Astraea, who was put aside, heard the sound and immediately woke up.

" stay for now."

Ye Shenyue selectively ignored her.

"But before eating... it seems that they can be punished..."

Clay figurines also have temperaments, not to mention Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue, who has always belonged to the popular camp, hasn't forgotten how these girls gave him scorn these days!

Although the girls will unconsciously think that Yashinyuki is a pervert and want to stay away from him, and they are only people who are teased by Miss Yuko, but... this person... always has the idea of ​​revenge of.

Then... just punish it.

"Really? General, wouldn't this be bad?"

Hearing Yashenyue say that, the unpopular men immediately gathered around. According to the description of the "unwanted men survey" conducted by the president, it was the bottom twenty standing around Yashenyue. And the last one.

How can it be repaired, this kind of "reputation" that would only belong to Tomoki Sakurai would actually fall on him.

The road to cultivating the gods is indeed a bumpy one.

"not good?"

Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw the excited expressions of her unpopular men, she couldn't help shrugging her shoulders, these poor guys must be thinking crooked, these guys.

"Don't you think that the so-called punishment is to do something like this to the prisoner? For example, force a kiss or something?"


Ye Shenyue was speaking in public, and the captive girls who were huddled in the corner were already screaming.They seemed to see their upcoming ending, "So... what does the general mean?"

"Listen well. Forcing girls with coercive means is done by the most incompetent people, but real men are sincere... If you don't even know this, you will never be able to become popular like me. road."

Ye Shenyue touched her chin as if she was touching her beard to teach the younger generation.

"So... this kind of delusion will wait until we win the battle. Now let them... um... cook first..."

Ye Shenyue paused and finally said the so-called punishment.


"The general was once a popular man?"

Everyone looked at each other and then burst into laughter.

If satyrs and wolves can be popular, then there is no reason for this day!

"...Hmph, you don't understand!"

Ye Shenyue shrugged, then squatted down and started to untie the girl. Of course, his first choice was not an ordinary girl, but Jianyue Chuyuan.No matter what, people are selfish.

It was just that Ye Shenyue couldn't help but stunned when she untied the rope of the girl beside Chu Yuan, because he didn't realize that Feng Yinri was also caught in this random arrest.

"That...thank you..."

Unchained by Ye Shenyue, Feng Yin Rihe immediately said with a blushing face.

"'s okay..."

Ye Shenyue also pulled out a smile, but she was shouting in her heart, when did she become so innocent?

When will this pounding heart come back?

Sure enough, she is such a pure girl... It's really... I can't do it...

in the kitchen.

The punished girls are busy preparing dinner.

Because the cooking room is open, all kinds of utensils are complete and they are not too burdened like they are taking home economics class.

It's just that girls get together and gossip is indispensable.

" guys found out that there are unwanted men around Sakurai-kun now!"

"It's normal, anyway, he's the last one, it's not wrong for popular men to recommend him..."

"I also voted in the survey of unpopular men held by the president last time... I voted for the last one..."

"The last one is indeed him."

"You think so too?"

"me too……"

X2 "You don't say that about him."

However, just when the girls were still discussing gossip and gossip, a pleasant but excited voice shouted out.

Chu Yuan and Astraya looked over, but saw that they were about to be overwhelmed by the girls... No, she should have been silent and always been gentle.

"Hiyori, how are you..."

The friend next to him advised, Feng Yin suddenly interjected and seemed to help the recognized satyr to say that this is not what a smart person should do.


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