
The shoes stepped on the broken branches on the ground and made a sound.


The Miko put down the barrel and immediately became more alert.

"Sorry just..."

Ye Shenyue subconsciously wanted to explain, but the woman's movements were faster than his words. In a blink of an eye, she picked up the big bow and arrow that had been put aside, and then pulled the bow at an incredible speed and shot it out.

"This speed... foul!"

Ye Shenyue jumped three times in a row to avoid the witch's bow and arrow, but in the fourth jump, he was actually caught by the bow and arrow and pinned to the tree.

It's not that he is too weak, the current Ye Shenyue is definitely not too weak, but the moment Ye Shenyue dodged and then saw the face of the witch who turned around.

This guy is very beautiful, if it's just beautiful then it's fine, Ye Shenyue isn't the kind of person who can't walk when she sees beautiful women, but because of... the appearance of this witch, the appearance of this witch, the appearance of this witch It is the most beautiful woman in this world, Kikyo!

Kikyo's expression is a little angry, which is understandable. Anyone who is peeped while taking a bath will be angry, even though she is wearing clothes.

But Yagami was already nailed to the tree and Kikyo was still drawing the bow, but when she was about to open the bow, she suddenly retracted the arrow into the quiver.

Then he put on the coat of the shrine maiden on the ground.

Yes, I put it on, because I was taking a bath just now, and I added a pure white pair, so it is looming on my body now.As a pure and clean witch, Kikyo-sama is reluctant to show such an appearance in front of men.

I have to say that the witch is very powerful. Not only is she shooting arrows fast, but she also wears clothes faster.

When Yagami was trying to open the arrow, Kikyo had already pointed the bow at his neck.

"This power..."

Ye Shenyue was a little surprised, he pulled out the arrow feather, but the bow and arrow that had approached his neck at this moment sent out fluctuations in strength.

And this fluctuation comes from the spiritual power of Kikyo, which is spiritual power.

The fluctuation of spiritual power, it seems that the pure Holy Spirit is full of power.It seemed as if she could break Ye Shenyue's neck immediately if she was inadvertent.

Because this is a mighty power, the power of the most powerful shrine maiden in this world...except for Tsuiko shrine maiden.

"I'm not a bad guy, um... at least not yet."

Ye Shenyue looked at Kikyo's expressionless face with an innocent expression.

Chapter 0283 Please join me (two more)

"I am not a bad guy."

Ye Shenyue said innocently, but.

"Honestly, what are you trying to do here!"

Kikyo was still expressionless, not so much expressionless as a little angry, because no one would say that he is not a bad person.

So this answer is totally playing tricks on her.

Because from the current scene, Ye Shenyue is wearing strange clothes and looks like a spy of the enemy country, and then there are bloodstains on Ye Shenyue's body. These are the bloodstains of monsters. This person killed the monsters just now.

In the end, it is him. There is no power fluctuation in his body. You must know that in this era, the only people who can deal with monsters are Taoist priests and the like, and such people will have power fluctuations in their bodies.

But he didn't.

Then it is a powerful samurai.

So is it super power?

But if it is super powerful, it is impossible to avoid her casual bow and arrow!Moreover, he casually opened her bow and arrow to look like she could do it with ease.

Everything can only show that he was deliberately shot.

Don't try!

No one will treat people with ulterior motives in a generous and polite manner, so now, it is completely correct that Kikyo, who is just walking over with clogs, uses her huge red bow to face Yagami.

And Kikyo also cared about another point. She found out about the time of Yashenyue, no matter how you looked at him, he should have been here for a while, but she only discovered his existence when he stepped on a branch!

It's not that she is boasting, she doesn't like to fight for a false name, but she is still very proud of her own strength, not talking about monsters or humans, no matter what it is, as long as it is within ten meters of her, she can't feel nothing, but I just didn't feel it!

The man escaped her interrogation.

Powerful, spies are very good at hiding.

The organization of these words makes Kikyo's aura a bit more severe, because she is the witch in the village and has an obligation to protect the safety of the village.In this era of war, the era of monsters is rampant, and it is a sinner through the ages to take advantage of it.

"Uh...how should I say it..."

"I'm just a passerby. I killed a few monsters just now, and my whole body was covered in blood. Because I heard the sound of water... um... It should be the sound of a waterfall... So I wanted to come and clean it up."

Ye Shenyue felt that she had been careful with her words and couldn't be more careful. As soon as she mentioned the sound of water, she saw Kikyo's displeasure added another point, so she quickly changed it to the sound of waterfalls.

Otherwise, she will be misunderstood by her hearing the sound of her bathing and...running over to take a peek...and his image will be completely destroyed before it even starts.

"It seems so."

Kikyo hesitated and put away his bow, as if believing what Yagami said.Because in any case, the blood of the monsters on Ye Shenyue's body is not fake, and they are all broken monsters, the kind that can shoot many with one arrow.

"That's how it was originally, Kikyo... er... why are you doing it again?"

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