Ye Shenyue originally wanted to just hold her, but as soon as she took a step, she immediately hugged her, and the little loli's body ran into his arms again.

It's definitely an infinite glory for Lolicon, but anyway now... it's a little different.

Because, just as he moved away, there was a light rain at his spot, and the rain suddenly fell without any warning.

"This is……"

Ye Shenyue didn't deliberately hug Xiaoyu, but he felt danger. Men don't have the sixth sense of women, but Ye Shenyue's sixth sense is also good, and every time he turns bad luck into good luck.

Just like now, if he doesn't avoid it, then the person who is regarded as a jerk will definitely be him!

And this person who rains deliberately has a deliberate intention.

"This is... the fat times of black lace..."

Chapter 0306 Under the Cherry Blossom Conference (two more)

" beast!"

The rain maiden in her black dress falling from the sky almost fell unsteadily.

"As soon as you see a girl, you show a lewd and evil look, and I curse you to be lonely and old for life!"

It's just that a certain rain maiden from the rain spirit immediately wanted to exercise the power of the goddess of calamity.

"It's your own accident... The skirt always has such a big opening..."

Ye Shenyue was still holding Xiao Yu with one hand and covering her forehead with the other hand, as if she was speechless.It seems that everything is the fault of the rain virgins.

Indeed, if the hem of her skirt really wasn't that big, it wouldn't have been puffed up and seen by him.

Maybe, maybe the Rain Maiden can change her name to a elf who will show fat times.

" stop arguing..."

However, at this time, a lady with long purple hair in a dark blue kimono appeared beside Yu Douji.

This is a maiden with a pure soul and body.

This is the Zashiki virgin, and the rain virgin hugged the Zashiki virgin as soon as she stretched out her hand. "Stay close to me, if you get too close to him you'll be defiled..."

Yutong Nu said with a proud face, as if she was talking about the truth of the world.

Hey Hey hey!

Rain Virgin, you are going too far!Even I haven't even passed the seated virgin, and you actually hugged her waist directly!If it wasn't for sure that Yu virgin had no other thoughts, such as lily lily or something, Ye Shenyue would definitely snatch Zashiki virgin over.

"If it is said that it will be defiled if you get close, then now that I touch your hand, you shouldn't be pregnant like this!" Ye Shenyue is also angry, this guy is always belittling him, so Ye Shenyue also starts to feel sick Yu virgin, he grabbed her hand at the fastest speed he currently had when Yu virgin couldn't react at all.

"Let go... let go... pervert..."

The Rain Virgin began to struggle violently and intensely.

"Unless you don't call me a pervert, of course not a beast."

Ye Shenyue stared at her.

Rain Maiden bit her lip.

He also stared at him fiercely.

After three seconds.

"I agree, I won't call you that."

It's not a glorious thing to be a dignified rain girl and then be caught by a man.

Really evil.

Yu virgin herself doesn't know why every time she falls into the world, she is always seen as fat by someone...

"That's fine...I don't want to keep holding you."

Ye Shenyue shrugged, then turned around and let out a cheerful sentence that made a certain virgin angry again...

"Introduce yourself first, Rain Girl."

Although I was in a bad mood at the beginning, but now I am in front of so many people, so I still have to have basic etiquette.

It's just that when Yu virgin's eyes fell on Xiao Kui, she wanted to avoid it subconsciously, but she showed a suspicious look and sat down.

She looked at Yuko with searching eyes, Yuko nodded, and she relaxed.

Sure enough, it was an elves. Ye Shenyue saw Yu virgin's reaction in her eyes. Yu virgin claimed to be a pure elves, so she was very sensitive to bad things. Maybe she had seen Xiaokui before and regarded Xiaokui as a disaster star. , so she wanted to run, but when she looked at Xiaokui, she was quiet again, because she couldn't feel the aura of disaster that was constantly coming out.

So... just an ordinary person?

Really ordinary people?

It's weird, it's definitely not ordinary for an ordinary person to become a monster!

"Yo~~ they're all here... I wonder if I can join in too?"

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue felt that the plump and full double peaks were pressed on her back, which was the body of a woman.

"Why are you here all of a sudden? And you know we're here?"

This is a spider girl, a spider spirit who has a shady relationship with Ye Shenyue.

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