Yuko invited a lot of people, but this spider girl doesn't seem to be included, how did she come?

The spider girl directly pressed her face against Ye Shenyue's face, and rubbed it a few times, "There are many of my family members in this world, that is, there are many sight lines, even if you are taking a shower, I can know. "


You have turned into a stalker!

Ye Shenyue wants to complain so much, but the spider in this corner is really hard to guard against, but after being reminded by the spider girl, Ye Shenyue suddenly has an idea, if he can also have such "surveillance", Then can you pretend to be open and honest and peep at all kinds of girls.

Think of it and do it!

"That... spider girl... there is something we can discuss..."

Ye Shenyue immediately pulled the spider girl aside.Well, he has long been out of discipline for such things.

"Oh... So you have this kind of interest... It seems that you are more monsters than us... No, your current aura is also a monster, and it is even more wicked than us who are called evil..."

"Ahem...it's just an ordinary hobby...hobby..."

Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed.

"Okay...Since it's your idea, then I'll satisfy you...but you have to pay some price accordingly..."

The spider girl didn't continue to tease Ye Shenyue, or they were actually the same people, what's the point of teasing each other? "Uh... I'm happy."

He has everything the Spider Girl asks for, anyway, why not do it if you are good and everyone is good?


Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a... No, it should be many, many strange sight lines.

There is a feeling of being completely seen through.

"April [-]st, what interesting things are you thinking about? Take a peek, take a peek and lend me a word, I can hear these key words clearly~~" However, at this moment, Yuko's voice came out. came out.

Ye Shenyue turned her head stiffly, and he was surprised to find that in addition to Yu virgin, Miss Yuko and Xiao Yu looked up at him, everyone else lowered their heads, as if they heard something very, very embarrassing words, and then because the girl The child bowed his head shyly.

But these are secondary, what Ye Shenyue noticed is that they are wearing a pair of cat ears on their heads~ These are not ordinary cat ears, and the spider girl's head, I don't know when He also put on cat ears~~ That is to say... that his No. [-] spider girl's whispers were heard by these people!


Thinking of this possibility, Ye Shenyue almost wanted to cover her face or find a hole to dig in.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It's really a beast, look... I'll say this kind of person is a complete beast, and now he's still a pervert," Rain Girl tapped the ground hard with her umbrella, puff puff With a puff, she said these words to the Zashiki virgin sitting next to her, "Now, even the uncivilized spiders are not spared!"

Not even a spider!

Why is this sentence so like to describe a person who is too beast, even boys don't let go?

This last sentence is a complete slander, okay?How could he even spare the spiders?Obviously the male spider didn't want to say...

"By the way... On April [-]st, I received two more tasks during your absence. Which one do you want to choose?"

Queen Yuko expressed her calmness, she was used to things that happened to Yeshen Yuewu at least early, so she was the most calm one, but she wanted to add a glass of wine, but the bottle couldn't be poured no matter how she poured it. , with a bit of a boring expression on his face, but then he remembered something as if he had discovered a new continent, and said to Ye Shenyue.

"Another mission? Forgive me..."

Ye Shenyue sighed heavily. He didn't want to go to another world and come back quickly. It was so boring, he couldn't even understand the scenery clearly.

"Are you sure you don't?"

The slender white and tender fingers gently slid the wine glass, and Yuko-sama's tone was playful, "Even if it is the kingdom of loli and the kingdom of vampires, don't you want to go and see?"

"I don't want to... er... wait... what did you say?"

Ye Shenyue didn't even think about it before she refused, but she just shook her head and immediately returned to her senses.

The kingdom of bloodsucking and the kingdom of loli...what is this?

Well, Yagami admits that he is attracted again.

"The kingdom of vampires is of course the kingdom of vampires. If you can become a vampire and suck the blood of girls at will, you can still use such completely reasonable reasons as being a vampire, isn't it fun?"

Yuko continued to rub the rim of the cup with her fingers, "And the so-called loli country is a country full of loli's style and affection. Isn't it heaven for some people with hobbies?"


Yu Zi stood up at once, "Since you don't want to go, then I'll just send someone... um... Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan can already leave the store, so it's a good choice to send them separately, Yo Xi …”

"Just do it!"

Yuko-sama had completely stood up and turned around.

"Wait...wait a minute..."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly grabbed and hugged Yuko's thigh, hugging her thigh or something is absolutely disgraceful, but if it was Yuko who was hugging, then everything was reasonable!

"I'm going... I'm going!"

Being a vampire and a lolicon, no matter which one is very tempting!

ps: Next is the world of Oda Nobuna, don't worry it won't be long.Lolita is the main heroine, supplemented by the plot.

Chapter 0307 One city, one country, one harem (one more)

What's the most important thing for a veritable lolicon?

is life?Is it money?is power?

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