The brilliance of the card flashed, and Ye Shenyue found a book in her hand.

To be precise, it is an 18X book.

It was Miss Astraea who turned to the first page of the book.

At this moment, the stupid angel has changed into a student's school uniform and is in a classroom.

And she also saw Ye Shenyue.

She finally found where she was.

She is actually in the book!

"Hehehe...Miss Astraya, you finally found your situation..."

Ye Shenyue opened the book completely and looked at the stupid angel trapped inside.

Not to mention that she is really cute if she shows other expressions, such as the panic now.

"You...what are you trying to...let me out now!"

The stupid angel found that he couldn't rush out. You must know that she is still an angel no matter how useless she is. She can't even beat more than one book... It hurts self-esteem.

"Hehehe...just playing a game...and now...the game has just started...when you were taken in by Chu Yuan tonight, you seemed to be crazy...completely forgot that I didn't care and picked you up. Humanity..."

"Um...then...then what do you want to do?"

Astraea knew she couldn't speak to him, so she could only beg for mercy.

"Of course it's playing games... Let's see... There are several pages in this book... Well, 10 pages, it seems a little short, but it's enough, as long as I turn ten pages."

Turn ten pages?

"Ugh...then hurry up..."

Astraea relaxed, it turned out that she was just reading a book.

"Really? Little angel, it seems that you haven't found out yet..."

Ye Shenyue seemed to be obediently turning the page, but the stupid angel suddenly screamed.

" bastard...what are you doing!"

Astraya suddenly realized that the clothes she was wearing had disappeared~¥∨ disappeared!Without a trace!

"Forgot to tell you... This book is 1X, so every time I turn a page, I take off a piece of clothing... You asked me to open it..."

Ye Shenyue shrugged as if the victim had become him.

Very innocent expression.


Angel's face turned red all of a sudden, she was an idiot but she was also ashamed.

"Don't turn it over!"

"How can this work... You agreed to play... Could it be that you want to give me back all the snacks?"

"Um...let me think about it..."

Astraea hesitated.


However, Ye Shenyue quickly turned to another page, and Astraya quickly covered her chest, because it was not her short skirt but the bra covering her chest that was taken off by turning the page!

"No...don't look at it!"

Astraea was completely nervous. "I'll give it back to you... I'll give you all the snacks!"


Ye Shenyue did not expect this stupid angel to have such a consciousness.

"So...what about these?"

Ye Shenyue picked up the book and opened the closet.


The contents of the closet slid to the ground because the closet was too tightly packed.

Astraea's eyes were about to glow.

Because what Ye Shenyue keeps in the closet is food!

It's all food!

Astraea thought he could fly out of the book right now and rush out to eat.

"If you continue..."

"I continue!"

However, before Yagami Yue could finish her words, Astraea immediately spoke loudly, determined to be even more determined than she promised to play the game just now.

You must know that she already knows what the game is in Yagami Yue's mouth.

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