"Damn... actually being preempted..."

This was his last moan under Yu's irresistible magic.

Chapter 0074

The beautiful and energetic morning sun slowly rose from a corner of the sky, and the splendid and soft brilliance fell on the city that was still immersed in the dark night.

Slowly, the black in the middle of the night was driven away, replaced by warm radiance, clusters of radiance were printed on people's bodies and fell on the girls' closed eyes.

The slender eyelashes blinked, and the little Haruna stretched hard.Then open your big eyes.Finally woke up.

As soon as I woke up, I saw that Sera's eyes were a little strange, from beautiful pure dark green directly to scarlet.The body was gradually covered by green leaves, and then suddenly disappeared!

"Not good! Ye Ye, how can you go in alone!"

Serra disappeared in place, leaving only a piece of dark green leaves.

And Haruna, who wanted to hold Sera's hand, hitchhikes, flinched.Depressed, he shook the hair on the top of his head.It's just that time waits for no one, so Haruna pulls up Mistertin, who was slanted on the side, and prepares to rush in.

"Can't move forward!"

It's just that I hate it. Not only are Haruna and Sera awake, but even the glamorous blood-sucking ninjas who are sticking to Silas's orders have all woken up, and they all surround Haruna and don't let her in.

"How can you do this! Ye Zinu has gone in, why can't I go in, it's not fair at all!"

Haruna kept shaking Misty Ting, it was a deep anger, it's been a night, and I don't know what happened to Bu, maybe... Maybe Bu, maybe Bu has become impure!

"...Sir Silas has no new orders, forgive us for offending."

They were obviously stunned by Haruna's question. They woke up late, so they didn't realize that Serafim had gone in. Since they had already gone in, they should go in. Now they just need to keep blocking the one outside. .

This is also considered to be atonement.

The somewhat wise vampire ninja thought silently.

"Then... let's start!"

Chunnai was depressed, but she could only fight now, because she couldn't help but go to see Abu's current condition. From yesterday's teacher's mirror, we could tell that Abu's chastity might not be guaranteed. , It's been one night now... Maybe, maybe Abu has already...

Haruna didn't dare to think about it anymore.

It's just that there are so many vampire ninjas, how can she deal with them!

Haruna squeezed the brain cells to the limit.

"Abu! How did you come out? How did you float in the sky... Have you suffered some inhuman torture that has turned you into a soul?"

Suddenly, Haruna pointed at the head of the vampire ninja and screamed in surprise.


The blood-sucking ninjas all looked up, could something really happen?

It's just that they all looked up together, but they only saw... um, only the air!

There was nothing to see above them!

In other words, they were deceived!

Been deceived badly!

"Not good... catch her!"

When they reacted, they saw Haruna opening Silas's door and running in.

They were tricked by that girl!Still so simple deception!

If Silas Buddy knew about it, he would have no idea what it would be like to be reprimanded!

Shame, shame indeed!

In order to undo the mistake, the girls rushed to Silas's apartment in unison, because if the current Haruna didn't have magic power, she was just a little girl with a little power, and she quickly caught Haruna-chan.

It's just that the current Haruna-chan has already grasped the handle of the door of Silas's room, and turned it gently, the door opened immediately, and the scene inside was all printed into her eyes... This is?

Together with the group of vampire ninjas who caught Haruna, at the open door, they were all stunned.

It's not that the scenes inside are violent, or how gorgeous the scenes inside are, but the pictures inside are so harmonious.

I only saw three people lying in harmony on the soft and pure white big bed.

Yagami, Yu and Silas.

Yagami slept in the very center, one in each hand, hugging Silas and Yu respectively from left to right.


Even in her deep sleep, Ye Shenyue did not forget to pinch You You's little face, fell asleep peacefully, and turned over slightly, revealing her sturdy upper body.

"Sure enough, an unforgivable bug!"

Sera's eyes closed heavily, and then she lowered her head. She held her hands tightly, and there was no other extra movement. Countless ink instantly appeared under Sera's feet. green leaves.A huge and extra-large dark green long sword instantly appeared in the slender, white and tender hand.

The long sword transformed from green leaves does not have the blade of an ordinary physical sword, but the frightening aura of the long sword in Serra's hand is no worse than that of an ordinary sharp sword.

"Leaves girl...don't..."

Haruna-chan stopped her, although the scene in front of her made her want to turn into a demon and execute the sleeping Yagami Yuetian, but...if Ye Zinu suddenly goes wild...Chunna can't guarantee that Yagami will still be able to do it. Can't survive this blow.

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