Although it felt very strange and strange, when did his father have a daughter again, but the power of the sealing arrow was activated, and Inuyasha slowly... lost consciousness and was sealed.

"Tsk tsk..."

poor child.

Ye Shenyue pushed the trumped-up glasses on the bridge of her nose, as if at this moment he had returned to his identity as April [-]st, watching Inuyasha with the mood of a bystander.

Just, now.

"Goodbye, Kikyo, we'll see you in fifty years."

Ye Shenyue kissed the bellflower that looked seriously injured on her right shoulder, and bright red blood spilled out, staining her pure white shirt red.


Kikyo also kissed Ye Shenyue, which was one of the few active kisses she ever had, "Next time I'll drag you to hell."

It was as if a curse had been set.

"A Feng, burn my body and the Four Soul Jade together! I want to take this thing to other worlds."

Kikyo seemed to be stunned, but if you pay attention, you will find that there may still be a smile on the corner of her mouth.


The speed of spontaneous combustion of Kikyo Sama was very fast, the firewood burned all at once, and then the radiant Four Soul Jade shone with light as if it had brought something to other worlds.


"It's a really good show."

In the shrine, Yuko Sama took a light sip of wine, "This pure ancient spirit is really's delicious..."

“The side dishes are also very good.”

"Peanuts are also delicious, and Mokola is satisfied."

The bulging and black Makona was also patting her belly, and they seemed to be in a good mood, but they were staring at the mirror that Yuko brought casually. In the mirror, it was the scene where Kikyo sealed Inuyasha and then spontaneously ignited. .

"I'm really embarrassed to deceive them like this, but after being a witch for so long, it seems good to relax once in a while."

On the other side, the shrine maiden who was also drinking sips nodded her head in agreement.Originally, I couldn't drink because I was worried about my body, but now it's different. She's not her anymore, but she's her again.

And this one is wearing a witch's costume, with black hair and beautiful face, isn't this a Kikyo?

"This is what it feels like to play with the world... Although it's boring if God becomes ruthless, but it's a good choice to play occasionally..."

Ye Shenyue on the other side was drinking wine. He really couldn't drink this wine. Of course, if someone was feeding it, he could continue to consider it.

Yes, they are acting, they are acting.

Acting according to the plot of the original work, Samma Kikyo was injured in the process of eliminating the demon, then died and finally spontaneously ignited and brought the jade of the four souls to other worlds.Then in 460, Kagome appeared fifty years later.

But this is all a deception. In fact, the person who spontaneously ignited is not the real body of Kikyo, but it is just an illusion. In fact, it is not her soul that has crossed time and space because of the flickering of the Four Soul Jade.

"Okay, it's time for me to go too, now I just hope..."

Children can grow up naturally in another world.

Kikyo stood up, and a bow and arrow appeared behind her. This was the reward given by Yuko, a bow and arrow that would never end.As long as she draws an arrow, a new arrow will appear in the quiver.And on her waist is a natural tooth given to her by Yagami Yue. Although Kikyo shirks it, it is definitely the most suitable weapon in hell, so Yagami Yue forces her to accept it no matter what.

"Fifty years, my battlefield has to start."

Kikyo suddenly turned around and hugged Ye Shenyue, giving him a heavy kiss on the neck. "See you in fifty years."

She was obviously a holy witch, but when she said this, a purple passage suddenly appeared on the ground. She walked down a little bit. This was the road to hell. Only the souls of all kinds of troubled spirits can reach the ultimate goal.


Ye Shenyue looked at her fascinatedly and nodded vigorously, "I'll wait for you."


Gently looking back is the most beautiful picture, this smile is as gentle as the softest spring breeze, which has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Chapter 0304 Miss Yuko's petty business spirit (four more)

"Drink, drink, drink again!"

Ye Shenyue drank three glasses of wine in a row, and there was obviously no beautiful girl to persuade her to drink.But the sadness of separating the girls came to my mind all of a sudden.

"When the water is cut off with a knife, the water will flow more, and raising a glass will make you worry even more."

Yuko put down the wine glass and actually read a Tang poem. "It's just a woman, what are you doing?"

"The Kikyo is not an ordinary woman..."

It's really not an ordinary woman, Ye Shenyue is a person with a heart that can't be saved. Others are at most two boats and then start to be complacent, but he is different. He drives a whole fleet! Although he is very flowery. Heart, but definitely not promiscuous, he really likes his women, but now he can only watch Kikyo go to hell to hone...

I can't do anything myself, and I feel depressed.

"The Kikyo is indeed not an ordinary woman,"

However, Miss Yuko repeated it again and again and then, "Don't you want to know what was transmigrated to other worlds because of the Four Soul Jade?"


Ye Shenyue looked at her suspiciously, "What else could it be besides Kikyo's soul?"

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