What about the conduct of angels?


"Then let's continue..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, and I was really sorry for Astraya for stopping at this time.

Ye Shenyue lay on the ground, and then continued to turn the book back.

On the next page, Stupid Angel finally took off her skirt, then her socks, and finally...and finally...

Totally naked!

See how many hands she has to cover!

at last.

the last page.

083 Ye Shenyue swallowed her saliva.He felt his heartbeat, it was really fast, and he was really excited.

Not to mention that Astraya herself is a slender figure, her figure is also one-to-one, and the look at her blushing and serious lack of clothes is really cute.

It is said that boys who work hard are charming, but girls who work hard are also very beautiful.


the last page.Is it finally time?


Can't open it!

Because the two pages are stuck together!

"Hey... Astraea, what are you doing! Hurry up and let me go!"

Because this is a book conjured by borrowing a multi-purpose card, it is said that Yagami is only injecting her own thoughts, and the stupid angel trapped in it can also control a few things, such as she can change the clothes she wears, But because of the reasons he had considered in advance, she could only dress up and one less dress than the one on the previous page!So she still belongs to the category of Tuotuo!

However, on the last page, she actually glued the book together with her mind!

"No...don't...I still think...I feel ashamed..."

Astraea's voice came out, but the voice became louder and the book in Ye Shenyue's hand was exuding a dazzling brilliance.

this is……

Chapter 0247 Night God Moon's counterattack (two more)

The light flickered.The book that should have been caught by Ye Shenyue disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a dazzling light.The brilliance in front of him seemed to make him unable to open his eyes.

But no matter how gorgeous the fireworks are, when the fireworks are finished, the dazzling light is slowly extinguished.

Then there was a jaw-dropping scene.

I only saw that the angel named Astraea but read as an idiot opened his eyes wide and sat blankly on the tatami on the ground, with his beautiful pure white wings clinging to his back like a fallen angel. The angel of the mortal world.

Darling, is this not a temptation? What is it?

Ye Shenyue swallowed deeply, then walked directly to another closet without saying a word. There was his quilt in the closet. Ye Shenyue quickly spread the quilt and lay it out.

And Astraya, who had red eyes, finally woke up and called out subconsciously, but this sudden arrival of Quan Guo was far less shocking than Ye Shenyue's actions.

Astraea opened her eyes wide and looked at Ye Shenyue, "What are you doing? It's still so early... Why do you start sleeping so early?"


Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at her, then stretched out her sinister arm and grabbed the smooth arm of the angel at once. Although Astraya has this huge flaw of an idiot, her body is intact. , even more perfect than the average girl.

"What are you doing?"

Astraya was surprised to find that her strength was not as good as the other party's.You must know that she is designed as a special battle angel!

How could it be possible to lose to ordinary people.

Well, a simple angel only thinks that Yagami is an ordinary person, and it is true that she was thrown down from the sky, and she doesn't even have an order.

Poor Miss Angel.

"what have I done?"

The sinful Ye Shenyue opened her mouth, revealing her snow-white teeth. "Look at yourself~" Ye Shenyue pointed at Miss Angel.


Astraea's eyes returned to her body, and her complexion turned completely red.

She is indeed shy, and no one can rule that angels can't be shy, or she won't try so hard to stick the last two pages together.

"Since you're all stripped off... and you're still in my room, aren't you reminding me that you're ready to warm the bed?"

It is indeed ready, otherwise it will not be stripped, although part of this stripping is Ye Shenyue's will and the other is Astraya's initiative to be tempted by food.

Although she regretted it in the end.

At this moment, the angel was excited by the sudden arrival of two words.

"Warm... warm the bed!"

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