Ye Shenyue remembered that in the beginning, his ribbon had the power to travel through time and space because it was wrapped around the president and Chu Yuan. One end of the ribbon was with him, and the other end was Chu Yuan and the president!

Ye Shenyue didn't wait too long.

In less than a minute, Ye Shenyue noticed it, and noticed a little girl holding a Doberman pinscher on the path. The girl was still very small and the brown-yellow-colored Doberman Pinscher was still very small. The size of a small basketball.

The owner of the puppy has beautiful long purple hair. He started growing his hair when he was very young, and he is indeed a good child who can develop.

She likes to wear skirts very much, and she is wearing a purple princess dress at the moment. Sure enough, this deep purple suits her very well.

Ye Shenyue has been completely determined, and now this little girl is the president of her childhood!

However, just when Ye Shenyue wanted to stop her, she found that the little girl had lost a wad of money on the way, all in the form of ten thousand yuan.

Really rich.


Ye Shenyue picked up the money, "Hey... your things fell..."

This is also a time to chat with the president, although the money is likely to be thrown on the ground on purpose by her to test him.

However, the purple-haired girl turned around and touched her pocket.Pockets are empty.

"Ah... I really lost it, thank you very much."

The cute little girl with purple hair bowed slightly and looked very polite.


Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, the eyes of the purple-haired girl in front of her were so sincere and sincere that it was hard to refuse!

This is... is this the president?instead of pretending?

"What? Well... that's right... As the daughter of Wuyue Tian Geng's family... I can't just say thank you so much... Then... please come to my house and sit..."

The little president nodded and smiled at Ye Shenyue gently and cleanly. This smile was not mixed with any impurities, and it came from the heart.

Completely from the heart?

"This... this is impossible! President! Are you really broken?"

"Hey... how can anyone suddenly say that I'm broken!"

The little president frowned slightly and looked unhappy.

"But... you are so abnormal now! Generally, you should deliberately keep the money on the ground and see which unlucky person picked it up, and then see his reaction. Do you want to talk to me by paying back the money? It’s really outdated, if you don’t pay it back, then there will be all kinds of sarcasm and teasing! This way… this way…”

"Hidden a knife in a smile... There is a sinister smile in your smile. This is your character!"

"You who should have been immoral and have moral problems turned into this... This... It's really abnormal!"


Ye Shenyue said a lot, but the little president touched his face and slowly sat down.As if thinking deeply.

"It seems... it seems... it seems that these things in your mouth are also very interesting... it seems that it is more interesting to live like this..."

The little president began to think, and then threw the wad of money that Ye Shenyue returned to her on the ground.

There was also a "click" sound.


Ye Shenyue looked at her, and she was also looking at Ye Shenyue.

"Hey... that's not the manner of a gentleman... If it is a gentleman, then I should pick it up... pick it up!"

I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion or not. At this moment, the little president seems to have a purple substance stuck behind him.

That kind of aura... How did it come about? Ye Shenyue, who was completely incomprehensible, picked up the money, and the little president also put it away, and then weighed it, "It took so long to help me pick it up... ...No sincerity at all... Dad said that you can tell what kind of person a person is from his small actions... I have seen through your actions just now... Actually... you are a liar!"

Loud.As if proclaiming the truth.


This little president... this is playing people!


However, when Ye Shenyue didn't know what to do, the ribbon on his left arm fluttered again, as if... asking him to find another person.

Meet Yue Chuyuan classmate.

"Hey...where do you want to go?"

However, just as Ye Shenyue couldn't help but leave in the direction she was floating in, the little president suddenly grabbed his arm.

Something strange flashed in the purple eyes, it was haze.

Something black is swallowing the president.

"You just woke me up... Indeed, it would be boring to just live as a good girl... Thanks to you, I just came up with a lot of ideas... hum... You can't just run away , if you escaped, who would I go to to experiment with?"

The president laughed suddenly, his face was cute, but his eyes were no longer clear, as if he had succeeded in blackening.

"Why... so!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the president who had changed a lot and thought depressedly, eh... Wait, so to speak...

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