"Of course the Jade of Four Souls was created by Cuizi... eh... No, how could you not know?"

Ye Shenyue showed a puzzled expression, but Kikyo had no reason to deceive him. Could it be that... He deeply doubted whether he was tricked by Princess Sixteen Nights, as if in the current era... There is no such plot yet. How it started.

"I know I know, but... No one knows the exact location of the Four Soul Jade. There is no such thing around me."


Sure enough, this plot is really pure white?

Could it be that he not only wants to be Naraku, but also has to promote the development of the plot here?Did you really take him as an order of eight horses?

But at this moment, someone knocked on the door.Hierarchy is strong in this era.And Kikyo, as the village's existence similar to the chief, so even if they knew that Kikyo was in the house, they had to find someone to report, and even if the report was a woman.

"Sister, please meet the people from the Demon Extermination Village."

The one who spoke was the petite, cute and tender loli, the younger sister of Kikyo.His younger sister, Kaede, is related by blood.


What are they coming for?

Kikyo is a witch, and is often asked by people from other villages to remove demons, and a demon slayer is also asked to remove demons in the same job. It stands to reason that they are opponents or people on the same level, so they rarely have contacts, then What are they doing this time?

"Compared to the famous Miko Kikyo-sama, we accidentally got this thing, the jade of the four souls, and we want to put it with you so that you can protect it, because this is something that both humans and monsters dream of, if Letting it fall into the wrong hands will definitely do harm to the world."

The demon slayer is a middle-aged man, dressed like the people here, but he should be trained and powerful.

"Jade of the Four Souls?"

Kikyo looked at the four-soul jade that had been dyed black and contained powerful power, and the spiritual power in his hand was naturally released. The four-soul jade that was originally contaminated by the monster's blood and became dark , actually became brighter.

This is purification.

Only those with pure spiritual power can purify the Jade of the Four Souls.

"Yes, it seems that only Kikyo-sama is suitable for keeping this thing."

The demon slayer also had an eye for it. Before he came, he used the blood of monsters to taint the Four Soul Jade. The Four Soul Jade is very powerful. If it falls into the hands of bad people, it will definitely harm the world, even the witch is the same. No one can guarantee that he has no selfishness. What if the witch guards and steals herself?

That's why he used such a small trick. If the witch is pure in heart, it can purify the Four Soul Jade, but if she has darkness in her heart, it will only make the Four Soul Jade more dirty instead of becoming clean and translucent.

Judging from the current situation, Kikyo did not have any accidental purification of the Jade of the Four Souls, and was indeed the most suitable person.

"I have decided that my strength is not the strongest, and it will be too powerful to keep such a thing, so you can follow me."

This is what Kikyo said when he saw Ye Shenyue when he sent the demon slayer away.

ps: ok The three houses of the protagonist have all appeared.Note that the heroines of this book are: Yukuri Wood, Yuko Ichihara, Kikyo.

Chapter 0286 Sudden Winter (two more)

"Kiankyo, the monster on the left is handed over to you, and I will deal with the monster on the right."

However, before Yagami's words were over, Kikyo began to draw the bow and arrow, and the Demon Breaker Arrow shot out with powerful spiritual power, purifying the monster on the left almost in an instant, so that not even a shadow was left.

This speed is too fast!

While enjoying the feeling of the monster's soul being absorbed by him, Yashenyue began to kill. If it is for the human Yashenyue, she may not have the kind of determination to not change her face, but for these monsters... there is no pressure at all.

Because the other side is really disgusting.In this war-torn era, even a comb can turn into a monster, so it has nothing to do with quality.

The time passed really fast, Yashinyuki had been by Kikyo's side for almost a month, and Kikyo actually agreed to his idea of ​​following her after Kikyo accepted the custody of the Jade of the Four Souls.

Kikyo really thought it well, because the news of her possession of the Jade of Four Souls has spread, and now both monsters and humans will come to rob her, but it is reluctant to rely on her alone, so since there are helpers around, it is unnecessary.

Really pragmatic witch.

However, although Kikyo had the idea of ​​borrowing his power, she was still meticulous.

She deliberately let the Jade of the Four Souls hang in front of him for several days. If Ye Shenyue went to grab it...it must have ulterior motives.

It's just that this still underestimates Ye Shenyue, this kind of thing... this kind of thing... he doesn't need it.

So no matter how Kikyo tried to test him, he was indifferent.

Spring has passed, and for the first time, Ye Shenyue spends the winter in this world that is completely ancient, and there is a kind of white snow everywhere.Footprints were left on the snow.If you get close to the snow, you can see the shadow on the ground.

It's just that Ye Shenyue still wanted to complain when she looked at Kikyo's dress, because Kikyo was wearing a witch's costume, but she was covered with hats and shoji. This is the dress of this era to keep out the cold.

All right.In such a hurry, this kind of shroud can only be used.Because spring has just passed, yes, spring has just passed, so it should be summer, but in order to stop Kikyo's fast pace, Ye Shenyue started the same thing in the world of things falling from the sky, that is, using ice The power of the spirit Yoshino creates rain and snow.

Then successfully trapped Kikyo and him in the small house.

Just looking at Kikyo's dress.

"Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow."

For some reason, this sentence popped into Ye Shenyue's mind.Although the person now is not an old man, but a girl who is alive and well.

But Kikyo gave him the feeling... just old age.

"Hey... Kikyo, can't you smile more? Don't be like an old lady!"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue and Kikyo are staying in the same room. This is a hunting hut built by hunters. There are no hunters in this weather. It is raining and snowing outside. Hunters will not enter the mountain.

As for Ye Shenyue and Kikyo, they were entrusted by a village to eliminate a few wolf demons and then rest here.

"I'm a witch, not a woman. It's boring to laugh. It's better to think about how to get out of here than to think about these things. The strangeness of this snow is probably the work of monsters."

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