Yagami doesn't have Yuko's power to create life with just a wave of his hand. He has to absorb the souls of the monsters purified by Kikyo with the Demon-Breaking Arrow, convert them into monster power, and then use this monster power to create life.

That is, using the soul to create.

Although the materials are different, Yashenyue is also a master of creating rose girls, so the creation seems mysterious and mysterious, but to put it bluntly, it is to use her strong imagery to fuse the materials into what he wants.

But now it's even simpler to use the soul directly, but it's just that it's simple and it can't be made casually in the village or in the house.

There is a reason why Yagami Yue had to hide from Kikyo and went elsewhere. His identity in this world is Naraku. Although this Naraku has been very unduly mixed with the witch ghost, what Naraku should do is still It has to be done, because Naruto is also someone who can affect the world of Inuya 07.

So I can't let Kikyo come into contact with these things too early to avoid things outside the plot, and more importantly, if he says "I have created a child", then Kikyo-sama will definitely misunderstand that he is fooling around with other women. .

Strange to say, girls in this era are so cute that they don't get angry because he has other women or looks at other women more often.

Even Kikyo remained silent about it.Sure enough, the ancients are the most loved.

Ye Shenyue deliberately found a room, because she didn't know if the clone she made was wearing clothes. Inside...the other monsters were driven away and no one was put in, and finally a barrier was made to be foolproof, and then it was a great clone.

He sat down and closed his eyes and slowly moved his hands to his chest. The power in his body began to fluctuate, but what was fluctuating was not the power from other worlds, but the demon power, that is, the purified souls of countless monsters.

Their souls were completely pulled out by Ye Shenyue and turned into something like fog without a specific shape.But it looks very cool and clear.

The hands stretched out. The soul was automatically divided into two halves, and then began to change shape.Yagami Yue already has the experience of creating life, and it is extremely easy to give birth to a life or two in this era when even a comb can become a monster, so even the power of the soul can become a new life.

The mist of the separated souls began to swirl rapidly, as if they were pinched into the shape of a human body by Ye Shenyue's seemingly motionless palm, but the shape was not enough, and he had to give them their true appearance.

Yagami is recalling the specific appearance of the two avatars separated by Naraku among the Inuyashas that she knows, so big that the specific shape is so fine that every cell has to be recalled.

So it is also very time consuming.However, Ye Shenyue and Kikyo said that he would be away for a month, so he had everything he needed to talk about time.

Time passed little by little, Ye Shenyue had closed his eyes, and he was concentrating all of his energy into it.

It may be very fast or very slow, but it may be an instant when the soul that has become a humanoid fell on him.

The person who fell was not wearing clothes, but the clothes had already flashed. It was a simple kimono, purple and white, and pure white, because there were two people.

Only one fell on Ye Shenyue's body.

"this is……"

Feeling the touch of the girl's skin on her body, Yagami suddenly opened her eyes, and then she saw the girl with her eyes closed and her body facing him and then directly touching him.

She has a beautiful face, she is very white, but even with her eyes closed, the tenacity that seems to come from the soul's desire to be free and seek freedom and happiness is displayed.

The long black hair was not curled up and slipped on the snow-white shoulders as if he had just woken up.

This is Kagura!

But she was completely naked.

Her hands subconsciously wrapped around Ye Shenyue's back, as if she was thirsting for what she wanted.


The naked girl's eyelashes began to vibrate and she woke up, but her eyes widened when she saw Ye Shenyue, and she stepped back a little like she was frightened, but she was now naked and completely Holding Ye Shenyue in her arms, she was about to fall when she leaned back.

Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed her hand to avoid falling down just after birth.Avoided her brushing the record of a stupid angel's flat-to-the-ground fall.


Kagura subconsciously thanked him only to see Ye Shenyue squat down all of a sudden.

"Hurry up and get dressed!"

Ye Shenyue tried her best to look dignified, but a certain part still cocked up disobediently.

He is clearly a majestic master, why can't his body be coordinated?

"Ah...you lecher!"

Wen Yan Kagura subconsciously covered her body, but her hand was too small, at most it made people want to see it more.However, she frowned slightly and then immediately put a smile on the corner of her eyes, she pulled out a fan that girls like to use, and there was no other movement except to fan the fan and then drop the kimono in the corner as if it was hooked Hooked and flew towards her.

Kagura turned around and buckled his belt.And Ye Shenyue has also stood up.

"Don't talk about my sex... I'm not interested in your flat figure, wait until it's comparable to my Kikyo."

I totally despise the slanderous tone. This is definitely Ye Shenyue's intention. In fact, if the 710 really looks like Kagura's body compared to Kikyo's... um... it seems to be a little better, it's just this guy, Yashenyue. He was obviously so pure and innocent when he was trying to take revenge on Kagura's "sex demon"!

However, when Kagura walked away, Yagami also saw another body on the ground.This is a pure loli, with long hair that is as pure as snow and crystal clear, not only her face but also other parts are also snow-white, it is whiter than snow, smoother than silk, and even more delicate than cow's milk. .

This is a pure child.

She had closed her eyes and slowly opened them. Her eyes were different from the lively and beating Kagura. She was very calm, as if nothing could disturb her.

With no expression on her face, she is another three-no-lori.

Ye Shenyue brought her pure white robe that fell into the corner, and carefully put it on the loli. The little loli also stretched out her hands and put it on.


However, Kagura, who watched Ye Shenyue directly pick up Shen Wuji and carefully help her put on a pure white coat and put on her own clothes, immediately became unhappy.Why is the treatment of Shen Wu, who was obviously created, like this, but hers is like this?

"...It seems that we have to do a good life chat first."

Ye Shenyue turned her head to look at Kagura, who raised her head high and said "It's really annoying to be treated unfairly" with a smile.

That's a smirk!

Chapter 0299 ​​Half-Demon Nai Luo (One More)

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