Chapter 0280 Princess Sixteen Nights (Eleventh subscription)

This is land that has been barren for many years.Whether it's the old city or the weeds on the ground, there's not a single place that no longer shows that it's an abandoned place.This is an infinitely beautiful spring. The weeds on the ground are beyond imagination.

The soles of Ye Shenyue's feet... It can be seen that this place used to be a moat, but due to the age problem, the river disappeared and was covered with mud and turned into flat ground.

Times have changed, and the vicissitudes of life are just like this.

"Finally home."

However, at this time, there was a voice behind him, the voice of a girl.

The pure white ribbon on Ye Shenyue's left arm has been re-rolled onto his arm, but a girl appeared on his left side, and it cannot be said to be unfamiliar, because this girl is in the world on April [-]st. The temperamental woman in the middle of the cherry tree.

For some reason, looking at her empty body again in this place that speaks of the old past, Ye Shenyue always has a feeling that this is the place that is more suitable for her.

"Are you from here?"

Ye Shenyue's words are completely nonsense. If the time and space triggered by the ribbon is not the world of the woman on the other end of the ribbon, then it will not be normal.

But somehow, maybe because of her temperament, maybe because of the familiar feeling that softened him.


Nodding gently, this is a crisp and sweet voice that looks like everyone's lady.But the expression of the woman looking at this emptiness was distressing. She seemed to sigh, "This used to be my home, but no matter how strong a country is, it can't stand the rotation of time. In the end... it's just a piece of loess."

She is the princess of this city, her father is a well-known powerhouse, but this is only a powerhouse of human beings. In this chaotic world where monsters are rampant, this city will eventually be wiped out.

It can't be said that this city, even she... eventually disappeared.

Now no longer a human being, just a flying soul, but even though it is only a weak soul that can fulfill the mission of "his" and meet him again... her life is worth it .

"...Do you want to be resurrected?"

Ye Shenyue knew that disturbing her memory was not good, but looking at the other party's sad expression, Ye Shenyue always felt uncomfortable in her heart, and the strange feeling in her heart made her feel more and more that he actually knew this woman. It's just that he lost his memory of Zeng Jin.

It's just that she has become a soul and has no entity. If she has an entity, as long as she has a kiss, she can restore her past memories through close contact, so this move can only be thought about and cannot be put into practice. of.

It's just that Yagami and Miss Yuko, if you ask Yuko to help, as long as she can afford the price, the woman who has become a god should be able to help.


The lady with a unique temperament shook her head.

"No need. I have got what I want and what I want. I have led you here, and then you have to find out for yourself."

The illusory figure of the woman fell on Ye Shenyue's body, but she reached out her hand but couldn't touch him.

Because she is already a soul.

Shaking her head gently, the loss flashed on the woman's face, and then she changed into an excited look, "Although it seems that two hundred years have passed, but... our children, our children should still be there. , I hope you treat him well."

While talking, the traces of the wandering soul seemed to have become more floating due to the master's excitement and then became nothing.

She... is going to disappear...

No, this is not the disappearance of ordinary meaning, it is like returning to the same place.

Because Ye Shenyue saw the passage that appeared behind her, this was the passage he had just arrived in, and the passage had not disappeared until now it began to collapse.

As she said, she was just a guide who led him here.


"You just said our child... our child is?"

Ye Shenyue herself doesn't know why his adaptability has become so strong. Once she was told that she had a child, she could continue to ask questions without changing her face.

God knows how many daughters he has.

"Our child... You said that in order to maintain the original love, it was named Inuyasha~~" The name was called Inuyasha~ It was called Inuyasha...


"and many more!"

Ye Shenyue sat on the ground all of a sudden, the woman's figure had disappeared but he woke up.

Inuyasha's mother... Inuyasha's mother...

Could it be that……

This woman is...could be...the Princess Sixteen Nights?

It's just that this Inuyasha's father... shouldn't be... shouldn't it be Inu General?

Could it be that?

Ye Shenyue's face suddenly lowered, and then she looked at the puddles on the ground that were about to glow, revealing white teeth. those bulging canines~ the other side.

Yuko's storefront that only those who wish can see.

"Sister, my path is over."

In an almost instantaneous action, the soul that had just disappeared actually reappeared and appeared at Yuko.

"Well... it's been hard work... do you want a drink?"

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