The angel who should have appeared but did not appear!

"I'm an artificial angel for entertainment, model alpha, Icarus. I'm glad to serve you, my lord."

Icarus crouched down slowly.

"Uh... this is... what's going on?"

Ye Shenyue watched Icarus sit down respectfully, but an iron chain appeared in his hand.This is the chain that fastens the collar around Icarus' neck!It's a sign of being a master!

This is……

"Lend me your Icarus for a few days."

However, at this moment, a mature royal sister walked out of the house slowly.

The long black hair looks like a princess's hairstyle, and the wine red eyes seem to be able to read people's hearts.

This is...Miss Yuko!

Ye Shenyue suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Chapter 0260 Come on Snowman War (a more)

Early morning time.

"Xiao Ye? What are you doing? Why are you running on the roof?"

Chu Yuan woke up very early today and wanted to come to wake up the service, only to find that Ye Shenyue ran up to the roof early in the morning, making her flinch.

"I'm doing something very important!"

Yagami sat directly on the roof, then raised her hands, the power within her body once belonged to Yoshino, the power of the ice elf began to work.

Looking up at the sky, the water mist at a height of several kilometers from the roof began to slowly condense and condense and the temperature dropped again, and then slowly fell.

"Come on... beautiful snowflakes..."

Yoshito is an ice elf and he absorbed her power. Since Yoshito is able to burst into powerful ice because of the energy out of control, it is impossible for him to not be able to make a little snow under his good control.

"Snowflake? How could it possibly snow at this time? It's summer now... eh... eh... how could it be... so beautiful... it should be the first snow..."

Chu Yuan wanted to shake her head, but somehow the snowflakes that fell from the sky fell into her hands, making her unable to continue. The beautiful hexagonal shape was very clear, translucent and beautiful.

This is the first snow.

Chu Yuan had already been bought by Snowflake and couldn't tell whether it was summer or winter, no matter what day it was, as long as it snowed.Sometimes a girl's idea is that simple.

Chu Yuan thought it was simple, but Ye Shenyue was different. He didn't go to "snow" because he was bored. This time the snow was also for the purpose of attacking the president. If a more accurate word was used, it would be to let the president kiss him. mission accomplished.

Last night, I originally went to her dream to find out the weakness of the president. Didn't someone say that I have a dream every day?Sometimes dreams also reflect the true character of the owner.

If you are a timid person, you cannot become strong and brave in dreams, because dreams are made by yourself and reflect your true heart.Should be timid or only timid.

But... why did the president know that it was a dream?It is impossible for ordinary people to realize that they are in a dream.

However, after the president's dream of shopping with terrorists, Ye Shenyue has also determined that the president's wickedness, whether it is inside or outside, is not a person who is easy to deal with.

How could a girl who is keen on killing and bloody horror come down!Even if you want to attack, you have to develop it slowly from a young age, such as beast taming, but the president already has childhood sweethearts.

So after thinking about it for a long time, he could only choose the path that was the first and closest to reality.

That is to keep betting!

Bet with her when the president held an event and beat her.Then let her kiss him willingly!

This is the purpose of Ye Shenyue.

Last night was just a dream, maybe it was a dream, he met Miss Yuko in the dream, he asked once, and Yuko really said that he only needs to be sincere and willing to kiss him, even if he loses the bet.

Speaking of Miss Yuko in the dream, Yashinyuki felt that she was the real Miss Yuko, because if it was the president's dream, the president would never have dreamed of her without seeing Yuko, and if it was him The dream... This is even more impossible, because he was in a awake state at night, where did the dream come from?

But if that's true... then Icarus...

Sure enough, it was taken by Yuko...

Ye Shenyue wanted to cry without tears.

Because of the snow, everyone was wearing scarves and gloves, but when she passed Fengyin Rihe, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but be moved.

So... so cute.

Fengyin is so beautiful both in appearance and in heart, she is definitely a good wife...

But what makes people feel resentful is that the girls who were talking and laughing when he walked on the road either fled to the back or ran forward, as if walking on the same road with him would be polluted.

Sure enough, he still carries the coloring and wolf soul on his body, and no girl would like it.

So sad.

Seeing such a pure girl, Ye Shenyue, felt ashamed for the first time and couldn't start a conversation with her, as if doing so... would have a disturbed conscience.

The snow was still falling, and it continued to fall, and it was already half a meter deep.

It has reached the scale for snowball fights.

During the early self-study, the longing voice of Ye Shenyue finally came from the broadcasting room.

That was the president's speech.

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