"And Lucy-sama...what P...how could it be with that bug...even if I really want...it's...it's..."

Hehe, looks like it's time to talk to Sierra tonight.

However, Ye Shenyue found Sera's abnormality. If it was the usual situation, Sera should have accused him in the morning, how could he shamelessly bully Yuu, but Sera did not today, there is only one possibility, Sera seems to have been subjected to blow.

Brother is a good person, so I went to comfort the injured girl at night.

Ye Shenyue thought shamelessly...


When Ye Shenyue arrived in the class, everything seemed a little different.

For example, the lecherous Orito looked at him with a very strange expression. Of course, Orito or something, the classification of basic friends, Yagami Yue didn't care, what he cared about was that something was wrong with Mihara and Taeko.

Mihara gave him a roll of eyes as usual, but her thin lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to say something to him, but she still didn't say it.

He just kept staring at him, as if he was looking for some clues.

On the other hand, Taeko lowered his head very abnormally, blushing red, as if he had seen something that could not be seen.

Ye Shenyue stared at Taeko curiously, but Taeko's mouth was open but he couldn't say anything.Must have seen something embarrassing.

"Let me tell you, in fact, Taeko saw a naked man jump from her house to another house the night before yesterday. I didn't expect such a perverted person in this era."

Mihara sighed and explained to his friend, just explaining, and suddenly gave Ye Shenyue a suspicious look, "That pervert could not be you. It seemed that I heard someone swearing unhealthy remarks loudly that night. "From a closer look, it seems a bit like..."

Mihara circled around Ye Shenyue and said suspiciously.

Can ordinary people travel between the roofs of different people?Now is not the Edo period, where did so many masters come from?

But Mihara knew the identity of Yashinyuki as a zombie. There are even zombies in this world, how could there be no other masters?Since it is a zombie, then the skill should be good.

ygo!How did they all hear his declaration?And Taeko actually saw the fruit body!And Mihara, your analysis is too powerful! "How is it possible! How can I be such a pervert?"

Ye Shenyue fearlessly denied the speculation of Sanyuan's facts. This kind of thing can't be admitted in the light of the day. It would be fine if it was with them in private, but I didn't see so many people watching. ?His Ye Shenyue's reputation!

"Yeah, how could Aikawa be like that? He's so weak..."

"It must be the wrong person, Aikawa's athletic cells are not very good..."

The surrounding classmates were all around, but their reason made Yashinyue speechless. Isn't it because the zombie system often turned into a mummified corpse and couldn't exercise in the sun?As for hurting him so much?


Mihara was still in denial.Only at this time, a voice came in.

"This is for you! If you don't come, I don't know what will happen."

A piece of pure white paper flew over and slanted on Ye Shenyue's table, and Silas' elegant and tall figure flashed by the door.

"Uh... Silas..."

Ye Shenyue was a little lost, because as early as that night two days ago, he had already seen the whole body of this new campus idol in front of him.

I know a lot about her body.If it wasn't Yu, maybe she was already his.

But no matter what, the siege of Yashenyue is temporarily lifted, because everyone's attraction is attracted by the blank paper on Yashenyue's table.

Is this a love letter?

But why is there no handwriting in the love letter?

Is it a riddle?

Everyone is constantly moving their brains, even Mihara is no exception.At the same time, Taeko, who was still shy at the time, also raised her big eyes, as if she wanted to know the meaning of the paper.

Only Ye Shenyue knows that this is another secret letter. Why do vampire ninjas like secret letters so much?

If it's a love letter, are you afraid that others will read it?

Only the dishonest Hui Luo Luo.

Even though she thought so, Ye Shenyue's heart couldn't wait to find Hui Luo Luo immediately.

Men are really sweet animals.

This is the sigh of the big teacher in Biliye who saw the scene of Yagami at this time through a special magic mirror.

Although she said so with a smile, her true feelings were unknown.After all, she is also a high-level actress, and sometimes she even forgets her real expression.

Come to think of it, Ye Ye, think of everything we once had.

Closing his eyes, the big teacher continued to take a bath, letting the beautiful and lovely bubbles fall on the smooth ground.

Ps: The next object to be pushed is lovly Hui Luo Luo.

Chapter 0081 Lovely Hui Luo Luo

"Huh? Silas?"

Ye Shenyue Yiyue arrived at the rooftop during lunch, but she didn't see anyone, and suddenly her ears moved, and a slight noise came from behind. He just turned his head and saw Silas's iconic long hair. , the slender slid on his neck, a feeling of itchiness, Ye Shenyue just wanted to take away the teasing hair, but the back was attacked.

A pair of beautiful, crystal-like jade palms pushed him.

One knew that Silas would not hurt him, and the other was that Ye Shenyue's unprepared mind was really pushed.

His eyes looked at Silas who seemed to be sniffing something on him.Ye Shenyue has doubts in her heart, what is Silas doing?When did you learn this trick?

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