"...As expected, I noticed...well..."

Ye Shenyue calmed down. He had long known that Kikyo would find out that he would absorb the power of the monster she purified with the Demon Breaking Arrow, but it was too early.

Spotted by Kikyo and then she might stop him.Such a scene Ye Shenyue has long thought of.But it's still frustrating to come so soon, it really is the power of Kikyo too strong.

"I admit that I am cultivating demon power, by absorbing the souls of monsters purified by you. My goal is to become a half-demon, a human with the power of monsters. If it bothers you, or you want to destroy me Banyao, then I'll leave. Thank you for taking care of you during this time."

Ye Shenyue showed a helpless expression, her face full of sincerity, and turned around as she spoke.

It was like saying goodbye and preparing to leave.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, one minute.

Finally, Kikyo seemed to have made a decision after Yashinyuki deliberately recited it for a minute, "Wait."

"Instead of letting you go and letting you continue to absorb the souls of monsters and turn into evil monsters, it's better to stay by my side, didn't you say it yourself? You stay by my side to pursue me? Before the goal is achieved Just giving up? I don't remember you being someone who gives up easily."

"Uh... Kikyo... you mean..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes are about to widen, what did Kikyo just say?

pursue her?

Did she admit it too?

This is……

"I mean if you stay by my side and once you become an evil monster, then I can deal with you quickly so that you don't harm other people."

Kikyo pointed to the longbow in his hand like a threat.

It's just that Ye Shenyue still saw Kikyo's face turning around. If he didn't admit his mistake, Kikyo's face would definitely be flushed.

In other words, what Kikyo said now is definitely not the truth.

Kikyo-kun, you are such a stubborn fellow!

"Okay...Okay...I'll be killed by you then...Anyway..."

Anyway, it wasn't the first time that Ye Shenyue was killed, so being killed once was not a threat at all.

But Ye Shenyue looked at the witch who had just gone through a battle and was about to go to the next village to slay demons, then squatted down and patted her back with both hands.

"Hey... Kikyo... I wanted to say it a long time ago..."


Kikyo looked at him strangely, what does it mean that Ye Shenyue suddenly squatted down?Why does this move look like letting her go up?Lie on his back.

"Although your spiritual power is strong, your footsteps... are too slow... I'd better carry you over here instead of this."

"……no need."

The famous witch of the Warring States period felt insulted.

... "I'm a witch, I don't need your consideration."

Kikyo will be considerate of the special emphasis of the word.Then she moved out of her identity as a priestess... eh... as a priestess.

"I'm here to pursue you. Do you think that just being a witch can stop me? Forget it... not that... You are now refusing, so you want me to hug me like a princess?"

Yagami did not give up, but her posture did not change, because Kikyo would compromise.

Kikyo-kun is very strong and stubborn, but he will compromise at some point, just like now.

Miko being held.

Even normal people will be misunderstood.Although Kikyo doesn't care about these false names, but also hates troublesome gossip.

After a moment of silence, Ye Shenyue felt that the girl was on his god... No, it was on his back, the breath that belonged to Kikyo... and the body that belonged to Kikyo.

Sure enough, the Warring States period was the best!Because it is still ancient and relatively primitive, Kikyo did not wear the bras of later generations, so this soft part is also tightly and completely attached.This is the feeling of a girl.

"Kankyo? Uh... fell asleep?"

However, when Ye Shenyue was thinking about whether she should find an excuse to hide him and let Kikyo continue to lie on top of him, she found that Kikyo didn't answer him, her chin was on his neck, and she fell asleep.

That's right, Kikyo fought three times today. Even though her Demon Breaking Arrow was powerful, she still shot a dozen arrows. Every arrow was a Demon Breaking Arrow. She is only a human being, so it's completely normal to be tired. It's definitely not like Ye Shenyue, the power in her body has never been depleted.

Since Kikyo fell asleep, Ye Shenyue also relaxed, so she tried to relax as slowly as possible, so as not to disturb her.

This shrine maiden, in addition to showing a smile to her sister and doing things other than the shrine maiden status, is the only time when she can truly let go of her shrine maiden status.

However, Ye Shenyue didn't even realize that his expression was so gentle at the moment.It seems that treating her like this is casual and natural, naturally considerate and familiar.

ps: Sure enough, the original stream is too difficult.The next chapter is the black and white witch.

Chapter 0288 Black and White Witch (two more)

After staying in the tea house for a while, Yagami finally sent Kikyo to a beautiful mountain.The entire mountain was shrouded in a huge barrier, as if to hide something.

"With such a large barrier, there might be something good in it."

Ye Shenyue also squinted her eyes with Kikyo on her back. There are many good things in this era, such as the Jade of the Four Souls, but this is not attractive to Ye Shenyue. If you insist on being attractive, then Miss Cuizi is among them. The so-called Jade of the Four Souls is a combination of the most powerful shrine maiden in the legend, Tsuiko, and the soul of a monster.After fighting all kinds of big monsters for seven days and nights, Cuizi, who was a human, couldn't hold it anymore, so she forcibly peeled off the soul of the remaining monsters, and then condensed her own soul into the jade of four souls. Among them, her soul and youkai's soul are fighting without pause and without end.This is a strong and powerful witch.

Well, for Yagami, who has a little witch plot because of Miss Kikyo, this Jade of Four Souls... um... Miss Tsuiko is still very attractive.

"Boundary? It feels like this before I touch you."

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