"Fight as a team?"

If the snowball came down, wouldn't it be wiped out in one swipe?

Although they are speechless, the unpopular men are still obedient and stand up. After all... the one standing at the front is Ye Shenyue, and it is also him who is going to be destroyed...

"Hmph...you idiots!"

Astraea was said to be an idiot and was angry, but the snowball rolled down.


However, when she tried her best to take two steps forward and smashed Ye Shenyue and the others with snowballs, she somehow stepped on the bump on the ground and fell directly, and the huge snowball was also thrown to the ground. aside.


Rolling to the other side, Astraya's plan to destroy the group failed.


Whether it's the unpopular guy or the girls who are constantly striving to throw snowballs, they're all speechless.

"Catch the first prisoner!"

They were stunned, but Ye Shenyue didn't, shouting and hanging the stupid angel directly, and then looked at the weak and weak girls in the back with less than [-] girls.


"Everyone attack!"


The boys took materials on the spot and attacked immediately. The snowball was not big, but it would still hurt if it hit someone.


Chu Yuan saw that it was just a dazzling kung fu, Ye Shenyue broke through the defense of the three 473 girls and ran towards her a little flustered. Although she has a murderous hand knife, although she also has the ability to attack, it is okay to attack unpopular men. , but if it's attacking Yagami...

It seems to be out of hand.

"I'm sorry Chu Yuan, this time I must win the president."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and patted the back of Chu Yuan's head lightly. Chu Yuan immediately froze.

"Okay...the rest is...you guys..."

Ye Shenyue laughed, but the rest of the girls felt extremely scary.

"Catch all!"

"Yes!"...Girls camp.The president was sitting high in a red robe and looked like a general, and the swinging fan in his hand seemed to say that she just wanted to use her brain power but not her physical strength, as long as she gave a high command.

This is the general.Those who are exhausted and who do not do anything by themselves, the real master is "There is an enemy! General, the boys attacked and captured [-] girls!"

"Then the other party's general sent a request to the president to discuss how to redeem the captives with his accountant."

As soon as the messenger got the news, he ran to the president... No, it should be reported to the general.

"Hum hum... I actually want to invite Jun into the urn... Could it be that the president is really so stupid?"

However, the president, who was not in a hurry when he heard that his side was captured, touched his chin and smiled.

Chapter 0262 Punishment (one more)

And Ye Shenyue's camp here.

"General, this is impossible!"

Watching the girl captives being suppressed all over the place, and Ye Shenyue's attempt to lure and lure the president into his own camp, he immediately stopped him.


The messenger had already gone, and it was too late to get them back. He captured the prisoners in order to lure the captain over, or to make the captain pay some price.After all, it's just to let popular men die as cannon fodder. If they don't do something real, they will be stabbed in the spine.

Because these guys who were going to be destroyed by the group were actually released by the girls. They should have been destroyed by the group, but there were still half of them left.So if you don't do a little thing, these guys say that they can't react and will bite back, which is bad.


The reason why the shape-defending senior is here is because of the reward from the president. The winner can get the equivalent money. The shape-defending senior has sold his soul for research funds.So it's working hard now.

"Because Mikako won't come here."

Shou Xing's face is not very good.

"...But if she does this, the military spirit of the girls' camp... hum hum hum... will be unstable!"

How can a general who gave up his subordinates still win people's hearts?

"Usually it's like that, but this is... this is Mikako!"

"Iron-blooded camp, black-hearted! She won't do things that endanger her, and do you think there's no reason for her not to come?"

Shou Xing pushed his glasses and analyzed it calmly.

It was indeed worthy of beast taming, and Shou Xing really knew Mikako, and Ye Shenyue was already admiring Shou Xing, how much did he get tortured by the president to become what he is now.

"According to the president's personality...well...it is possible to do such a thing, but now is the first day, we are in the school and have unique dietary conditions, so let's eat first, and then go for a sneak attack at night. "

"time to eat?"

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