Ye Shenyue stood up immediately, there was no unnatural expression on his face, because these words were completely from his sincerity.

It's just that after he said that, the girls who were still close... suddenly retreated a long way.

Did they instinctively feel threatened?

A woman's sixth sense is indeed a scary thing.

"Clap clap clap..."

However, there was applause at this time, and Oda Nobuna clapped on the top, "Although the purpose is disrespectful, but you have the courage to say it so boldly."

Appreciated by Xinna, although the first half of the sentence must be ignored, Ye Shenyue was also inspired, "I am a person from five hundred years later, and I came here by accident, for this purpose, but after completing the Before my purpose, I will help you achieve the goal of unifying Japan."

"Unify... unify Japan!"

This is a lofty ambition. You must know that Oda Shinna has always been called "stupid Shinna" and her unification of Japan is only regarded as a wish, just a wish. A wish can be dreamed, but it is difficult in reality. 2.7 stuff implemented.

But if it is a goal, then it is different. The goal is something that is realized little by little in reality.

"I'll help you, trust me."

Ye Shenyue knelt down on one knee, grabbed Xinnai's hand, and kissed it gracefully. This was a gentleman's greeting.

"This... this person runs so fast... 50 points."

Niwa Nagahide was surprised to see that one sentence exceeded everyone's expectations, rushed to Shinna and took her hand, Yagami Moon.


Oda Nobuna has never been understood, but this time it seems that he has found a confidant, so his voice trembles.


Ye Shenyue nodded, "So..."

His face became serious, and he said with a serious face, "So give me Inuchiyo first."

Inu Chiyo is wearing a tiger hat in this council room, holding a very cute little loli in one hand.

ps: The picture is Niwa Nagahide.

Chapter 0309 Young girl, can't make a move (one more)

"'s really pitiful..."

Ye Shenyue came to the residential area with her head in her hands. Although it was a residential area, these should I put it, they can't compare with Kikyo's village. Although they are all short, why...why are there spider webs? Kind of something!

"Because you're only living in Ashgaru, it's pretty good."

Inuchiyo, who was wearing a tiger hat, continued to talk while holding the gun.Because of Yagami's words, Inuchiyo was sent by Shinna to take care of him.

Well, in fact, Xinnai and the others were wrong. In their opinion, no one would attack Loli, but they still looked down on Ye Shenyue too much.Even if this guy is a young girl... he can do it, because the Inuchiyo at this time is not much older than the young girl.

"Okay 07... Now we can only do this for now... But... you will live here too."

Yagami squatted down and grabbed Inuchiyo's small body.

The milky fragrance unique to the little loli is really addicting.

Ye Shenyue came to this world for the sake of loli, so how could she give up this first loli?

"No...don't move...touch...touch something strange..."

The poor first spear commander of the Oda Army has no experience in stopping Yagami.Can only keep twisting the small body.

"Ah...I'm so sorry|..."

Yagami let go of Inuchiyo as if waking up from a dream.

"Chiyo Inu, how about staying here tonight?"

Ye Shenyue found a chair in the room and sat down reluctantly.

"Stay... stay?"

The female general hesitated. "The reception that the lord said should... not include these..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... What if I have a problem? Since I am entertaining and protecting me, I have to be close..."

Ye Shenyue is persuading.

" seems..."

Inu Chiyo let go.

"That's right, it's reasonable, so... um... Uncle, why are you looking at me all the time? I don't do it."

The uncle in the next room looked at Yeshenyue eagerly, which made Yeshenyue feel big.

"What's a kina?"

Of course, the uncle didn't know the meaning of it, "Actually... I think my little brother is a talent at such a young age, and he is proficient in methods. It really reminds me of a young me. At that time, the old man was also a talent... Forget it... It's all over, we meet. It's better to meet by chance, since the little brother has been favored and valued by Lord Xinnai, then... the old man will also introduce my daughter, she and the little brother are definitely a good match."


Just got married for no reason?

Well, Ye Shenyue was a little excited, "Let her in so quickly."

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