He saw the present moment.

The delicate figure is as soft as three spring willows, the face is as tender as cherry blossoms, the clear blue eyes are as crystal clear, and the lips are as pale pink as roses.That is, like the colorful cherry blossoms, and like the noble and elegant lily.

At this moment, Yu still has no expression, but Ye Shenyue can feel it, at this moment, Yu is actually angry!

Yes, at this moment, Yu has an aura that he has never felt before.

"Everyone except Bu... Good night to all."

Watching Ye Shenyue turn around, taking a deep breath, Yu finally said it.

It seems that even the world is listening to Yuu's words, whether it is outside preparing to make a big move or "What is this? Why do I suddenly want to sleep...Abu..."

Muttering a sentence, Haruna's eyelids suddenly snapped, and then there was a soft sound, which was the sound of Mistertin in his hand falling to the ground.

Then, Xiao Chunnai's small body fell down like this, and landed on the ground. The slight breathing sounded, it was... asleep.

"And Lucy-sama?"

The beautiful dark green leaves in her hands also disappeared along with You's "good night". Feeling that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, Sera murmured and lay on the ground.

Like an infectious disease, more and more people fell to the ground, but instead of hanging up, they all fell asleep.

"Well... despicable..."

Silas murmured, but when the sleepiness came, he could only close his eyes reluctantly.

The whole room and even the surroundings became silent, only the breathing of Ye Shenyue and Xiaoyou remained.


Ye Shenyue felt that Silas, who was behind him, had fallen asleep obediently according to Yu's words, that is to say, in this room, in this area, only he and Yu were awake.

In other words, now is the time for the two to be alone.

For some reason, Ye Shenyue felt more sincere and fearful in her heart.

It felt like he was having an affair and was caught raped in bed by his wife.You don't make a statement, and Ye Shenyue doesn't dare to make a statement.


You didn't say anything, didn't put down the death scythe in his hand, and continued to hook Yashenyue's neck, preventing Yashenyue from moving even an inch.

"That excellent..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered a saying, "I am not afraid that you will not obey, but I am afraid that you will not speak!"

Now that You don't speak, Ye Shenyue can't find a flaw to excuse herself!

"Abu really wants to know more about girls' bodies?"

You took a breath, the sickle in his hand instantly turned into a brown pen, and on the small notebook, You quickly wrote.

"That's why you pushed her to bed?"

Without waiting for Yagami's answer, Yu continued to write in the notebook, as if... it seemed that he was because of the current red-go-go and the red-go-go Sylas's blushing situation. make excuse!

"Uh... this... eh?"

Youdu found him stairs. If Ye Shenyue didn't follow the steps to go downstairs, he had a hunch that it would definitely be bad... So Ye Shenyue nodded, but just as he nodded, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Because the current Yu, actually continued to write in the book "So now Bu... also want to know about girls' bodies? In other words, Bu's favorite... is Loli's body!"


She was completely put on a lolicon hat, but when she was with Silas just now, the first figure in Yagami's mind was indeed a small figure.

Sure enough, he will always be a lolicon?

"But... Abu's first time is mine!"

It's not like what Yuu's character can say at all, but this is indeed Yuu's words, not slowly written like the one just now!

Ye Shenyue only felt a small body hug him tightly, hug him.

He even pushed him onto the bed, and his small body pressed against his body.

This...is this really good?

Ye Shenyue had a moment of doubt.

But the tip of the nose only belongs to Youjiang's fragrance and calming breath, the silver crystal clear hair floating on the face, this... this small body that is not very unfamiliar, this... this is really 0.0 excellent!

This is excellent!

Has he been promoted?

Yagami, who was pushed down, blushed and thought with a heartbeat.

"Hey... don't you feel uncomfortable all of a sudden? It's like something that belongs to us has been taken away again?"

In a large room, a little blond girl with a cute lion in her arms shook her head and asked her little lion.

"Hu meow..."

What's even more surprising is that the little lion she was holding actually made a sound and was answering her, as if it had life.

At the same time, in an apartment not far away, a middle-aged uncle without any features closed his eyes angrily.

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