"Damn...there is actually a backhand!"

Inuyasha attacked with his iron claws for several times before pulling out the frozen soles of his feet. Only when he was relieved, he found that he did not know when the icicles quickly melted and flames appeared. This is Kotori. The power of the fire spirit.

"Demon... demon magic!"

Inuyasha shouted, but hearing his shout made people want to knock him right away, what is a magic trick?Obviously he is a monster himself, okay?

But no one could stand the cold.

"Damn guy... I will definitely take revenge next time!"

Inuyasha spit heavily and then jumped up nimbly like a goshawk and fled in the direction of the woods.His speed is definitely not comparable to manpower.

"Lord Yeshenyue, the monster fled in the direction of the forest."

After running for a long time, the breathless villagers came back.

"Don't worry... there's Kikyo over there."

Ye Shenyue squatted down and looked at the villagers with bloodstains or bruises on their shoulders, faces or feet, "Also, you should bandage it first, and repair the damaged house first."


The villagers nodded, as long as Mr. Kikyo made a move, it would be fine.However, Ye Shenyue's priority to let them deal with the wound first still moved these simple villagers.

Although Kikyo is still the most prestigious person in this village, Yagami is also rising, so she is not dissatisfied with this or feels relaxed, because the more people are admired and respected, the more the burden becomes. Heavy.

Ye Shenyue frowned only after seeing the injured person, because he was not looking at anyone else, but the little girl Feng, who was the younger sister who was connected with Kikyo. At this moment, Feng was firmly covering her right eye, her fingers There were bloodstains in between.

She had been injured by the debris from the collapsed house just now.

Then it hurts the eyes like the original.

"Does it hurt?"

Ye Shenyue called Feng over and touched her face with a gentle tone. This is a pink and tender little loli who has not yet grown up. She was injured like this. What should I do if my face is disfigured?

Ye Shenyue is not the kind of person who can't walk when she sees a loli, but this maple is different, not to mention that she is a loli herself, and she is very sensible as a loli, which has already made lolicon excited Now, let's talk about Maple's identity, she is the blood-connected sister of Kikyo.

In other words, this Feng is also his sister-in-law.How can a man hurt his sister-in-law?

"No...it doesn't hurt!"

Although the other hand that didn't cover her eyes was clenched due to pain, Kaede bit her lip in denial.

Really a strong boy.

"Relax...you'll be fine soon."

Ye Shenyue mobilized the power of her body to show the light that can heal people and repair everything. The beautiful silver-white brilliance and beautiful rays of light descended from the sky like a sudden pillar of the sky and enveloped the entire village. Bathed in the soft warmth that seemed to be in the arms of a mother, a strange sight appeared.

"My injury...my injury is healed!"

"The house... the house is actually being repaired!"


Both people and things are recovering.

The blood on Feng's face was also disappearing, and the hand that had covered her eyes was loosened, because she felt that her eyes were no longer painful.

Then seeing the same sight as usual, her eyes recovered.

"Thank you, Lord Ye Shenyue!"

Little Lolita blinked, this was a test and she really couldn't find any signs of injury.

"If you really thank me...then give me a kiss in return, you know that even if I use such power, I can't bear it..."

Ye Shenyue deliberately made a weak gesture.


Feng Luoli was a little hesitant, but when she thought that the other party had just saved her, and the other party was tired because of her, Feng Luoli finally made up her mind after all kinds of thoughts, and then she kissed Yeshenyue's side. Face.

It turned out to be Lolita, Ye Shenyue felt a little emotional when she touched the place she had just kissed, even though Feng Lolita didn't want anything, just as long as her Lolita identity was there, it would still make him excited.

Sure enough, it's a lolicon!

"That... Lord Ye Shenyue, is this... really want to kiss?"

Witnessing the process of Ye Shenyue being kissed, a young male villager seemed a little embarrassed.They also want to express their gratitude.

"...forget it...you can do your own thing."

Ye Shenyue is the sweat in her heart, he's not gay, okay?

"Ah... yes!"

Everyone nodded, but Ye Shenyue suddenly stood up. He had to go to the forest to see how Inuyasha was doing.

Chapter 0297 Shen Wu and Kagura (one more)

"Kankyo... Have you dealt with Inuyasha?"

It was a few minutes after Yashenyue used Guangdu to recover the injuries of the village and the villagers, and let Feng stay at home obediently before Yashenyue had time to chase Inuyasha, but it was enough time to chase Inuyasha. Inuyasha ran back and forth.

But it doesn't matter, just as he told the villagers, there is another person in the direction of the forest, and that is the pillar of the village, Mr. Kikyo.

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