Originally, Kikyo lost most of its spiritual power due to lack of faith and distractions, but because of the reason that he danced Kagura in front of his quasi-god, he regained his strength, so it is said that Inuyasha, who does not even have iron broken teeth, is an absolute enemy. But bellflower.

However, when Ye Shenyue arrived, she found that Kikyo had the arrow on her back and the longbow on her back. This was a calm state.But when she picked up the arrow, it meant that it was used just now.

Sure enough, he spotted Inuyasha who had escaped and attacked?

There are three types of archery in the Kikyo Club, seal, liberation, and demon-breaking. She likes to use the magic-breaking arrow. With her current strength, it is possible to kill Inuyasha with one arrow.

Although Ye Shenyue doesn't like boys, but no matter what, this is his child.

So... once he knows that Kikyo killed Inuyasha, then he... um... at most let Inuyasha be resurrected.Well, Ye Shenyue really does not want to have a son.

"That's a half-demon that's not too strong."

Kikyo didn't answer directly when she saw Ye Shenyue hurriedly running, "But... I didn't kill him because I found something like you from him."

the same thing?

Did Kikyo find something?

How did he tell Kikyo that Inuyasha was his son?

And since Kikyo said so, shouldn't she sense that he and Inuyasha have the same bloodline?How strong is Kikyo-sama in order to feel this kind of invisible thing at all?

Ye Shenyue's heart was up and down, but there was a smile on her mouth, "What do I have in common with him?"

As if it had nothing to do with him.

"The clothes you are wearing are very imaginative... If it wasn't for the fluctuations in hair color and strength, I would have been mistaken when I saw him running out of the woods..."


This is actually the case, well, Ye Shenyue is helpless.Sure enough, the fire rat robe should not have been chosen in the first place. Isn't this the fake Li Gui meeting the real Li Kui?

"So...you let him go? This doesn't look like what the Miko-sama did...you know that even though that kid was just unintentional, he still hurt Feng."

When I mentioned this Yagami Yue, I felt unhappy. Inuyasha's heart is not bad, but his hands and feet will still hurt ordinary people.And she's still so cute, Lolita, who doesn't even feel embarrassed to start.

If it is not possible to use Guangdu to restore it to the original, then I am afraid that Yagami Yue will not be chatting here now but go after Inuyasha. λ "But it's not your doing to let him come over to me and let me shoot..."

Kikyo's expression changed, or rather annoyed, "What's wrong with Feng Feng? It seems that I was a woman just now... I looked at the same robe as yours and couldn't do it..."

Maple and Kikyo are biological sisters linked by flesh and blood. As an older sister, Kikyo is already very guilty. Because she is a witch, she cannot convey all her feelings to her sister like other sisters. , she couldn't accompany her sister all the time, but her feelings for Feng were beyond doubt.

So when I heard that my sister was injured, the sister immediately became nervous or angry.

"never mind……"

Ye Shenyue grabbed Kikyo's sleeve and pulled her into her arms, "Kaede is fine, but it's a good punishment for us to let Inuyasha hang from a tree and blow the cold wind..."

Yagami had no doubt that if he didn't hold on to Kikyo, Kikyo would definitely shoot another arrow at Inuyasha, who was already pinned to a tree and unable to move a few hundred meters away.

At that time, it was a demon-breaking arrow that could hurt muscles and bones and even kill them.

"Well...but let's blow it for a few more nights."

Kikyo nodded and took down the long bow, Yashin Yue handed her the bow and arrow, Kikyo gave him a smile back.

It's just that she didn't have a smile on her face when she opened the pose and pulled the bow and arrow. This is the punishment for Inuyasha for accidentally hurting her sister...

harsh punishment.

"Throw away..."

Kikyo only shot an arrow, but it was more valuable than more. The arrow with the power of the seal stared at the back collar of his clothes while Inuyasha was stunned, and fixed him firmly on it.

"Damn...that witch...and that man..."

Being nailed to the top of the tree, Inuyasha struggled hard, but when Kikyo first saw him, he shot several arrows. Although it didn't hurt his life, it nailed him to the tree. It was with spiritual power. He couldn't pull the arrow out at all, and in the end...the arrow that Kikyo just shot, it had the power of a seal, making him even more immobile.

"Damn...give me the jade of four souls..."

Inuyasha was depressed.The breeze was supposed to be refreshing, but he felt a little cold...

"What are you looking at?"

The bow and arrow stopped Inuyasha without any accident, but Kikyo turned around and saw Yagami, who was sitting on the top of the tree and her face was reflected in both eyes.

This move of Ye Shenyue carried a sense of danger, and the witch instinctively felt his badness.

"Of course I'm looking at you... Kikyo, I found something, you really fit in a witch costume, and then draw your bow and shoot arrows... This pose is really beautiful... How cute..."

Ye Shenyue kept praising her, but the expression on her face was different. This guy's thinking was completely dirty, and he probably only had cosplay in his eyes.

"For example, when you roll the sheets at night, you can try it... It's better not to take off your clothes at night..."

"You... this pervert!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue say this, Mr. Kikyo with a red face almost fell to the ground stiffly, this guy really has a strong taste, and he doesn't feel ashamed to say this in the blue sky and daytime, his face is definitely thick and boundless.

The next few days were the days when Inuyasha came to "trick" and was beaten up by Yagami and Kikyo, but it didn't take too long for such a comfortable time, so Yagami and Kikyo suggested that he should go out.

Because his demon power has accumulated strong enough to start having children... No, it should be a clone.

"Create a clone."

Chapter 0298 Shen Wu and Kagura (two more)

Of course, creating a clone is not to let Ye Shenyue give birth to a child by herself, he is to create a child.Use the powerful demon power to create new life with this power.

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