Originally, in such a good atmosphere at noon, he was able to take Nimf down in one go, but was stopped by the president.This happens once and maybe a second time.

Therefore, the obstacles in front of you should be dealt with first.

First, you have to deal with the president.

If you want to deal with a person, you have to find her handle first!Ye Shenyue didn't stay in Kempfa's world in vain, and she had already memorized this by heart.


"Mikako's weakness?"

The silver-haired short-haired boy, the shape-defending senior, touched his chin, "There are as many as you want for this kind of thing."

"How much do you want?"

Ye Shenyue almost wondered if she had heard it wrong.You must know that he came to Shougyo Eishiro in order to have a deeper understanding of the president.As the president's childhood sweetheart, the shape-keeping senior should know more.

And now, the results are not few but... many!

Is the president really a person with bugs all over his body like Astraya?

"Yes, everyone can't be a perfect person, even Mikako, and she has so many weaknesses, but I can't say anything casually."


Unable to speak?

Ye Shenyue looked at Shou Xing's face, as if there was something unspeakable on her face.Or rather...don't dare to say it at all.

Even the most honest and sincere Icarus can only tell lies like "the president is a good person" when facing the president. It seems that the shape-defending senior can only shut up.

Sure enough, he was afraid of the power of the president!

"However, I can tell you that in the evening tuition room, you can see everything you want to see there."

Shou Xing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"Tutoring room?"

Ye Shenyue remembered that Astraya was caught there by the head teacher and Nimf as soon as school was over. It seemed to be a classroom specially prepared for students with very poor grades.

Astraea is an idiot, so it is understandable that she failed in every subject, and the president...

Didn't she claim to be the No. [-] in the whole grade, why did she go there?

What the hell happened in that study room!

"This is what happened to Mikako when she was very young. It's hard to describe. Mikako was not like this at that time. Huh? Are you gone?"

Shou Xing pushed his glasses again and wanted to continue talking, but after he finished speaking, he found that the person in Ye Shenyue had disappeared, and immediately shook his head.

Study room.

The brilliance of the setting sun shone on a beautiful golden layer, and the curtains on both sides of the classroom were not drawn to allow the sunlight to come in.The classroom that was supposed to be busy was left with the sound of swishing and whirring to sleep.

Brushing is the sound of constantly making a number on the paper or writing and recording something, while the sound of Huhu sleeping is the sound of giving up studying.

The one sleeping was undoubtedly Astraea, who had given up on her own accord.And it's brushing...

Ye Shenyue stood at the door and checked it twice with her own eyes, and finally confirmed that the girl with beautiful long purple hair sitting like this was the girl with weaknesses he wanted to know, the president.

The president is actually sitting here for tutoring!


Just when Ye Shenyue couldn't believe it, the president who was writing on the notebook suddenly raised his head, looked at him sideways, and said hello.

He didn't seem to be embarrassed to be seen tutoring or something, as expected of the president.

"Cough cough... I'm just here to pick up Astraya."

Being stared at by the chairman who was glowing faintly, Ye Shenyue found an excuse that was not an excuse.

Astraya lived in Chu Yuan's house and he and Chu Yuan were childhood sweethearts, so it was reasonable to help pick up the stupid angel.

It's just what he said, but he looked at the stupid angel who was sleeping on the table and withdrew his eyes at a glance. This guy couldn't wake up for a while.

"It's really interesting."

The chairman said something indifferently.

It's just that everyone knows that she seems to be in a bad mood at the moment.

"Cough cough... President, what are you studying?"

I don't know why the president was angry, Ye Shenyue had no choice but to change the topic first.

But as soon as she said the words, she realized that she seemed to have screwed up, because countless purple resentments erupted from the president, she smiled lightly, "Of course, it's to teach morality."


The president of this question that a fool can do is actually failing!

It turns out... the weakness of the president is... immorality.

Ye Shenyue suddenly understood why the shape-defending senior couldn't speak.Because the immoral people are still very good at holding grudges, at least at this moment, the supernatural research department of the observant senior still needs the funds provided by the student union.

Chapter 0258 The answer to this remnant (one more)

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