Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief, who said that this witch is a good stubborn, and who is worried about him, how can a witch who shoots arrows and almost kills when they meet?

It's just that his words hadn't completely fallen, and Kikyo's huge bow touched his neck again.

Seems to have angered Kikyo all of a sudden.

"How did you know my name? If I remember correctly, we should meet for the first time. It seems that you are indeed a spy, and you have made so many preparations."


When necessary, you can really be wise in a hurry, and Yagami is like this now, "I can hear your name from ordinary people or from monsters. It is said that there is a very powerful witch here, so I came to see Look...then accidentally saw you washing..."

Somehow Yagami relaxed, and when it comes to taking a bath, Kikyo is supposed to be cleaning her body to keep her pure, but even though she is wearing a robe, her body is still wet... um... the pure white clothes worn by the shrine maiden are covered with water. After getting wet, it becomes something that adds temptation and temptation.

Kikyo, now Kikyo is still a girl, in the most youthful and most beautiful era.The beautiful and clear ketone body is full of youthful colors.

"You just said you were just here to take a bath."

However, Kikyo didn't subconsciously cover it up, or even if she did, she was just destroying her prestige, or...she was a witch at the moment...not a woman.

So shame or something... just throw it away.

Of course, this is different from Ye Shenyue's loss of integrity. People are forced, but Ye Shenyue is active.

It's just that Ye Shenyue now has scenery but can't focus on it, because at this moment something abnormal happened.Rather than an anomaly, it was a strange place.

Writing appeared on the ribbon wrapped around his left arm.

Cooperate with Kikyo to exorcise the demons, and then become the half-yokai by absorbing the spirits of the demons.

"What! This is also a mission!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the words that appeared on the ribbon in amazement.

If the one who just appeared to make him Naraku repelled Yagami, then now 2.2... may be rewarding him.

Because when he appeared in this world, it was already confirmed that he was still human, not a monster, let alone a monster.And the reason why Naraku became Naraku is because he dedicated his body to countless low-level monsters and then turned into a half-demon. He killed several monsters with his own hands, and he felt disgusting when he saw them. The body...then...Ya Shenyue thinks it's better to be a human directly.

But now the ribbon has shown him a clear path.

and so.

From Kikyo's point of view, this person who looks like a spy actually hugged her thigh directly, "Please, please come with me."

Chapter 0284 On the Jade of the Four Souls (three more)

"Let go, you rude bastard!"

Yagami's speed was very fast, and when she had no room to stop her, she had already hugged the pants of her witch costume.Specifically, it should be the thigh.

At least now, Yagami's image in Kikyo's heart has dropped again.


"never mind."

Kikyo shook his head, then grabbed Yagami's arm with both hands.

Is this giving up resistance or?

It is spiritual power!

Yagami felt that a powerful spiritual power appeared where Kikyo grabbed him, as if she had been electrocuted. This was the spiritual power that belonged to Kikyo.

"I'm just a witch, not a woman. If you have other interests, please find other people! So please don't pursue me."

Kikyo didn't use the kind of spiritual power that could kill people completely, just a small warning, Yagami has already let go, not because he was scared, but because he felt... Kikyo seems to have misunderstood something!

Don't... don't pursue her?Such words... also said.

How did she misunderstand!Could it be that……

Ye Shenyue is not a fool to think about his actions just now... and then there are words like "please come with me" that can be understood as a confession, it seems that the source is him.

Putting on the witch costume, putting the bow and arrow on her back, Kikyo turned to leave. At first, she suspected that Yagami was a spy, but it seemed a little different. It was not far from her village, so she could not leave. There was no hurry, but Ye Shenyue stayed alone.

There was no such thing as a bathroom in this era, so he had to stay in the pool, which was the pool where Kikyo bathed in the past.

With his hands behind his head, Yagami was thinking hard. He was accidentally pulled by Princess Izayoi and traveled here through the power of time and space of the ribbon, and it seemed that if he didn't complete the task shown on the ribbon, he would still be here. Really can't go back.

As Yuko said, every world is incomplete, and his ribbons can capture the medium and get to those worlds in exchange for helping to fix the plot.

It's really complicated.

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead.What kind of trouble would it be for him to become Naraku, but...if it's with Kikyo, then you can consider it.


Ye Shenyue looked at this peaceful world, and it seemed that it was also very interesting here.

It's so funny!

Ye Shenyue passed by the village for the third time and looked at the environment inside and felt deeply. This kind of living environment is really... too bad!Not only are there no electrical appliances, there are no pans, even the food is just soup!

In the backward!

"What are you sneaking around here for!"

However, when Ye Shenyue continued to inspect the living environment of this era with the awareness of onlookers, a voice sounded, but the hidden weapon was one point faster than her voice.

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