"what happened?"

The president's sharp eyes fell over. Just when she finished talking about the "morality class" she was taking, she found that Ye Shenyue had stopped talking for a moment, so she asked. Although it was just a question, the tone was very impressive. Undoubtedly domineering!

As if it was only natural for her to study morality!

Sure enough, she is a woman who "lacks virtue". Ye Shenyue actually felt an unpredictable and powerful strength when she turned around. You must know that the president has no strength other than a grip strength of 400kg, but she is like this. It made him feel terrible.

Will the president also change?

Ye Shenyue shook her head and threw aside her undeserved thoughts, "No, I just feel a little curious. Anyway, I'm here, why don't I help you with tutoring."

The most urgent task now is to provide more information about the "weakness" of the president. This "virtuous", which is called a weakness by conformity, is not only a weakness but an advantage. People will retaliate fiercely, whether they are sensible or secretive.

"Help me with my tutoring? It's either a traitor or a thief to be diligent, but...that's fine..."

The president's eyes that seemed to be able to speak and hide conspiracy moved, and then a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.It looks beautiful but Yagami feels... gloomy.

Pick up from her desk the notebook she has been writing and taking notes on.

There are a series of questions in the book, but there is no answer yet. It seems that she wants to copy the questions first and then do them.

Just looking at this topic Ye Shenyue still has a cold sweat left behind.It's not that these questions are too difficult, but they are too easy. Even stupid people know how to answer them!

"First moral question. What if you're walking down the street and you notice someone throwing peels everywhere?"

Although he sighed that these questions were incompetent, Ye Shenyue still read them out. He really wanted to know why the president couldn't even do such questions.

"Is that so..."

The chairman thought for a while.

Yes, Ye Shenyue did not read it wrong, the president is actually thinking, this kind of topic still needs to be thought about!But the president here already has the answer.

That's "kill them all, with my beloved blaster."


Just throw a trash and get killed by a shock gun!Then don't other sins have to be cut into pieces!


Seeing that Ye Shenyue didn't speak, the president touched his chin, "Is it too light? Sure enough, you have to chop it up and feed the dog?"

While speaking, the president showed a bright smile as if asking if I was wrong?

Such a firm stand!

"This punishment is too severe!"

Sure enough, he was born in the underworld, and he did things so ruthlessly, or...the president was actually really wicked.

"It's actually too heavy...then...just beat it to half death."

The president took a little sizing and came up with an answer that was several times lighter.

"The correct answer is to stop the accusation or throw the peel in the trash!"

Ye Shenyue finally couldn't take it anymore, and announced the answer, but a terrifying black appeared on the president's body.

"Such a boring and ignorant answer..."

Boring and ignorant, that's all she can say.

"Cough cough..."

It seems that the president's "wickedness" has reached a certain limit, and Ye Shenyue hurriedly switched to the next question, "What should I do if I see the old grandma crossing the road and there are many cars around?"

"Destroy all those cars."


Destroy the car and then the grandmother is not in danger. The president's starting point is good, but... if you do this, then there are still people who dare to drive!

And the correct answer is just to help the grandma walk the zebra crossing!President, you are too cruel!

"Next, what if someone eats Bawang's meal?"

"Tie it up and burn it to death."

"...if you see someone..."

"It hurts to tie it up."

In this way, in the terrifying answer of the president, she finished asking a whole page of questions.

In the end, General Ye Shenyue closed the notebook of the leader.

Sure enough... the president is too simple to never tell lies?

Or... In fact, these are the real thoughts of the president. How on earth can she cultivate such a terrifying and wicked character? Her thinking mode and strict mode are completely beyond imagination!

If it goes on like this, it is impossible for the president to pass.

Sure enough, he was the only person in the school who failed the morals class, which was really hurtful.

"Okay, I've almost finished tutoring today... um... It's really cool, I answered all these questions."

Golita Masukako stood up from the chair, stretched her arms up, her long purple hair swaying beautifully.

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