After rolling around again, Ye Shenyue didn't know how many lambs he counted out of boredom. Just as he was rolling again, Wei Wei's undetectable voice came to his ears.

It was a sound similar to "crack" made by metal rubbing against the floor.

This voice Ye Shenyue is very familiar and can be heard almost every day.

Because that was the sound of Yu walking, Yu wore metal boots that prevented the spread of magic power when he walked.

Could it be's so late, you're here too?

Ye Shenyue was a little excited, although she was a little biased, but Ye Shenyue really had the most unique feeling towards You.Turning his head slightly, he was looking at the beautiful silver hair that was as smooth and crystal clear as crystal, the white and delicate face, and the blue eyes like the sea.

His face was expressionless, but he was heartbroken.

Isn't that who Yuhui is?

You took the initiative to come to him!

Ye Shenyue suddenly became excited, ran to the door quickly, and hugged You's small body. You's body was still soft and boneless, just like a pure-bred little loli.

Ye Shenyue kissed You Bai's tender cheek, and saw You's cheeks suddenly rose with a beautiful pink.

Are you embarrassed?

Just suddenly, Ye Shenyue didn't have time to continue appreciating the beauty on You's face, he stopped the next more intimate actions, looked at You, and actually hugged You and lay down slowly and quietly, as if He closed his eyes as if he was asleep, and even snorted softly from his nose.

And Yu actually slowly and quietly closed his eyes, his eyelids didn't move, as if he had fallen asleep too.


soft sound.It was the sound of the boards upstairs being lifted.

It turned out to be like this... Gently opened the plank of the attic, and Sera saw the whole situation of Ye Shenyue's room at once.

It was even more so when he saw Yuu, who was resting on Ye Shenyue's body at this time.

Only this time, Sera didn't say anything, and put the plank back in place. Sera looked at the old plank with incomparable complexity, and finally let out a sigh... The beautiful dark green leaves flashed by. , Serra disappeared.

What Sera didn't know was that the harmony between Yu and Yagami that she had seen before was just a superficial phenomenon.

Ye Shenyue, who should have closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes, her ears moved slightly, and she breathed a sigh of relief.He wrapped his arms around Yuu's small body.

In this way, I was so excited that I watched You's slender eyelashes move, and then opened her beautiful eyes that were as clear as the sea.

Yu... It's been a long night, and it's just boring to sleep, why don't we do something harmonious?It was confirmed once again that Sera had indeed returned to her own room, and Ye Shenyue was almost as if she had been beaten with blood, and the excited expression on her face could not be concealed.Lips moved and a suggestion was made.

Step... horny!I do not know where to take out the small note again, and you hold the small note. Originally, it was a delicate white and tender face without any waves. I couldn't help it, and a little bit of a faint, slightly blushing color appeared. On her blemishable skin, it looks even more delicate and lovely.

Uh...cough...even though it's true, Ye Shenyue still blushed a little after being said so bluntly by You, but now is not the time to be embarrassed, and now You have finally taken the initiative to embrace , it's not good to miss something more "beautiful" just because of embarrassment.

Chapter 0080 Correction of Mihara

When he woke up in the morning, Yu was no longer around, and when Ye Shenyue came to the living room, Yu was already drinking as usual, taking a small sip of a lady from a teacup.His expression was calm, not at all like the enthusiasm from last night that made the big man Yeshenyue blush.

And now, she, who is obviously the most enthusiastic, actually acts as if nothing had happened.

Such a difference made Ye Shenyue feel that a woman's heart... It's really hard to guess.

In the face of Sera and Haruna's incomparably hot "attention ceremony" Yagami, she bit her head and put on an embarrassing smile.Because at this time, both Sera and Haruna have dark circles under their eyes. Why do they have dark circles? It goes without saying that, of course, it was because I didn't sleep well last night!

As for why I didn't sleep well... This reason, several people present were well aware of it.

You can absolutely stay out of the way, because last night she didn't cry out at all, and there was no suspicious ShYi or the like.But Yagami is different. Heavy gasps and satisfied exhales are amplified countless times in the ears of ninjas, and Haruna is even better. Haruna has always paid attention to Yagami. When she went to the toilet in the middle of the night and passed by You's room, she secretly took a look, but there was no sign that You was in the room!

Curiosity and some exciting guess in her heart, Haruna sneaked to Ye Shenyue's room, she didn't dare to make too much noise, and she didn't dare to get too close, because the people inside had very powerful ears.But with all her concentration, in the silent night, with a blushing face, Haruna still heard a voice that shouldn't be heard.

In the end, Haruna-chan didn't listen for a long time, but she couldn't help but go back to her room after a while, but on the soft g-bunk, Haruna-chan couldn't fall asleep.

So the next day I will have big dark circles under my eyes.

So it has become the embarrassing situation it is now.

However, embarrassment is embarrassment. Facing Haruna's bulging cheeks and Sera's cold eyes, Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of something.That is, he is a man after all, or a man with the aura of the protagonist!No longer the mediocre otaku in real life!

The world he is in now is definitely not the past, but the world he has been pursuing!Now that you have achieved your goals, you can let go of your nature.

The declaration of his Crystal Palace is still lingering in his heart. If he retreats now, when will his Crystal Palace be established?

Secretly determined, Yagami took a deep breath and launched a declaration towards Sera and Haruna, "My room is empty tonight, anyone can come." Anyone can come?

This sentence is simply hi naked inviting them.The secret meaning is that whoever wants to come to his room tonight, he will "entertain" him well.

Sera and Haruna's faces instantly turned red.

On the other hand, Yu put down the teacup and held up the small book "Stimulating."

Obviously, the black-bellied Youchan is no longer going to hide her black-bellied attributes. Isn't there a saying that you don't need to disguise in front of the one you love?

So now you don't need to disguise anymore. Since he is a black belly with a high morality, he clearly shows it!

"I'm going to school first. Take a good look at the house." Anyway, Sera and Haruna knew about his relationship with Yuu, and Yagami didn't have anything to avoid. He hugged You's tiny body tightly, and sure enough, those who tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time liked to stick together like glue.

Now Ye Shenyue is more and more eager for Yu, and she can't wait to rub her into his body.

Be careful on the road.

In the excellent text, Ye Shenyue walked out of the house to go to school.Closing the door, I didn't see the scene that seemed to be about to explode at home, but Yoshinori could imagine that in Yuu's "exciting" sentence was actually the essence of P's words, it would make Sera and Haruna... explode.

Far away, Ye Shenyue deliberately raised her ear strength to the maximum level, and Sera's voice reached his ears from the wind.

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