"This is my destiny."

Kikyo squeezed his hand.


Ye Shenyue was speechless because it was her choice. He wasn't the kind of person who liked to tie women to his side and force them. Ye Shenyue always let them choose, as long as they chose, he would. Respect her.

"I hope you don't stop me."

Kikyo looked at Ye Shenyue with her clear eyes, and when she was looking at her at this time, no matter how much she had in her heart, she couldn't say anything.

"Clap clap clap..."

However, at this moment, at this moment, Miss Yuko, who was regarded as air by Yagami and Kikyo at this moment, clapped her palms and changed the atmosphere.

"Congratulations to the two of you, you passed the test."

Yuko's hand gently flicked the handwriting on the ribbon of Yushenyue disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared.

ps: It is rare that the editor gave a text recommendation, so occasionally it will be updated.Four today. 1 o'clock, 10 o'clock, 15 o'clock, 20 o'clock and that's it.

Chapter 0302 Trials of Campanulaceae (two more)

"Eh... Trial?"

Yagami and Kikyo looked back strangely at Yuko, who was full of presence. The ribbon was tied to the little finger of Yuko's right hand, turning her fingers like a naughty little girl.

Yuko is sometimes a queen but sometimes she is also a spoiled child.

Although...the occasion doesn't seem right now.

"Congratulations, both of you have passed the test. In fact, there is no accident in this world, only inevitable."

Yuko continued to use her all-purpose plaster.

"Ya Shenyue, the reason why you came to this world is inevitable, and it is inevitable that you came into contact with Kikyo. When you came, although the general plot did not change, something changed."

"No one exists alone in this world. Once he does exist, he will be inextricably linked with this world."

"That is to say, it is inevitable that you will come this far, and this test is whether you have killed Kikyo for the mission, and whether Kikyo will commit suicide for you."

"Suicide for me...?"

Ye Shenyue looked at the Kikyo beside her with some confusion.What is this and suicide for him?

"If you can't complete your mission, you'll be wiped out by the world."

Miss Kikyo looked very honest and honest.


Ye Shenyue immediately stared at Yuko, but Yuko pretended to look at the mountains and rivers below, as if she didn't notice anything.

It's just that maybe she also noticed that this was escaping, so she turned her head slowly and slowly, "This is just a need for a trial, and I'm not wrong, if you can't complete the task, it won't be like that. You can't go back as you think, but will be wiped out by the power of the world, and then resurrected in place and return to the original world as a mission failure."

"...You didn't tell me the other half, did you?"

Hearing this, Kikyo, who is very simple or respectful because of Yuko's aura, couldn't help it, "However, even if this is the case, I will choose to sacrifice myself. This is my choice."

Even if you can be resurrected, you can't watch your loved ones get killed.

This feeling is indelible.

It's like knowing that the person he likes is very brainless but still wants to help him realize it. This kind of stupid person is only a person who has fallen in love.

"Ala... is that really true?"

Yuko turned her head cutely, "But didn't everyone like the result? You are willing to complete the task for him, and he gave up the task for you. This has completed the trial."


Although Yuko seemed to be justifying herself, Yagami still sensed something was wrong.

In the end... Who was the one who set this mission in the first place!Why... I always feel like I'm leaning towards him no matter what.

"So what is the result of the trial? You can't fool us with cheap goods! Anyway, Kikyo doesn't have to die!"

Ye Shenyue is indeed the person who knows Yuko best, just like Yuko knows him best, since the Great Demon King of Yuko has come to visit, besides having nothing to do, he is doing business.

Therefore, the appearance fee should not be low as soon as she appears, and then the reward cannot be low.

If Kikyo were to die, he would definitely choose to fail the direct mission, but she had already erased the writing, so there should be no such mission.

"Don't be in such a hurry what happens!"

Yuko glared at Yeshenyue dejectedly, as if Yeshenyue had hurt her suddenly, how could it be possible that Queen Yuko's heart was so hard to be hurt like this?If he was hurt, he would have been devastated.

"This reward is that in the original plot, Naraku killed Kikyo and changed Kikyo to choose to go to hell. She will stay there for fifty years anyway."

"……What's the meaning?"

into hell?

"She can get as much power as she manages in hell. This is the way to rapidly increase her power and become a god. This way is much more reliable than your task."


Ye Shenyue has a sense of contradiction that she doesn't want to complain but she really wants to complain.

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