Kikyo got down from Ye Shenyue's body and looked up at Ye Shenyue with a compliment.

"Uh... it should be said that I was educated by a genius... even I can use magic... er... use magic to create a few enchantments..."

Using magic power to create an enchantment and then doing something blushing and heart-pounding is Yagami Yue's forte.And the creation and cracking of this enchantment is entirely due to the genius girl Haruna-chan. Even if Kyoko is very upset with Haruna, this guy is indeed a genius in some aspects.

And Ye Shenyue, looking at the silver-white barrier that ordinary people can't see, it seems that he can only break it with brute force.

"Genius? If possible, I would also like to ask her for advice."

Kikyo is not good at these enchantments, she is good at her spiritual power and the arrow of breaking the devil.Compared to the Miko who used the barrier to defend, she was a Miko who fought.

" must have a chance."

If Haruna comes to this world... it seems to be fun, but it is impossible for him who has to continue to complete the task, but if he becomes a god, it will be fine.

"Then that's settled. Well... Speaking of specific things, you stay outside the mountain, and don't break through the barrier. Inside is my master's shrine. Never let go of monsters, even you probably won't let go."

Kikyo carried the arrow on its back, holding a longbow as if teaching a disobedient child who likes to be naughty.I don't know when she transformed into such a role as a witch.

"It's just an old man... need to be afraid of him?"

Ye Shenyue seemed quite unhappy, just because this old man was unhappy with the monsters and then he was going to be blocked out?At first glance, it is an old man who does not distinguish right from wrong.

Ye Shenyue's heart was full of resentment towards the priest.

"He is my master after all."

However, Kikyo's tone was respectful."Okay okay okay..."

Ye Shenyue shrugged, he was just an old man anyway, and he seemed to value and like Kikyo, so he let him go first.

"Then I'll just lie here and wait for you. I have to go and return quickly." Ye Shenyue deliberately chose a tree whose branches were big enough for him to lie down without falling off, and then waved at the bellflower. .

"...Be careful yourself."

Seeing Ye Shenyue's completely casual behavior and attitude, Kikyo sighed and entered the forest.

You should be careful...but...

Ye Shenyue saw Kikyo's figure just disappeared and immediately sat up. Although it's good to stay by Kikyo's side, there are still many wonderful things in this era of the Warring States Period...

Such as beauties... such as human beauties, such as monster beauties.

However, just when Ye Shenyue was about to leave to find a new future, she found... a snake charmer came down from the bottom of the tree.

The reason why she was a snake charmer was because she was standing on top of a huge pure white python and slid from it.

"Hey...what are you doing here!"

Ye Shenyue frowned slightly, looking at the woman with black hair wearing a dark purple top and light purple hakama, hanging a string of emerald rosary beads and wearing a crimson knot.This dress made him feel familiar yet unfamiliar.

But Ye Shenyue felt the discord. It was her long black hair. Although the black hair is very beautiful, it seems that the long silver-gray hair is more familiar... The long gray hair... Men say...

This woman...could it be...

Ye Shenyue came down from the tree and stared at the woman's face and then remembered her name, "You are the Black Witch Tsubaki!"

"It seems that Tsubaki is still very popular."

The black witch smiled lightly, the white python on the bottom of her feet quickly became smaller and then became a 3.9 slender one wrapped around her arm.

This is her shikigami. She is different from the aggressive Kikyo. She is good at enchantments that ordinary witches are good at, shikigami.

"You're just a weak and powerless witch who is jealous of Kikyo and then put together by Kikyo, right?"


Is that her adjective?

"...Damn Kikyo."

That's how you know her name!

Bellflower again!It must be the Kikyo that spreads it all over the place!

The black witch angrily entered the barrier of the mountain, but she was a little unhappy with Kikyo again.Although Ye Shenyue is completely innocent, he is not adding fuel to the fire.

Chapter 0289 The Curse of the Black Witch (one more)

"Human beauties... monster beauties..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly jumped into the sky. The two witches Kikyo and Tsubaki went to see their master priest, but he... also had a short period of freedom, but this mountain is too desolate, let alone monsters Not even humans.Sure enough, it is because there are shrines and priests here?That's why the troublesome monsters don't dare to go wild here... Or is it because of Kikyo's master, the old priest?

According to Kikyo, that guy is the type that kills all monsters regardless of whether they are good or bad.

He jumped from the sky and landed on the big tree again. Just as Ye Shenyue was considering whether to go to another location to find a new encounter, new words appeared on the ribbon tied on her left arm.

"One-third of the half-demon plan is completed, and when half of the demon power is obtained, creating a clone is to give birth to a child (laughs)"

This is……

Have a baby?

Ye Shenyue pinched her forehead, he could help with having a baby, but this is his own birth... He really hadn't heard of anyone who would have a baby, and what's with the smile in the brackets?

Isn't this Yuko's conspiracy?

Ye Shen covered his forehead in July, feeling that he was still being calculated.

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