Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of something terrifying.That is, the reason why the president has become so terrifying in the future... Could it be that... he did it?

Could it be that he is the culprit?

Could it be that he came here to turn the president into a blackened president?

This... what is the cause and effect of this!

Chapter 0277 This is the cause and effect (eight more)

As if walking through a time-space tunnel, Ye Shenyue quickly arrived at the other end of the ribbon.This is a place that Ye Shenyue is very familiar with, because this is his home, exactly ten years ago.

The words Yagami Moon above Sakurai can't be read wrong.

Then the next door is...

Ye Shenyue walked to the courtyard of Chu Yuan's house, and then heard the little girl's voice.

It was the cry of a little girl, it was very pitiful, Ye Shenyue only remembered that Chu Yuan's body was very weak when she was a child, and there was no one to play with her, so she often cried when she was young.

Could it be that……

She also became a little Yeshenyue and walked into the yard of Chu Yuan's house. The surname "Jianyue" was not written on the outside, and it was estimated that she had just moved here.

"Little Chu Yuan?"

Ye Shenyue walked into the yard and saw a little girl with short orange hair sitting in the yard crying.

crying again.

Ye Shenyue felt that today he was really lucky to meet two girls crying.

It's just that Chu Yuan looks so cute, and the small size has shrunk several times.

"Ugh... who are you? How do you know my name?"

The little girl raised her head.

"My name is Ye Shenyue, and I live next door to you...why are you crying?"

"Because my body is too weak to go outside."

There is a bit of regret in the little girl's voice, this is still the age of a child, who doesn't like to play?But because of her health, she can only stay here.


Even though this was said by Chu Yuan herself, Ye Shenyue couldn't help trembling, this Chu Yuan... this Chu Yuan actually said that she was too weak!

So how did the legendary hand knife come about?


"Then I'll come here with you."


The crying of the little girl stopped immediately.

"Well, my house is next door anyway, very close."

Nocturne nodded.

The days that followed were very simple. Sometimes I went to see Xiao Fengyin. I thought I was just coming back to cultivate feelings with Xiao Fengyin and Chu Yuan, but I didn’t expect to get the opportunity to be with Xiao Fengyin. 's reward.

It's just that I don't know if it's Ye Shenyue's illusion. After that "teaching" the president, this fellow's heart has been constantly dyed black. black.It is also black when cut.

However, Ye Shenyue still witnessed her luck.

Sure enough, the president.

When she was a child, she really dug a gold mine because she didn't have enough pocket money.

It is said to be a treasure buried by a certain general in the war-torn era, but no matter who buried it, it will eventually be the leader of the president.

However, her grip strength is really increasing, and Ye Shenyue doubts whether she is practicing strength in order to have a strong grip strength so that she can dig treasures.

In the days that followed, Ye Shenyue accompanied Little Chu Yuan, the little president, and Xiao Fengyin.Although it was boring to play with a little girl, Ye Shenyue is a person full of love. To be precise, although she has Chu Yuan in her teenage years, her childhood... seems to be pretty good...

And they can instill all kinds of loyalty to me while they are still young.

Sure enough, tuning and teaching still have to start from a young age.

only.When it comes to training, I'm really sorry for Ye Shenyue to leave the immature little girl untouched.

and so.

"A lot of meat on the road..."

The little president was walking on the street with her little Doberman pinscher, and saw a group of passing ducklings laughing, with strange purple flashes in their eyes from time to time.

"That's a duck..."

Ye Shenyue kindly reminded that this guy's mind has been completely distorted.

"No, as long as you're a little ruthless, you can put it on the table."

The chairman said with a smile, the ducks passing by ran away as if they were frightened, because they already felt malicious, which was the maliciousness of a little girl with purple hair.

The chairman is broken.

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