Kikyo gave up the preparation to start a fire in the house, because they were trapped in the house, and the firewood in the house was also wet by the rain and snow. God knows how the snow flew in and wet the firewood inside. .

He took off his hat and shroud, and it was covered with snow. Even if he put it on his body, it would only add to the cold.

It's just that Ye Shenyue is probably the only person in this small world who speaks to her.

"The monster... it is indeed the work of the monster..."

Isn't that the big monster he is?

Kikyo's speed of killing monsters is very fast. She shoots them out with her demon-breaking arrows, and then the souls of those monsters are absorbed by his body, as if receiving power. Yagami's originally sealed power has almost reached 75%. Yes, what a joy.

But now is not the time to be happy about this kind of thing, Ye Shenyue frowned again, because Kikyo once again declared her identity.


Miko before women.

As a witch, with powerful spiritual power, you must keep the heart pure and the body pure. These are the source of the witch's power.

No matter how you look at it, Kikyo is a qualified witch.


Ye Shenyue is not happy with this, because every time she mentions the witch, she is rejecting him in disguise, because the witch cannot fall in love, and once she falls in love, it means that the witch's heart is not pure.

What a stereotypical witch.

Ye Shenyue looked at Kikyo, Kikyo kept sitting upright, it really had the feeling of an ancient lady, and Kikyo had a witch bonus.

"Give me the Jade of the Four Souls."

The Jade of the Four Souls, Kikyo always carried it with her, because she had to beware of other people or monsters attacking the village to take the Jade of the Four Souls while she was leaving the village, so she took this "time bomb" in her hand .

"...What are you doing with it?"

Kikyo was silent for a while and still threw the Jade of Four Souls to Yashenyue, because if Yashenyue wanted to take it away, it would have been so long ago, not now.

If he takes it now, then it's also her own fault, it's because she doesn't see people well.

"It's boring anyway, so I used it for research."

The Jade of the Four Souls is icy cold, and I don't know how Kikyo said it stayed on the body.Shouldn't it be...

Ye Shenyue frowned and grabbed Kikyo's hand.

"what are you doing?"

Kikyo wanted to withdraw her hand and found that she couldn't break free, because Yagami didn't know when she had used her strength.Compared with strength, Yagami Yue will not lose to anyone.

"It's really so icy..."

Although Yagami originally wanted to achieve this effect, it would not be his idea to let Kikyo freeze like this.

"Come here!"

Rather than coming over, it was better to use brute force, Ye Shenyue directly pulled Kikyo over, and then hugged her involuntarily.

The breath full of bellflower immediately penetrated into the tip of the nose.

Ye Shenyue, who had the chance to just hug Little Lolita by chance, was excited.

In any case, the highest-ranked woman in Inuyasha's world is Kikyo, and now he is holding this woman completely in his arms.

His embrace is very warm, this is Kotori's power, similar to Yoshino's ice ability, Kotori's power is fire.Even if the spirit of fire is not on fire, it can still heat up his body.

Xiaoqinli, your abilities are quite useful.

When Ye Shenyue held this tough shrine maiden in her arms, she felt once again that I had the power in my hands.

He just explained, "Don't expect me to let you go, it's you who said that you are a witch, so as long as you don't have that kind of mind between men and women, it's okay. Could it be that your witch's How can your identity be destroyed so easily? Let me tell you a story about the Jade of Four Souls... There was once a shrine maiden called Tsuiko... She is very powerful, and her spiritual power is very different from yours. When she fights monsters, she is directly The soul of the monster is separated and merged with oneself to achieve the effect of purification..."

Chapter 0287 Before becoming a half-demon (one more)


With powerful spiritual power, the Demon-Breaking Arrow, which can directly purify the soul of the monster, flew out, and the low-level monsters with their teeth and claws disappeared without even screaming.

However, the soul purified by the Demon Breaking Arrow was completely absorbed by Ye Shenyue's body, as if it had absorbed nourishment, and the warmth of the body felt extremely comfortable.

"What are you doing?"

Another batch of monsters was destroyed, but Kikyo's bow and arrows were just collected, but I saw such a picture.

Kikyo is a shrine maiden and a powerful shrine maiden. She has great power, and her eyes are different from ordinary people, and she can directly see the soul of the monster, so she saw the soul fly directly into the body of Yagami.

She saw such a scene more than once, but she thought that Ye Shenyue was just doing weird things, because after getting along with her these days, she slowly realized the unique power of Ye Shenyue, such as the ability to destroy half of the bow and arrow that disappeared. The repair is as good as ever, for example, he can use the natural teeth in his hand to cut off the devil in hell and then resurrect people.

These are things that cannot be explained.

Only now, after Yashin Yue once again absorbed the soul of the monster, Kikyo frowned, because she felt it, felt the power of the monster.It is indeed the power of the monster, which is the unique power of the monster.

"Absorb the souls of youkai...that will increase my power."

Ye Shenyue was right, the monster's soul was warming his power like a tonic.

"...You think I'm just an ordinary witch? A witch with an average amount of demon power may not be able to detect it, but I have already felt it. It's the same power as these beheaded monsters, and the same origin. "

The witch's eyes looked at Ye Shenyue, as if she could see through Ye Shenyue's whole person. In Kikyo's eyes, Ye Shenyue still had the same expression, not in a state of madness after being haunted by demon power.

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