But he is not a fool. Kikyo said that he became a god. He seems to understand a little bit. After all, he is a candidate for God, and he is greatly favored. Even if the mission fails, he can be killed in place and then resurrected to continue, so no matter what, he always has One day he will become a true God, and who can really be by his side at that time?

Unless people with supernatural powers turn women into gods, then they can only be ordinary people or live longer than ordinary people, so the best way is to let them work hard, such as Youchan, Ariel and others. Chris, these are all big monsters and big monsters who have lived for many centuries. The power of these guys has been infinitely close to God...

So, having some power is still very important.

"Kiankyo, please, for our future."

Ye Shenyue held Kikyo in her arms again, "As you said, even if the broken red line is connected, there is still a gap, but after that gap is over, it will be endless eternity. The red thread was taken from Miss Yuko, and I won't lie."

"However...if you see the monsters that have broken our red line in the past, whether it is the eighteenth floor or the thirty-sixth floor of hell, give them a visit!"

There seems to be fire in Ye Shenyue's eyes. They are all those bastard monsters who don't understand the atmosphere. If it weren't for them, then maybe he and Kikyo really wouldn't have these complexities and differences.

"...hehe...they must have been in hell."

Ye Shenyue had a righteous face and a serious face, but said such words like a child's anger, and Kikyo-sama almost lost her identity as a witch and began to laugh.

At that time, Ye Shenyue tormented those monsters back then, she still remembered that, although she didn't have a cold for monsters, the scene of those stupid and fierce monsters begging for mercy with snot and tears was indeed very interesting. Hard to forget.I'm afraid those monsters have decided not to be monsters in the next life.

"and this."

Ye Shenyue took out the natural teeth that she had always treasured. "You hold this knife, it should be useful in hell."

Although Kikyo is a shrine maiden who is good at using arrows with 0.2 power, it is also good to bring this sword.

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered that Sesshomaru's natural tooth was much worse than his natural tooth in terms of quality and strength, and it would turn the world upside down at the periphery of hell, then if Kikyo had this tooth Doesn't a knife do everything?Yagami Moon has completely fallen into the stage of being in love with Yuko.

People at this stage will give them to their lovers, whether they are precious things they can use, just for the lover's smile.

It's like this.

The gentle wind blows her hair, and her flowery smile floats in the air.

ps: Thanks to 834697091, all this is not, hicker0's flowers and monthly pass, saying that hicker0, you have perseverance every day...

Chapter 0303 Goodbye Inuyasha (three more)

"Not good... Inuyasha attacked the village!"

The villagers shouted and a figure in a red robe flashed on the roof. It was Inuyasha with bare feet, a pair of pure white ears, and a smug smile on his face. .

Inuyasha was very happy at this time.

Because the first time he attacked the village for the Jade of Four Souls was blocked by Ye Shenyue, but this time, it was different.

"I let you go. Kikyo has already been injured because of the Jade of Four Souls. I don't want to hurt her again because of this kind of thing. If you can take it away, take it away."

This is what the black-haired man, the man in the fire rat robe, said, and it was he who helped him pull out the long arrow that was given to him by the shrine maiden.

Inuyasha almost understood what happened and what happened.

It seems that the shrine maiden who protects the Four Souls Jade was injured, and then the man was displeased and didn't want her to live like this again, and then deliberately let him, who is thirsty for the Four Soul Jade, steal the Four Soul Jade!

"Chikyo...you have today, but you have an inner ghost!"

The wind blowing is also cool, because at the moment Inuyasha is proud of the spring breeze.

"The monster ran 07 in the direction of the shrine... not good... he has already broken through!"

The villagers could only scream helplessly, and Inuyasha had already landed in the shrine, and then his glasses widened, and he saw the jade of the four souls placed in the center.

"The Jade of the Four Souls...get it!"

Inuyasha didn't bother at all, and then grabbed the Jade of the Four Souls with one hand, "Stupid humans, stupid witches... hum hum hum... When I come back, I will be a complete monster!"

Inuyasha made a smug voice, but just when he was about to run into the forest, a person appeared in front of the wooden board of the shrine.Wearing a witch costume and holding a bow and arrow.

Inuyasha recognized it at once, but he was gnashing his teeth, because this person was not the woman who shot him into a tree for a week, Miko Kikyo!

Kikyo...why did Kikyo appear?

Didn't mean... didn't she mean she was injured?No, she was injured, there was blood on her right shoulder and it looked badly injured.


Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, but Kikyo's bow and arrow did not slow down, but shot out.

Sealed Arrow.

The long arrow flew so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all.

"why is it like this……"

Inuyasha was shot by an arrow from Kikyo to the tree and was firmly nailed to it.

The Four Soul Jade in his hand fell to the ground.

"Because...you were deceived..."

Yagami's figure flashed beside Inuyasha, and she picked up the Jade of Four Souls that rolled on the ground. "Inuyasha, you will be sealed for fifty years. If you really want to blame, then blame me, remember my name, Naraku!"

Son... It was really used for pits.

Yagami turned her head silently, and mourned for Inuyasha for ten seconds.

He just took a step, but he seemed to remember something and turned around, "Maybe someone will unlock your seal in fifty years. The girl at that time was your half-sister."


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