, and then her purple eyes opened slightly...

Because she saw a figure.

This is a beautiful figure, with beautiful long blonde hair that is as soft as a bird's feathers, and a good figure. He wears blue armor-like things but does not hinder his movement.

However, what really caught the president's attention was her back, a pair of wings, pure white soft and broad wings!

This is... an angel!

It really is an angel!Ye Shenyue was right, an angel really came!


"You are……"

The president looked at Ye Shenyue and saw that the blue angel actually stagnated for a while, and then quickly stepped forward. At this moment, the "angel" was closing his eyes.Appears to be in a coma.

"Clap clap clap..."

The president was a little surprised, because she saw Ye Shenyue actually slapped this "angel" several times.


Angel's mouth moved, as if she was chewing something, and then opened her eyes, but her hands were faster than her eyes. She stretched out her hands and grabbed Ye Shenyue's hand that was fanning her.

To get revenge?Or the wrath of an angel?

The president is curious.

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