Black and gold fuse together and then return to nothingness.

"It seems that this amount can only be temporary. After all, your guild leader's luck hasn't fully awakened, and she won't be able to smoke a little more... But it doesn't matter if it's been like this for a hundred years... If you wait until Xiaokui wakes up by herself Then there is no need for this... ah... wrong... The real root cause of the rest is up to you to solve."

Yuko looked at Xiaokui and then touched her chin to sum up the effect of this "treatment".

However, Ye Shenyue's ears perked up, and he seemed to hear the word awakening.

President awakening?Xiaokui awakened?

What does it mean?

But Yuko showed a cute expression again, obviously not letting him ask, "Okay... I've solved it, go back and make snacks... After so much effort, people always get hungry very quickly~~" "... "

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, but she moved forward and touched Xiaokui's face. This time his hand was fine, and he didn't feel like it was broken and unable to move. Sure enough, Xiaokui's calamity power was temporarily contained. .


In the eyes of Yuko's contempt, Yashenyue still kissed Xiaokui forcefully. Because of the power of disaster, Yashenyue wanted to take her kiss away.

Although the current situation is not very suitable, although there is still a Yuko five million light bulbs, but I am really sorry for not kissing him.

Sure enough, the girl's lips are always irresistible, always so soft and always so sweet.

However, Ye Shenyue didn't know that when the figures of him and Yuko disappeared, Xiaokui, who should have closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, and it was darkness.

"Classmate Yeshenyue...Thank you..."

Crystal tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

It's true that normal people are asleep at this time, but she is different, she is not normal, she looks sunny and lively on the outside, but this is where she can really react.

She couldn't sleep at all, because even when she did, she had nightmares.

The people in the dream were blaming her, saying things like "it would be nice if there wasn't you".

but now.

She clenched her fists.The scene just it really just a dream?

the next day.

"Good morning, classmate Yashenyue, today's relationship with Jing is also very good."

Xiaokui came over with a bright face.


Standing on the side of Ye Shenyue, Jing glanced at her, then walked to the side, and actually gave the left side of Ye Shenyue to Xiaokui, but Xiaokui shook her head, and then pulled her in Jing's surprised eyes. Lived in the arm of Ye Shenyue.

Yes, he grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm.

And Ye Shenyue was actually not injured.

Is this... possible?

"Let's go to school today!"

Xiaokui burst into the brightest smile, she was liberated, as he once said, "I will help you untie such a fate" He did it, and she, too, was able to get in touch with him...

temple.To be precise, it is the shrine of Shizuya.Although the monsters of this era are not the same as before, they are not so blatant that many people can see them, and the people who can see are all psychic people.

However, Ye Shenyue, who had already solved Xiaokui's crisis and received a reward that could travel through time and space in the world of things from the sky, couldn't stand it for a few days in the ordinary days, because he remembered something.

053 The soul of a woman in a kimono that she met when she met Xiao Yu on May [-]th.He always had a feeling that he shouldn't have forgotten that woman, but he still seemed to have forgotten something.

Ye Shenyue is a person who doesn't like to have doubts in her heart, but it's okay if she can't know at that time.

but now.

The ribbon on Ye Shenyue's left arm suddenly fluttered.This is a weapon that can travel through time and space. Although you can't go directly to the world you want to go, you can use it to capture the medium of those other worlds, and then travel through it, just like you can travel back to childhood because you have caught the president.

And now.

on the cherry tree.


The crisp voice seemed to fall directly into the heart. Yashin Yue stood under the cherry tree and looked up, and the figure of a woman in a kimono standing in the splendid cherry blossoms flashed again.

Barefoot, her slightly pale and weak body was shrouded in a heavy kimono, but just looking at her figure, she realized that her temperament was slowly cultivated by the environment she lived in since childhood.

This is a woman from a famous family.

It was just that the fluttering ribbon suddenly stretched, and then directly tied up the woman's left hand. It was not a real her, but connected Ye Shenyue with her like a red thread.

"this is……"

Ye Shenyue looked at the pure white space tunnel that suddenly appeared between the two of them in amazement!

Sure enough... Could it be that this person is also...

It is also the key to open another world, just like the president and Chu Yuan.

Ye Shenyue didn't have time to think about it, his body had already traveled through space to another world.

ps: Next is the prequel of Inuyasha.The next chapter is Princess Sixteen Nights.

Well, I changed the cover just to write Kikyo

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