Yuko looked a little drunk, while Mokona beside her was completely drunk and fell asleep.

"No, I can't hold the glass in my current state, and you know I don't like drinking."

Izayoi shook his head.But then he said with a worried expression, "But does Sister Kikyo really have to experience such a tragic fate? Even an outsider feels a little miserable..."

"That's the calamity she should have experienced, and that's what she agreed to."

Yuko's wine-red eyes opened gently, "Even if you have to experience something like that, isn't it a blessing to be able to break through and stand up?"


Who knows the true meaning of the woman's soft sigh?

Izayoi looked away, as if she suddenly saw the ending she didn't want to see.

Chapter 0281 My name is Naraku (twelve more)

There are no tall buildings or buildings here, the tallest is the city, and even the city has only three floors.It looks backward and quaint.

But the air here...is so fresh!It is more comfortable than the suburban fields, and the most comfortable is to lie on the green grass and look at the quiet sky above.

Beautiful feeling.

Ye Shenyue didn't experience the tranquility for a long time, and then he felt the sound of a group of people surging forward, shouting and killing.

"Could it be a siege battle?"

Ye Shenyue is really interested in the siege battles of this ancient age. Are there really those ladders and those who directly hold a machete and chop it up and down?

The figure of Ye Shenyue suddenly disappeared from the city where Princess Sixteen Nights used to be. He found that running in such a place felt particularly comfortable. If there were no obstacles, if he encountered a big tree, he just had to jump up.

However, when he jumped up for the first time, his brows were still wrinkled, because as he thought, he saw the men who put their hair up and put on the humble armor that can be called shielding. Men have Young and middle-aged, they are holding a machete, but more often they are shooting with bows and arrows, but the target of the shot is not a city but a behemoth several meters in size.

That is.


This is a real monster. The monsters have huge bodies, showing their teeth and claws. The huge body swept away a few warriors at once, but Ye Shenyue noticed the center of the four or five monsters, how many people, how many A samurai is protecting a girl, wearing a pure white kimono, and they are trapped by a monster.

And the yokai seems to be trying to divide these people, because some yokai have opened their mouths and devoured the corpses of the samurai who were killed.

Monster, bloody monster!

But no matter how many, it's just trash.

"Save... save me!"

The girl trapped in the middle was shouting, but the guard guarding the door, no matter how much she cut it with a knife, couldn't hurt the monster's skin. This monster is not strong, but its skin is rough and fleshy!

"Princess, hold on! The city lord will destroy these monsters soon... Damn monsters!"

"Why did this happen just after returning to the city!"


The homekeeper's weapons are backward and weak.

Let the monsters involve more people. The monsters have huge bodies and like to feed on people, so now everyone knows the purpose of the monsters dispatched. In order to hunt for food, wrapping people up is to prepare food for the next time.

"These guys are really disgusting..."

Ye Shenyue has also seen monsters in Cat Niang's world, but those monsters may have been washed away by time and the rest are small monsters, and such large...

It looks... so disgusting.


Ye Shenyue looked at Her Royal Highness, who was rolled into a ball by a brown caterpillar that seemed to be gigantic, and still moved her body.Maybe it was Yashenyue's feelings that were at fault, just watching Princess Izayoi leave, and now seeing the princess in a kimono and then a Ji-fa-style princess, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Without even thinking, "that is?" directly from afar

Everyone just felt that the huge monster that trapped everyone in front of them was cut up like this, obviously it was a hard leather armor...why...was it just cut up like this?

Then a boy appeared in front of the warriors, dressed very differently from theirs, but he was holding a magical glowing sword in his hand, as if... he just appeared and killed the monster.

"Uuuu...you are so courageous!"

Other monsters hit by arrows found that their companions were killed and turned around. They are not people who attach great importance to their companions, but it is still very uncomfortable for their companions to be killed just like this, even though they are just ordinary little monsters, very weak. of the kind.

"Who called you so disgusting!"

Ye Shenyue didn't even think about cutting it directly with his glowing snowflakes at the other monsters. Although these monsters were big, they were really hard to cut. It was like cutting tofu and everything passed by. When their feet stepped on the ground, the monsters were already divided into countless pieces.


"It's not good...to become so disgusting...I don't know if the artificial elves will also be disgusted..."

Ye Shenyue dashed to the ground beautifully, but found that her clothes were actually splattered with the blood of monsters. Their blood was not red but cyan. No matter what, the clothes were ruined.

And he only has two knives in his hand, one is a natural tooth, and it is impossible to fight with a natural tooth, so he can only use a white weapon, but he also used snow flakes to cut it just now, so this I was really worried that the girl of the artificial elf would be disgusting.

Ye Shenyue seemed very calm, but the people next to her were different.

"Who is the hero?"

There is no title for a strong man here, so the princess used the title of a strong man.

The princess is generous, or rather excited. There are no knight novels and hero novels in this era, but she admires the princesses of powerful people.

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