How serious, with a serious face!

" guys..."

Ye Shenyue almost got angry, "I saved your lord... If this happens again, I'll go to Imagawa Yoshimoto! She's cute anyway!"

Ye Shenyue flicked his sleeves even though the sleeves of his current clothes were very tight, not the long and domineering sleeves of ancient people.

"Imagawa Yoshimoto? Is he really a spy?"

Singer is absolutely brave, and Ye Shenyue has already marked her with such a label in her heart.It's just that the Singer at this moment has a serious look on his face.

"Wait... Anyway, he came to defect to me first, if that's the case" Maybe there was a competitor who would have a bargaining chip, so Oda Nobuna drank the surrounding people, "Take him back first, even if not Looking at other things, it is worth entertaining him just because he helped me just now, so as not to be gossiped by others."

"My lord... all right."

Singer obviously still doesn't want to let go, she is a serious and loyal person, but Xinna can only nod her head after saying this.

"I can't ride a horse..."

It just seemed that he had entered the Oda Army, but Yagami refused to mount. "And I'm allergic to men..."


Now Oda Nobuna didn't know what to say, she suddenly felt that there was a problem with her vision.

"I want to ride with Singer."

Taking advantage of the current Shinna is Lixian Corporal Ye Shenyue also expressed her true thoughts.

"My lord, forgive me for not being able to obey..."

Singer refused with a serious face. Although she was not very smart, she always felt dangerous when she looked at Ye Shenyue's harmless expression, like a big bad wolf opening a bloodbath to a weak sheep. Like a big mouth, if you don't pay attention, it will be swallowed by the other party.

"Then I'll go with Shinna..."

Ye Shenyue's voice was very soft, but Singer could hear it clearly, or it was only said to Singer.

" guy!"

Singer clenched his fists, then.

Then there is no more.

"Then let's go back to the tail!"

Shinna jumped onto the horse at once. Although she was almost killed this time, she was still full of vigor and vitality.

She just saw Ye Shenyue's lips move and Singer agreed. Although she was a little puzzled, she still believed in her first general, Singer.

Shouldn't be so easy to take advantage of.

However, Oda Nobuna's ideal is plump and full, but the reality is the backbone.

"Singer, how many measurements are there? Well... you may not understand this age, so put it another way, bust, waist, hip..."

Ye Shenyue was sitting right behind the Sheng family, and they rode the same horse together.It's just that Ye Shenyue is not honest, or he is taking revenge, and he actually wants to arrest him with a serious face. If he doesn't show his power, he will really treat him as Hello Kitty!

"But I think you are busy practicing martial arts and must not have measured it, let me help..."

for...why is this...

Singer's hand on the reins was about to loosen, why...the strength seemed to be taken away, and she couldn't use it at all, but her thoughts didn't last long.

The man's hand fell from her shoulder at some point.

This is a good time, for example, girls in this era don't wear bras.

" don't move..."

Singer shouted loudly, and the person in front turned back and she stopped talking immediately, but her face was red and couldn't be more red.

The face of the first general... must have been lost! ...

"That's it, this is the new Yagami Yue. Hmm... The current position is Ashikari."

Shinnai, who returned to his old nest, said that Ashikaru is a low-ranking soldier, but he is better than the lowest-ranking soldier.

"Um... Since it is to save Shinna, then give 100 points! Then, his wish, his wish to join the Oda Army!"

The one who spoke was a blue-haired royal sister who was very pretty in a purple kimono.

Niwa Nagahide, this is her name.It is also the core figure of the auxiliary belief.

This is an important place for Oda Nobuna's discussion. All the key people are here. Although they are key people, here... one, two, three...all girls.

Ye Shenyue's face was righteous, even though the Singer in the corner was still blushing, this fellow didn't know how many times he molested her along the way.Now I feel like I have no face.

This is an era of war and chaos. In order to prevent children from killing each other for power, people of each family have decided that the first child born is a boy or a girl as their heir, and because of this restriction... Now, there are endless situations of female generals...

Just like now, whether it is Oda Nobuna or Shibata Katsuya, Niwa Nagahide are all cute girls... These fathers are really too loving.

However, Niwa Nagahide was looking at Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue was also looking at her.

This is the case with the gentle lady with thorns.

Although the current Changxiu looks very mild, who knows the real situation?This is a rose, beautiful with thorns.

"My wish, I hope to have one country and one city and then raise a harem!"

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