
Ye Shenyue excitedly hugged her directly and kissed her on her white and tender side face, and Nimfu's face instantly turned red.

"Don't kiss me casually!"

Even though she said that, she didn't slap him or speak ill of someone who was suddenly kissed, but took out the card.

Universal card.


A door appeared.

"I've already adjusted the door, as long as you open it, it will be Wulita's dream of Mikako... Hey... No... why are you involved..."

Nimf had just said that Midnight Shenyue had opened the door and walked in, but just as he entered, Nimf noticed something was wrong.

"This kind of interference... Could it be... the master?"

The door was closed and she couldn't open it and was pushed open, and the dream-controlling instrument couldn't even move.A look of astonishment appeared on Nimf's face.

And Ye Shenyue here has already walked in.


The door closed at once.What entered his eyes was a terrible sense of tension, the smell of blood and terror.

There are broken walls and ruins everywhere. With his current ability, he can perceive that there are many people around, and they are all terrorists, and in the sky, fighter jets have also flown!

This is absolutely the state of fierce battle!

Could it be that this is... the president's dream?

But what about the president?Why haven't you seen the figure of the president?


However, at this moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder and he quickly turned his head to knock him down, only to find that it was a girl in a brown military uniform holding a shock gun.She has long purple hair.

This is the president!

"It's not scientific, how did you come here?"

Ye Shenyue said in surprise.No, with his abilities, even if he is not a god, he is a demigod anyway, and the president is just an ordinary person, but he didn't find it when he came over, is that possible?

"What's so unscientific? This is my dream. Everything is under my control!"

The chairman holding the shock gun said with a smile, this smile was a bit more bloodthirsty.

"Just watch it right here!"

The chairman was saying that two helicopters had already flown over, and the chairman flew out at once. The shock gun directly shot a row of invisible terrorists, and then two grenades were thrown out and two helicopters were thrown out. The plane crashed, and the president also flew.Then the shooting started.

Yes, it just flew, without any ropes tied to the body, and it flew directly. This is completely unscientific!

Could it be that in a dream...you can really do anything?

There was a loud rumbling sound in the ear.

And the proud and bloodthirsty laughter of the president.This world...is really scary.


However, at this moment, the door behind Ye Shenyue suddenly opened, and Ye Shenyue was sucked in.

... "Boom..."

The battle of the president here has also come to an end, the shock gun is still shooting, and it is not good if you are unhappy.

"Huh... what about people?"

The president returned to the place but found that Ye Shenyue had disappeared.

"Don't you usually let him stay in the corner and watch?"

The president turned his head and seemed to be looking for something...

There was a flash in front of him.Then a shop appeared in front of Ye Shenyue, with a mysterious color.

"This is...Miss Yuko's shop!"

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, and he found that this place was really exactly the same as the storefront of Miss Yuko in memory!

A huge crimson door frame and a round castle-like roof.


The door was opened, and an unexpected person stepped out.

She has pink hair, beautiful innocent eyes, expressionless or doesn't know how to make an expression.

She also has a pair of beautiful white wings on her back.

Ye Shenyue was no stranger to mysterious creatures like wings, but she was still speechless when she saw this girl.

"Icarus! You... why are you here?"

The girl who suddenly appeared in front of Yuko-san's shop... unexpectedly... Icarus!

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